I got mine a couple of days ago and started writing something brief about it that blew up into this,

I'll be comparing the two versions and giving my thoughts...
Packaging is pretty innovative. I like that it's smaller, more square, and probably cheaper and easier to ship. And I didn't have a problem reassembling it as much as I thought. I don't like the way it looks however, I prefer the look of the original packaging. The pictures are also fewer, smaller, and harder to use as reference for assembling.
The additions:
- -The scarred mask is just barely different than the original, I can't see any reason to prefer or dislike this one over the other. They did paint the red lights in the mask this time around, but not something that's really important.
- -The blue liquid container and it's bandoleer pouch is the same feeling as the mask, it just doesn't add or subtract anything to the figure. I could live with or without this added feature, although it does enhance the base.
- -The hand Plasmacaster looks great. It adds a lot to any pose and is really unique amongst other Predator weapons in that it's the most like a Human weapon. It'll draw attention to him in and amongst the other Preds. They did however paint it more this time around which is unusual that they didn't paint the shoulder mounted Plasmacasters for either release. Not sure if it's more accurate to have it painted or unpainted though, but one of the versions is wrong.
- -The Cleaner kit is nicely done, I like that they made it articulate as much as it did in the film. I also didn't know that the bottom and top halves slide apart and together, nice attention to detail. I think that the size is off though, I thought it was much larger in the movie but I may be wrong about that. Only thing I don't like is how poorly it attaches to his back. I would've liked a better more solid connection.
- -The Syringe is nicely designed, though it's not something that I'll ever display.
- -The Sculpted base is odd in that it's not something I really like as much as I thought I would. With it's sculpted foot indentations and limited standing area, it kind of forces you to limit the Pred's pose more so then the regular Pred bases. I also think it's very odd for the Pred to be standing in the Alien's blood and guts; you'd think Wolf would be smarter then that.
- -The Mandible posing options is fantastic. I don't understand why Hot Toy's can't do this with every Pred they release. Forcing us to either buy two versions or selling the first release stinks. It shouldn't cost them all that much to include the second set. I'm glad Sideshow doesn't do this, it'd be like forcing us to buy a second version of Bespin Luke for his ignited lightsaber. I hope Hot Toys stops making two versions with future Pred releases; the new Lost Hunter kit is a welcome step in that direction and I hope it continues with Predator 1.
- -Also there has been only one major improvement on the first release, the body netting is woven with a crotch portion instead of forcing us to tie it down with an additional string. Nice that they're trying to improve every release. They unfortunately didn't fix the issues the first release had with the lack of a swivel joint at the base of the articulating arm on the shoulder mounted Plasmacaster that would allow it to swivel outward, the loin cloth being plastic and having no way to secure it to the waist or under the crotch to prevent it from floating up when the legs are bent, I would've also liked them to improve the body's shoulder pieces because the two halves separate and feel like if too much torque when turning the arms is applied could break the shoulders. Both versions are like that so it's not a fluke as I had thought.
- I also got the Sideshow exclusive with the Chestburster. I love the sculpt, paint, and it's poseable wire tail. I'd like to see Hot Toy's release an accessory pack with a Chestburster, a Facehugger, an Alien 1 Egg, and even a Chestburster with legs sometime in the future.
The subtractions from the first release:
- -I don't like the lack of an extended whip. It adds a lot of posing options that it's exclusion would probably piss off people that missed the first version. I can't see why they didn't included it.
- -The single shoulder cannon is also puzzling because the bracket is there on his right shoulder for a second one. They could've also included either a second shoulder Plasmacaster that you could remove if you wish, or included the articulating arm that you could switch out with the handle on the a handgun Plasmacaster. Many ways to do this.
Another thing I should mention is that the Cleaner Wolf Pred has the better head paint job between the two. A bit more depth and detail on this second release but I think this differs for every figure.
Overall I like the different posing options either version adds with the Hand Plasmacaster, Chestburster, and base on one; and the Extended Whip and duel Plasmacasters on the other. I just feel they could've done a single all encompassing version at a additional $10-$15 and made everyone happy.
They have enough differences between the two versions that I can get two different looking Preds so that's a good incentive to buy both versions (especially the Sideshow exclusive version). Quite happy that I got him.