I remember driving 15 miles to Toys R Us something like 48 days in a row trying to get the Han Solo and Taun Taun exclusive. What a glorious 48th day it was, walking in and seeing four of them stacked at the end of the aisle! The thrill of the hunt is almost non-existent now. Even back when you had the Priority Pre-Order stuff with early Sideshow, there was an element of "am I going to get through or not?!?!". Now, it's an e-mail, leisurely click on the link, rant for 10 minutes about the price, order...Good times.
Toysrus must have been so sick of my incessant calling about things coming out. All the local shops must have been sick of me. I was always hunting for the 12" figures. I liked them a lot back then. Of course now they sit in storage crates haha.