Hot Toys - MMS 68 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th scale The JOKER collectible figure

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I agree MaulFan, I get the same feeling.

Also, don't we already have a "B'89 vs BB" thread?

Having grown up on it, it makes me feel like a kid again, that's probably the biggest joy I get from it, I like the character and the movie overall, but it's impact on me is that it touches my inner child and brings back all that childhood fun, but if I saw it for the first time as an adult, I think I'd find it lackluster.

Exactly. Seeing this movie now makes me remember high school, going to the comic book shop and seeing all the Batman stuff, buying Batman toys for my nephew, etc. I see the faults now, but the mood and look of the film left an impression on me that not even BB managed.
Well I got on the wait list for Joker on Toys Sqare. I've got my fingers crossed.
It almost makes me wish I could see Batman 1989 for the first time as an adult and see what I think of. Having grown up on it, it makes me feel like a kid again, that's probably the biggest joy I get from it, I like the character and the movie overall, but it's impact on me is that it touches my inner child and brings back all that childhood fun, but if I saw it for the first time as an adult, I think I'd find it lackluster. Begins speaks more to adult sensibillities which is probably why there is a mixed fandom, some people want the more childhood adventure type comic movies and some want them to touch upon their adult side as much as other film types.
Exactly. Couldn't agree more. I like the way you stated that.


Whipped it good.
In Begins, he doesn't kill anyone. He chose not to save Ducard, but we don't know 100% that he is dead. His actions could have led to the deaths of several officers in the tumbler chase though.
Yeah, but at the same time ... that's why Batman is the no nonsense, bad ass, dark vigilante of the night. He isn't Superman, he doesn't ask the police nicely to not follow him. He's Batman ... he's an anti-hero. And he's an outlaw. He does whatever he needs to do to come out on top. What was he supposed to do? They were chasing him. And also look at it as most of the police force is corrupt in Gotham, and there are few things worse than a corrupt cop. It's a criminal with a badge and law backing him up.

Plus, Batman has been known to actually physically fight cops if he has to in the source material ... the police were at least protected by thousands of pounds of steel in their cars. Thats one of the strongest elements that makes Batman cool, he isn't a cooperative hero with a badge like Superman, Spider-man, etc. He has a dark sensibility to his nature, and he walks a fine line between harnassing his abilities and dark nature to not slip over the edge and be one of the monsters he's trying to fight. Batman could have very easily killed any of those cops. But he had to be brutal to escape them. I have no problem with what he did and anyone who says otherwise really doesn't know their "Batman of Gotham". Plus, it sets up the interesting subplot that Alfred alludes to in their following conversation.
And I still can't get over how crazy this figure from Hot Toys is ... even the BEGINS costumes they re-created looks spot on to Bale. Question though, why no TDK suit? Personally, that is my favorite Bat-suit.
It's coming. When? No idea. But it's definitely in the pipeline.
Hey guys, I know there was previously some discussions about Joker not having a separate neck post. Looks like it might be possible.

I just got the new True Type body - the head and neck is a single connected piece.




I know some of you have said it doesn't matter but, just thought I'd share.

HT has used both necks on their figures.

Yeah, I know. Personally haven't seen these necks used in awhile now. Then again, I don't have an extensive HT collection as yet.

There were discussions a few pages back in this thread about Joker having this type of neck.
At this point, I think HT's neck choices are based on what suits the visual appearance of the figure and not poseability. Hot Toys' Will Turner figure represents the character when he had a wide open shirt, so they gave him a body with a fully sculpted shoulder and neck to look more natural with just 1 ball joint at the top of the neck. It has decent articulation, but ultimately the call was aesthetics, not function. If HT sees a benefit to sculpting Joker's neck, they'll do it that way, otherwise it'll be the 2 joint style. Not having seen the movie yet or any real good views of Ledger's neck, I can't tell if there's makeup or something running on it that's worth sculpting to get it to match the film right.
I still believe this wont be sculpted.
I hope its not , some of the poses I would like to achieve would need it not to be.
For example the one of him on the right in my sig , his head is slanted frequently in alot of the screen shots from the trailers so far and that barely any of the movie !
I still believe this wont be sculpted.
I hope its not , some of the poses I would like to achieve would need it not to be.
For example the one of him on the right in my sig , his head is slanted frequently in alot of the screen shots from the trailers so far and that barely any of the movie !

He does pose his head a lot, but using your sig as an example, a lot of "tilt" images of him are from high angles, like the lip licking shot in the jail cell lots of people use as avatars and such. In a lot of the normal shots in the trailers, his head is pretty much posed normal, his body slightly slouching, but nothing so extreme that a sculpted neck setup couldn't achieve. Plus, given how ready this figure is pre-release of the film, HT will have made construction choices based on whatever early reference material they received, so they may not have had any idea of the character's nuances when making this figure.
Sure am tempted to get this one. I wonder is this the first of a line of Batman villains?
Its always the bad guys who are more colourful in the movies.
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