Super Freak
This Ford portrait is leagues better than DX-05. Only thing I've seen that can compete is SSC's Hoth Han proto.
Has it yet been confirmed that SS will be distributing these?
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With items belonging to Stormie turning out as exclusive, does that means we will not be getting HT Stormies?![]()
This is an easy buy for me as well as Chewie. Together with SS C-3PO and R2 this will be a good year. Or more like two years. LOL Farmboy Luke and a good Leia sculpt next.
It seems like the sculpt is too wide in the cheeks and jaw, it's just weird how it kind of looks like him at some angles, and then not much at all at others.
I saw this picture and them your comment and agree 100%.
I was also thinking whoever said maybe Ford hasn't given his sign off might be on to something. Lucasfilm has the right to let people produce Han Solo. Who knows what you need to do to produce a Harrison Ford. I thought I saw somewhere there was the same issue with Sigourny Weaver/Ripley.
Praise the lord.
But that stuntman headsculpt has to be replaced with something resembling the real Han Solo.
Someone said in another thread that Sideshow wouldn't ship international anymore (at least for HT) so the exclusive will be only for US citizens to enjoy?