Super Freak
I ordered the head and robe from V2 to put on my RO Vader. I'll see how it looks but I really want more of the ANH Vader look.
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Those comparisons are great. My Vader is now:
- Boots (seem to be identical with the straps added)
- Gloves
- Cape
- Belt + Belt Boxes
- Everything else
At this point I'm not sure I would upgrade anything else based on the available parts from these three figures. He looks pretty awesome to me now -- the boot straps were just an added little bonus as I liked them on the Rogue One figure (but they didn't fit ANH) and liked the results from the ANH customizers who added them.
Jeez I'm so behind on the latest consensus of the perfect Vader build. I know that the original ANH was pretty bulky. I didn't really keep up with the necessary mods, did you remove any under-suit to slim him down?
I hiked up the pants as far as they would go, and this allowed the cod piece to sit normally. I like the bulk of the upper body and even the legs have a heft to them that I think I prefer (the R1 legs look to lean to me).
The new Vader looks great and is probably a better baseline Vader, but I would still change out the outer robe to the Rogue One version and maybe pick up the ANH chest box (this preference is pretty split) and maybe the chest armor (due to the weathering, if you have paint skills there’s no need).
Body on V2 still has enough heft—maybe slightly improved arm and leg proportions from those comparison pics. Body suit is a touch shinier but acceptable and doesn’t seem to have the puffiness of the ANH suit (meaning that each part between the stitching had a raised look).
The problem is they gave RO Vader & the Tarkin ANH v2 Vader the hilt from ESB, not ANH. Can't blame them with the RO since Disney screwed up and it's film accurate, but why they gave the Tarkin Vader the wrong hilt makes no sense since the 1st release was correct.
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Since I own the MR full size ANH Vader lightsaber hilt, & the .45 scale ESB hilt it would bother me. Just like if/when HT releases a ROTJ Vader & again give him either the 1st ANH version hilt, or the RO v2 ANH hilt... rather than a proper ROTJ hilt.
ROTJ Vader should come with the ESB hilt, that is the accurate one he used in ESB, not what MR made
Yes, that is what I'm saying, ESB Vader saber was used in both ESB and ROTJ. Check out RPF and Prop Den, there are long discussions about this.
Lol! What parts?