Hot Toys MMS 446 - The Last Jedi Rey (Jedi Training)

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Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Yeah I noticed that as well. It doesn’t mean that Kylo isn’t extending his hand out to Rey, but those particular scenes don’t look like they really match up even though they have similar lighting. It makes me wonder though who IS Kylo reaching out to? Looking forward to finding out.

I still believe he's reaching out to Rey - his soft facial expression, the upturned palm... It makes most sense if it's Rey - or *maybe* Leia, but I think the chances are much higher it's Rey. Even if the shot of Rey doesn't match.
Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

I still believe he's reaching out to Rey - his soft facial expression, the upturned palm... It makes most sense if it's Rey - or *maybe* Leia, but I think the chances are much higher it's Rey. Even if the shot of Rey doesn't match.

Rey and Leia are certainly high possibilities. Especially Rey like you said. I also think it could be Luke that he’s extending his hand to. If they go the route where Ben turns back to the light, he could be reaching to Luke to join forces again.

And if it is Rey, it might not be that Rey is turning to the darkside like what they’re implying, but again that he’s joining her. The way they cut it in the trailer though could be meant to mislead us as to who’s joining who. I think they’re definitely throwing us off in some way. No way they’d give away such a spoiler like that. Would they?? Lol.

As far as the figure goes, looking forward to seeing the promo pictures. I wonder if it’ll come with a light-up arm?
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Leia survives (no spoiler - it was widely reported when CF died that she had a larger role in Ep IX,) so it's likely he tries to kill her (if the Kylo's fighter/Leia intercut of the trailer is to be believed) then doesn't.

Would seem pretty funny if he kills Dad in VII then kills Mom in VIII, right?

Rey and Leia are certainly high possibilities. Especially Rey like you said. I also think it could be Luke that he’s extending his hand to. If they go the route where Ben is redeemed and turns back to the light, he could be reaching to Luke to join forces again.

And if it is Rey, it might not be that Rey is turning to the darkside like what they’re implying, but again that he’s joining her. The way they cut it in the trailer though could be meant to mislead us as to who’s joining who. I think they’re definitely throwing us off in some way. No way they’d give away such a spoiler like that. Would they?? Lol.

As far as the figure goes, looking forward to seeing the promo pictures. I wonder if it’ll come with a light-up arm?

As I said, if this has been deliberately cut together to be misleading, to me that's scummy and crossing a line.

By all means show someone saying a line to someone unseen and let audiences guess who it's being said to, but don't take two unrelated shots from two different scenes (that happen to look visually similar) and cut them together to specifically infer something that is false. That's just lame if Kylo and Rey are in fact interacting with different people in those shots.
Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

I really doubt that he’s going to kill Leia. He was very much struggling during that scene, even more so than with Han it appears. It would be really low to have him kill both Han and Leia. That’s just very wrong. He might bail out at the last second, but other TIE fighters that were flanking him could take the shot. Even then, she may only get injured. But I wonder how they’ll keep everything that they had in place now that Carrie is no longer here? I haven’t been keeping up with news on that, so I don’t know.

As far as them misleading us in that exchange between Kylo and Rey in the trailer, they sorta kinda did that in the TFA trailer where Han is talking about the force and the Jedi. As he says “jedi” the scene goes to Finn and seems to imply that he’s a Jedi. I just don’t think they would reveal a twist like that this early. But again Kylo could very well be reaching to Rey in that shot.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Watch that trailer backward you will see that Kylo will not push that button to kill his mom..thats why he slams his donald duck helmet agaisnt the wall "blaming himself why didnt he just ****push that button, am not strong enough emo ****".. Disney just so predictable.
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Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Leia survives (no spoiler - it was widely reported when CF died that she had a larger role in Ep IX,) so it's likely he tries to kill her (if the Kylo's fighter/Leia intercut of the trailer is to be believed) then doesn't.

Would seem pretty funny if he kills Dad in VII then kills Mom in VIII, right?

As I said, if this has been deliberately cut together to be misleading, to me that's scummy and crossing a line.

By all means show someone saying a line to someone unseen and let audiences guess who it's being said to, but don't take two unrelated shots from two different scenes (that happen to look visually similar) and cut them together to specifically infer something that is false. That's just lame if Kylo and Rey are in fact interacting with different people in those shots.

Does Kylo kill Han though? Or did Solo turn the lightsaber on himself to 'save' his son as Leia requested.
We never do see who ignited it as such.

That would make the story take a very different path. He wants to be evil but he isn't for reasons as yet unexplained.

Chances are it was Kylo (Ben), but if it was Han it would give his exit from the saga real gravitas.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Does Kylo kill Han though? Or did Solo turn the lightsaber on himself to 'save' his son as Leia requested.
We never do see who ignited it as such.

That would make the story take a very different path. He wants to be evil but he isn't for reasons as yet unexplained.

Chances are it was Kylo (Ben), but if it was Han it would give his exit from the saga real gravitas.

Interesting (old) theory. But suicide + Disney = big NO NO. Also in the novelization, it explicitly states Kylo ignited the saber.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Interesting (old) theory. But suicide + Disney = big NO NO. Also in the novelization, it explicitly states Kylo ignited the saber.

Agree (sadly). The fact is that Kylo Ren killing Han means that he simply must be seen off. No redemption for him. If he sacrifices himself for anyone else who cares. He bumped off Han :(
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

Does Kylo kill Han though? Or did Solo turn the lightsaber on himself to 'save' his son as Leia requested.
We never do see who ignited it as such.

That would make the story take a very different path. He wants to be evil but he isn't for reasons as yet unexplained.

Chances are it was Kylo (Ben), but if it was Han it would give his exit from the saga real gravitas.

How does that logically work? What is Han's thought process in doing that? How does killing himself help his son or get his family back together?
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

The chances of a major American corporation in any way showing a hero figure committing suicide (except in a heroic self-sacrifice cliche), a character who murders family being redeemed, or an apparently heroic central character turning bad, are roughly nil. Received thinking on all of those would be that it's seen as too controversial by the PR wonks, and/or detrimental to merchandising.

Against that, however, is that the Vader narrative was described by Lucas as his "tragedy", exactly that fall from grace. But, equally, the Mouse wasn't in charge then.

All that being said, I've been in the "Kylo will turn out to be 'good', Rey will go off the rails" camp ever since seeing TFA.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

The chances of a major American corporation in any way showing a hero figure committing suicide (except in a heroic self-sacrifice cliche), a character who murders family being redeemed, or an apparently heroic central character turning bad, are roughly nil. Received thinking on all of those would be that it's seen as too controversial by the PR wonks, and/or detrimental to merchandising.

Against that, however, is that the Vader narrative was described by Lucas as his "tragedy", exactly that fall from grace. But, equally, the Mouse wasn't in charge then.

All that being said, I've been in the "Kylo will turn out to be 'good', Rey will go off the rails" camp ever since seeing TFA.

This is sadly true. There's so much money wrapped up in this now that there's almost no chance Disney goes for something different here. They're probably terrified about offending anyone and risking revenue. I think if Disney had made Revenge of the Sith, there wouldn't have been the youngling scene or any mention of Vader killing children. Which I believe added to weight of his fall, so it's thematically relevant.

And look at the controversy "13 Reasons Why" caused in regards to suicide. There's no way Han "kills himself." Although I do see the logic. If Ben loses resolve and doesn't kill him, then it's possible Snoke does something even worse to him for failing his test. Perhaps Han put his trust in Rey to save him later on. I mean he obviously trusts her, as he invited her to join his Falcon crew.

It's upsetting that everything has been so predictable thus far, but I'm hoping TLJ throws a curve and gives us whiplash for something we hadn't seen coming. If it's another by the book sequel, it's really going to temper my expectations for the films going forward.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

This is sadly true. There's so much money wrapped up in this now that there's almost no chance Disney goes for something different here. They're probably terrified about offending anyone and risking revenue. I think if Disney had made Revenge of the Sith, there wouldn't have been the youngling scene or any mention of Vader killing children. Which I believe added to weight of his fall, so it's thematically relevant.
I'm of an unpopular opinion here. I actually believe it would have been for the better to exclude that. It was far too dark, and I literally cannot bend or twist my understanding of Anakin's character to understand how he was capable of that atrocity. It's just another example of a loose end that was unceremoniously cut at the end of ROTS.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

I'm of an unpopular opinion here. I actually believe it would have been for the better to exclude that. It was far too dark, and I literally cannot bend or twist my understanding of Anakin's character to understand how he was capable of that atrocity. It's just another example of a loose end that was unceremoniously cut at the end of ROTS.

How he was capable? Do not forget he killed children before. Tuskens.
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

How he was capable? Do not forget he killed children before. Tuskens.
This is true, but those were the children of murderers. Monsters who killed his mother. The younglings were perpetrators of no such crime, keep in mind Obi wan hadn't "turned" Padme against him at mustafar yet so he really had ZERO reason to be violently angry at the Jedi as a whole.

It's established he did what he did as a service of "doing anything" for the emperor to learn how to save Padme, but how could anyone be so irrational to think killing innocent children he once trained was justified?

He wouldn't, so he had to be "lost" and entirely insane which is just poor writing.

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Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

which is just poor writing.

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Just this. Don't try to put that much weight into the downfall of Vader. It was much better in our imaginations than how it ended up getting spelled out so crudely and did not resonate with any plausibility.

Summed up with "NOOOOOOOOO!"
Re: Hot Toys The Last Jedi Rey 1/6 Figure

He was already enraged by the Dark Side of the Force, under its influence, and having killed dozens of Jedi before, he was bloodthirsty by that time.

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