How the hell could they have recovered the Vader saber. It fell in the shaft that Palpatine fell into and the entire Death Star blew up.
No limbs were lost but she does strike his lightsaber disabling it.
And yes the cracked crystal being from Vader's lightsaber is a pretty common theory. In Aftermath there are some collector people who are trying to acquire the lightsaber.
How the hell could they have recovered the Vader saber. It fell in the shaft that Palpatine fell into and the entire Death Star blew up.
The crystal would have been completely destroyed in the explosion. The whole lightsaber itself would have been destroyed too.
That's just speculation though. We have no idea what happened with it when it fell down the shaft. Maybe it was expelled somehow from the Death Star into space prior to it exploding.
Also just to elaborate, they never technically confirm whether or not it's actually Darth Vader's lightsaber in Aftermath, but I would imagine it was. The people who buy it said they planned to destroy it to return it to it's master in death. So it could be that is the last it will ever be heard of.
Just as we have no idea if Snoke is Plagueis, just speculation.
We have the writer/Director of the film telling us he isn't. No one confirmed Vader's lightsaber is destroyed. I don't see the similarities.
It's true - and I really like Driver as a performer too.
A really weird - and sorta lame - thing about the character is I just didn't understand why he even had a helmet (other than he's a villain in a SW movie)
He took his helmet on and off like most people do hats. Vader couldn't survive without his helmet, and others like Fett never remove their helmets, yet Kylo Ren's helmet doesn't seem to serve any actual purpose and so he randomly pops it on and off.
Actually, every time he removed the helmet in the movie he had a reason for it. The reason for the helmet was to protect his head, just check the battle damage on it.
Also, same as the Templars and other orders in human history had similar helmets among their members. The same apply to the Knights of ren, it seems.
Actually, every time he removed the helmet in the movie he had a reason for it. The reason for the helmet was to protect his head, just check the battle damage on it.
Also, same as the Templars and other orders in human history had similar helmets among their members. The same apply to the Knights of ren, it seems.
Actually, every time he removed the helmet in the movie he had a reason for it. The reason for the helmet was to protect his head, just check the battle damage on it.
Also, same as the Templars and other orders in human history had similar helmets among their members. The same apply to the Knights of ren, it seems.
I see the similarities. JJ denied every single theory. I don't know why you act as if what JJ said at a convention multiple months before the movie came out denying a theory qualifies as "fact." Why would he spoil the movie by telling the truth? Directors lie all the time. Same with actors.
You think if you asked George way back then if Vader was Luke's father he would tell you the truth?
You're right. You solved the mystery. JJ/Andy Serkis/Pablo Hidalgo/The Art book are all lying to us so they can surprise millions of people who have no idea who Plagueis is, that Snoke is Plagueis.
JJ isn't directing the next two movies. When was he planning to unveil the big secret.Dumpster fan theories need to go back in the episode 7 discussion thread. Back to Kylo Ren like what I was originally talking about when this craziness got brought back up again.
You're right. You solved the mystery. JJ/Andy Serkis/Pablo Hidalgo/The Art book are all lying to us so they can surprise millions of people who have no idea who Plagueis is, that Snoke is Plagueis.
JJ isn't directing the next two movies. When was he planning to unveil the big secret.Dumpster fan theories need to go back in the episode 7 discussion thread. Back to Kylo Ren like what I was originally talking about when this craziness got brought back up again.
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