Hot Toys- MMS 67 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (Original Costume) full spec+pics

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Well Said Josh.....Oldman IS Gordon for me the same way Ledger IS The Joker.....BTW.....when HT comes out with their Gordon figure (you know its a lock) I might have to commission you to make me a Sirius Black HS.....
.. In the Burton movies? Maybe Im wrong then.. I dunno. I just can't get into the Burton movies. I watched Returns today and just kinda zoned out most way though.

I LOVE Burton's sense of style. I just have to turn my brain off and not analyze the often mushy, convoluted story that's gong on underneath the pretty pictures. Scissorhands and Sweeney work wonderfully on both levels however. :rock
See, in BB everyone was questioning who he was, what he was, if he was real, what he could do. In the Burton movies they just kind of accept him as being there.

Forgot to comment on this, this is just not true. The film begins with everybody wondering what the Bat is or if he is really out there. The only believer is Knox. Some thugs think he is a giant vampire bat. Most people ignore the bat-stories as urban myths.
Batman will always connect with me personally.. when my Mother died, she was heavy into drugs... dealing with some very seedy personalities. And I connected so deeply to Bruce and his desire to avenge his parents death. I wanted to punish the criminal element, I remember sitting down as a child and planning out my suit and gear... the whole nine.

I'm just glad I wasn't an heir to a fortune, you would probably have a "real" vigilante out there right now if it were the case. :lol
Like Burton, but just can't get into his Batman flicks long enough to care. What's ironic is when I was a kid I LOVED Returns but as I've gotten older I just tend to put the flicks on and zone out, do other work. I use it as background noise basically. Burton is a good filmmaker but the Bat-flicks are a weak link in his resume.

I think batman returns is his best film.
I LOVE Burton's sense of style. I just have to turn my brain off and not analyze the often mushy, convoluted story that's gong on underneath the pretty pictures. Scissorhands and Sweeney work wonderfully on both levels however. :rock

I think that's just it. For some films Burton works perfectly, but his style just wasn't Batman to me, well at least not as I got older. As a kid I loved the style of Batman but they just haven't aged well and like I said, prefer them to be background noise or the flicks I use to get me to fall asleep.


8th Wonder - two things: See Sweeny Todd. Quite possible the BEST Burton film to date. and 2, I was talking more about Returns as that's the one I've seen more.
Watch it as a Burton movie not as a batman movie. Or you just don't like Burton's style of filmmaking?

I love Burton's one-dimensional (but unique and quite artistic) style for certain types of movies (Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Sleepy Hollow, Sweeney Todd, etc) but NOT for others (Batman, Planet of The Apes, etc). He just doesn't have the range. His movies are often more about him and his style than the subject matter (which, again, works for many of his movies... but definitely not all).

I still thank the heavens that his Superman movie (with Nicolas Cage as Supes! :google) got canned literally hours before it was due to start filming.
Totally. Oldman NAILED Gordon. Especially Gordon as he was written by Miller or Loeb. That line is a perfect example. I'm just so happy that he is being played by someone as talented as Oldman, the character finally getting the attention he deserves.

Oldman is just a fantastic actor and was perfect as Gordon. Even if chances are slim, I'm hoping HT does a version of him.
I like Burton for what he is.....a very unique individual with a very specialized view of the world. His Batman just fed into that as many has agreed but by far I wouldn't classify Batman Returns as his best film and neither would a lot of Burton fans.....
I still thank the heavens that his Superman movie (with Nicolas Cage as Supes! :google) got canned literally hours before it was due to start filming.

If you ever want a laugh, listen to Kevin Smith tell the story about scripting that mo-fo. Dunno how true some of it is, but it's just really funny how that went down.
I like Burton for what he is.....a very unique individual with a very specialized view of the world. His Batman just fed into that as many has agreed but by far I wouldn't classify Batman Returns as his best film and neither would a lot of Burton fans.....

Hell no. I can think of at least 5 of his movies that are much better than that one.
Batman will always connect with me personally.. when my Mother died, she was heavy into drugs... dealing with some very seedy personalities. And I connected so deeply to Bruce and his desire to avenge his parents death. I wanted to punish the criminal element, I remember sitting down as a child and planning out my suit and gear... the whole nine.

I'm just glad I wasn't an heir to a fortune, you would probably have a "real" vigilante out there right now if it were the case. :lol

Wow, very moving story and sad to hear DA, i think it is great that we have fantastical characters to relate to when times are really tough.
Oldman is just a fantastic actor and was perfect as Gordon. Even if chances are slim, I'm hoping HT does a version of him.

I think its a better bet then you'd think. In Gotham Major Crime Unit Gear is right up their alley and I could see them offering that Gordon up. I'd buy two and just get a suit online so I'd have both versions.
Oldman is just a fantastic actor and was perfect as Gordon. Even if chances are slim, I'm hoping HT does a version of him.

I am thinking they will. I'm almost certain... HT Gordon in SWAT gear. Criswell predicts!! :read

Wow, very moving story and sad to hear DA, i think it is great that we have fantastical characters to relate to when times are really tough.

It really was a big help for me as a kid, having comics and my figures to turn to ... fill the void so to speak. Batman will always be my favorite, for that very reason.

I still get teary eyed a bit when I see any film character lose a parent, but especially for Batman... because it's so connected in my brain.
If you ever want a laugh, listen to Kevin Smith tell the story about scripting that mo-fo. Dunno how true some of it is, but it's just really funny how that went down.

I love that story! The spider stuff is classic. :lol

EDIT: and duh, how could I forget Ed Wood! Among his best
If you ever want a laugh, listen to Kevin Smith tell the story about scripting that mo-fo. Dunno how true some of it is, but it's just really funny how that went down.

Oh, I know all about it. He was told to write a scene depicting a fight between Superman and polar bears. :rolleyes:
The best story regarding the whole Kevin Smith Superman business was when Jon Peters (the PRODUCER of the f'ing movie, mind you) asked him about halfway through reading the script, "Wait a minute... who is this Kal-El person???" :google :banghead

That right there tells you everything you need to know about Hollywood and why some movies like the upcoming G.I. JOE abortion turn out the way they do.
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