Hot Toys- MMS 67 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (Original Costume) full spec+pics

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I like it more than the Begins suit. He almost looks like a batknight and it also looks much more strong and solid. He is just a man, needing all the armor he can get.

Oh, you mean like a Dark Knight?

I think the suit will look black on screen, same as the begins suit did, and in the stills it is gray.
Right on. The whole learning to become more than a man, becoming a symbol, a legend, a terrible thought, how through a combination of stealth training, gagetry and sheer will power he became exactly that, was extremely well handled by Nolan and Goyer and heightened the myth of the Bat far more than any film before it.

Actually it takes away allot of the myth, myths are better left undetailed to stay mysterious. And why everytime Burton's Batman is brought up it has to become a this vs that debate?
Oh, you mean like a Dark Knight?

I think the suit will look black on screen, same as the begins suit did, and in the stills it is gray.

I think so too, commented on this earlier, many times. A flashed out promo still is one thing, a scene shot at night with filters, etc is another.
that was well said.. the thing I loved most about the burton films was the imagery.. for example... a dark and gloomy night, christmas eve.. you see a tall(well not really) dark and imposing figure. mysterious but yet heroic.. THE BATMAN.

check this clip out.. favorite scene..

That scene is just excellent. The Burton commentary on this scene is also very enlightening, he basically says that his presence in gotham is sort of accepted but people rather avoid him by any means as they regard him as some sort of a deranged madman and outsider.
Actually it takes away allot of the myth, myths are better left undetailed to stay mysterious. And why everytime Burton's Batman is brought up it has to become a this vs that debate?

I disagree.

Why even show his parents killed, any origin story at all or even show it from Bruce's pov then?

If you're going to tell an origin story, detailing the hows seems like a pretty integral part of that. Besides, the rest of Gotham knows nothing of how Batman does what he does, taking nothing away from the myth of "The Batman". Not showing how he actually becomes what he wants to be is a bit of a cheat and somewhat sloppy storytelling IMO.
My fave Oldman line, said so matter of factly...

"I think he's trying to help". Brilliantly done.

Totally. Oldman NAILED Gordon. Especially Gordon as he was written by Miller or Loeb. That line is a perfect example. I'm just so happy that he is being played by someone as talented as Oldman, the character finally getting the attention he deserves.

As for the suit, I like it... doesn't look bad to me. And I think it's like Paul and oh so many others have stated. Most of the photos are flashed out to show the detail in it, not lit properly as they will be on film.

As for the repeat of Begins vs. Burton's Batman... it's really irrelevant. Begins is a great film, and tells the story from a more realistic standpoint. Burton's Batman was very artistic and stylized, which worked very well for the time in which it was made. I think there is plenty of love for both films, and depending on taste... some will like one more than the other.. and vice versa.

Personally, I think Begins is the best Batfilm ever made.. but that is my opinion and because of what Batman stories I love most. I think TDK will dethrone it and become my new favorite, but time will tell. :D
I disagree.

Why even show his parents killed, any origin story at all or even show it from Bruce's pov then?

If you're going to tell an origin story, detailing the hows seems like a pretty integral part of that. Besides, the rest of Gotham knows nothing of how Batman does what he does, taking nothing away from the myth of "The Batman". Not showing how he actually becomes what he wants to be is a bit of a cheat and somewhat sloppy storytelling IMO.

Not necesarilly, it's a choice, an option. Knowing that this young boy saw his parents being killed and seeing what he is today makes you wonder what he has been trough to become like this. It excites the imagination. We all know Keaton batman studied martial arts and learned from different warrior cultures (the warrior suits displayed in his mansion highly suggest this). We know he is wealthy enough to create his tools for his bat-existence, the details really aren't that important. And since he is completely shaped by the death of his parents it is not obligatory to analyze his abnormal mind while developing his alter-ego, it could be analized just aswell in his present state.

I want to add however that Keaton wanted the third film to be an origins story, so blame the suits for not doing so.
See, in BB everyone was questioning who he was, what he was, if he was real, what he could do. In the Burton movies they just kind of accept him as being there. They don't even call him THE Batman, which is the characters actual name. Batman is just what he's come to be called. When Crane said "It's the Batman.." in Arkham I actually smiled because it showed that Goyer actually put the characters history into the film instead of making HIS version like Burton, Goyer and Nolan actually made The Batman come to the screen. Quite honestly, just look at the Burton movies and you can tell they are that, Tim Burton's version of Batman in every way and while they are good, so far Nolan and Goyer come out on top.

Well apparently Josh just made all these points for me, even adding in Gordon who is almost ripped from the comic pages. *Sigh* I hate when this happens :lol
As for the repeat of Begins vs. Burton's Batman... it's really irrelevant. Begins is a great film, and tells the story from a more realistic standpoint. Burton's Batman was very artistic and stylized, which worked very well for the time in which it was made. I think there is plenty of love of both films, and depending on taste... some will like one more than the other.. and vice versa.

Totally agree:cool:, but i think returns especially is timeless in it's gothic/fairytale/german expressionistic style and not really bound to the time it was made.
See, in BB everyone was questioning who he was, what he was, if he was real, what he could do. In the Burton movies they just kind of accept him as being there. They don't even call him THE Batman, which is the characters actual name. Batman is just what he's come to be called. When Crane said "It's the Batman.." in Arkham I actually smiled because it showed that Goyer actually put the characters history into the film instead of making HIS version like Burton, Goyer and Nolan actually made The Batman come to the screen. Quite honestly, just look at the Burton movies and you can tell they are that, Tim Burton's version of Batman in every way and while they are good, so far Nolan and Goyer come out on top.

Well apparently Josh just made all these points for me, even adding in Gordon who is almost ripped from the comic pages. *Sigh* I hate when this happens :lol

Actually he is often referred as THE bat or even THE batman by selina Kyle.

For you hardcore bat-fans, just enjoy burton's batman as an otherworld batman, be happy with diversity.
See, in BB everyone was questioning who he was, what he was, if he was real, what he could do. In the Burton movies they just kind of accept him as being there. They don't even call him THE Batman, which is the characters actual name. Batman is just what he's come to be called. When Crane said "It's the Batman.." in Arkham I actually smiled because it showed that Goyer actually put the characters history into the film instead of making HIS version like Burton, Goyer and Nolan actually made The Batman come to the screen. Quite honestly, just look at the Burton movies and you can tell they are that, Tim Burton's version of Batman in every way and while they are good, so far Nolan and Goyer come out on top.

Well apparently Josh just made all these points for me, even adding in Gordon who is almost ripped from the comic pages. *Sigh* I hate when this happens :lol

Dude, the Joker called him THE Batman. In fact, on a TV Broadcast to the whole of Gotham City, and elsewhere...
Dude, the Joker called him THE Batman. On TV to the whole of Gotham City, and elsewhere...

.. In the Burton movies? Maybe Im wrong then.. I dunno. I just can't get into the Burton movies. I watched Returns today and just kinda zoned out most way though.
.. In the Burton movies? Maybe Im wrong then.. I dunno. I just can't get into the Burton movies. I watched Returns today and just kinda zoned out most way though.

Watch it as a Burton movie not as a batman movie. Or you just don't like Burton's style of filmmaking?
Totally. Oldman NAILED Gordon. Especially Gordon as he was written by Miller or Loeb. That line is a perfect example. I'm just so happy that he is being played by someone as talented as Oldman, the character finally getting the attention he deserves.

As for the suit, I like it... doesn't look bad to me. And I think it's like Paul and oh so many others have stated. Most of the photos are flashed out to show the detail in it, not lit properly as they will be on film.

As for the repeat of Begins vs. Burton's Batman... it's really irrelevant. Begins is a great film, and tells the story from a more realistic standpoint. Burton's Batman was very artistic and stylized, which worked very well for the time in which it was made. I think there is plenty of love for both films, and depending on taste... some will like one more than the other.. and vice versa.

Personally, I think Begins is the best Batfilm ever made.. but that is my opinion and because of what Batman stories I love most. I think TDK will dethrone it and become my new favorite, but time will tell. :D

Very nicely put Josh. :blackbat
Totally agree:cool:, but i think returns especially is timeless in it's gothic/fairytale/german expressionistic style and not really bound to the time it was made.

You are right on the money there, it really has that Expressionistic style that I love so much. And it made an indelible mark on Batman comics from that point on. Burton's stamp is all over it. Not that it's a bad thing, cause it works so well for Batman.

I'll always hold a special place in my heart for the Burton Batman movies, and thank them immensely for what they did for comic films in general. But to me, the Nolan Batman movies have taken so many beats from my favorite Batman stories and it just resonates with me so much. That he actually put in the Bats from Year One in Begins (as well as the Joker card bit), the "Dr Crane isn't here right now... but if you'd like to make an appointment.." line from Haunted Knight... the burning money and nooses from The Long Halloween are in TDK, as well as Gordon in damn near the EXACT Swat gear he wore in Dark Victory... It's a Loeb/Sale, Miller Batman comics DREAM... :rock
Watch it as a Burton movie not as a batman movie. Or you just don't like Burton's style of filmmaking?

Like Burton, but just can't get into his Batman flicks long enough to care. What's ironic is when I was a kid I LOVED Returns but as I've gotten older I just tend to put the flicks on and zone out, do other work. I use it as background noise basically. Burton is a good filmmaker but the Bat-flicks are a weak link in his resume.
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