screamingmetal said:The Cleaner kit is nicely done.. I think that the size is off though, I thought it was much larger in the movie but I may be wrong about that.
screamingmetal said:The hand Plasmacaster looks great. It adds a lot to any pose and is really unique amongst other Predator weapons in that it's the most like a Human weapon. It'll draw attention to him in and amongst the other Preds. They did however paint it more this time around which is unusual that they didn't paint the shoulder mounted Plasmacasters for either release. Not sure if it's more accurate to have it painted or unpainted though, but one of the versions is wrong.
I turned them down because the lady said that I had a 85% chance of getting a new exclusive, so I decided just to buy new parts.Has Sideshow not responded to your product complaint yet, Elder?
I turned them down because the lady said that I had a 85% chance of getting a new exclusive, so I decided just to buy new parts.
i have a hook up for everything.Ahh, well wrists shouldn't be that bad. And there's a couple of pred feet on eBay right now.
It’s my first Hot Toys predator, it took me about 2 and half hours to put it together, thankfully I didn't break it or anything. Though I did have a problem attaching the left gauntlet to the elbow, it just wouldn't go on, even using hot water. I thought I had broken it, but the hole was just blocked with plastic, it must have come out of the molds that way or something, I had to gouge out the excess plastic and was finally able to attach it properly.
I finally got my Cleaner kit pred in the mail this morning
It’s my first Hot Toys predator, it took me about 2 and half hours to put it together, thankfully I didn't break it or anything. Though I did have a problem attaching the left gauntlet to the elbow, it just wouldn't go on, even using hot water. I thought I had broken it, but the hole was just blocked with plastic, it must have come out of the molds that way or something, I had to gouge out the excess plastic and was finally able to attach it properly.
Can someone tell me how to put the bio helmet on properly, mine keeps falling offAre you supposed to apply a lot of pressure ? Is it supposed to click into place?
Also where do you get those hoses that connects the bio helmet to the shoulder cannon?
Overall its a kickass figure, probably the best one I've bought so far
I had the same problem with mine...had to dig tht bit of plastic out with a pair of needlenose pliers.
Those should be in a plastic bag attached to the inside of the black instruction cube.
AS far as the could use those glue dots to hold the bio on. They hold it on nice and come off easily with NO damage to the parts.
Yeah, that had me worried for a little while, though gouging it out with a pair of tweezers of all things, did the trick. I wonder if this is a widespread problem.
I never would have thought of looking there. I was gonna throw that out to,lol. Lucky I didn't
Cool, which glue dots ?
No you're right, it was larger in the film. The thing is the scale is off on ALL of Wolf's equiptment + Wolf's body/Bio proportions. So technically it doesn't matter. lol..
The regular version is right. The Cleaner Kit version is flat out WRONG. Check it out..
This is the left plasma caster that Wolf has at the start of AVP:R.. when he gets on the ship and see's the dead Pred he takes THAT Predator's plasma caster, and attaches it to the right side.
You can clearly see Wolf's original Cannon is completely silver. This is important. Remember that it's almost entirely silver. After the scene in that gun/supplies store.. Wolf is standing on the roof of that building. Watch that scene closely to see how HT (and I guess SS if they're the ones who did the full size prop replica) screwed up. Wolf REMOVES THE RIGHT HAND CANNON AND THROWS IT ON THE GROUND! Wolf then REMOVES THE LEFT CANNON(remember, the ALL SILVER ONE?) THAT'S the hand held Plasma Caster. His default, all silver shoulder Cannon!
So right off the bat having the Cleaner Kit version with the left Cannon attached is wrong. Actually having ANY Cannon attached is wrong, because Wolf dumps the right Cannon and uses his Default Silver one as the Hand Held. Second that Bronze coloring for the hand held is wrong. You can clearly see in scenes with that Cannon (namely when the dude is trying to charge it and the final scene with Ms. Yutani) that it's completely Silver. The final scene shows an extended look at Wolf's DEFAULT Cannon.. and other than some discoloration on the handle (which I can't tell if that's some bronze coloring or just dirt) it's SILVER. No bright Bronze.
So long story short, everyone (including HT) that painted up their Cannons with bronze/copper coloring is wrong. Both are supposed to be silver. And if you want an accurate Cleaner Kit Wolf you'd have to remove that left shoulder Cannon because THAT is the hand held Cannon. Plus, when Wolf has that hand held Cannon, he no longer has any shoulder mounted Plasma casters. Just some FYI because I haven't seen anyone mention this fact. eh..
Maybe from the ADI book?You know, I was wondering why they were left silver on the HT figure but I guess you finally brought all the evidence to the forefront and showed that Sideshow screwed up!!!
Where the heck did they get the idea of the bronze coloring? I like the bronze coloring but it sure isn't screen-accurate like you've proven. Thank you so much for finally clearing the air on that,man!
Maybe from the ADI book?