Hot Toys - MMS 68 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th scale The JOKER collectible figure

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TRU and Wallyworld might have the sets as well.

The operative word is might... there is nothing online so I would think that is hit and miss, plus how are we going to find 15-20 sets for all the guys?

First come first serve i guess. if anyone comes across them def let us know.

Reposting update:

UPDATE on Joker Weapons.

Robert from Toys n Swords just called me. They have been in business for 10 years and are very much alive. They said they ran out of these Navy SEal Weapons Sets before we placed our orders and will be backordering new sets from 21 Century. We should know by the end of next week if 21st Century will honor the backorders. Funny thing is they only had a few sets in stock and they were laying around for two years, then all of a sudden 19 sets were ordered between May 19-21. Gee, I wonder how that happened.:lol

Robert also said their computer server was bought out so a lot of their site info had to be updated and said we should be receiving follow up emails re: our orders.

Fingers crossed the back orders get filled. We should know by the end of next week.
Thanks for the update Pjam. I hope they come through! I think I was #1 so I'll be able to say if mine did at least.

I told you they would be wondering why they had so many order after so long :lol
Thanks for the update Pjam. I hope they come through! I think I was #1 so I'll be able to say if mine did at least.

I told you they would be wondering why they had so many order after so long :lol

Yeah, I spent some time on the horn with him. I ID'd the gun too, hoping he might find it in another 21Cent set and he looked around but couldn't find that Mk76. The one above the other MG in lower right corner of the set pack here...


So fingers crossed...

Btw, any one of you guys can call him too. He's a nice Guy and he's one of the Owners so no BS. He said 21Cent is pain to deal with and they are placing another order with them next week so he will include this backorder and see what happens.
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Thanks for the update on the gun Paul!

I just paid Joe for mine too. And now I found out I'm going to a screening June 27! Bale, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Aaron Eckhart and Gary Oldman will do a Q&A afterward.


But no freaking advance reviews from me...not after Indy...:gun

sweeeeeeet!!! as for advanced reviews, i have a feeling that there will not be NEARLY as many people that will dislike this movie compared to Indy.
Visually and musically, it obviously won't compare to BATMAN '89, but hopefully TDK will be a better overall movie than BATMAN BEGINS, which I thought was good, but lacked the sheer magic and energy found in the first Tim Burton film.

From the trailers, it already looks darker and more explosive than BEGINS, so I'll probably get what I want. And of course, Mr. J makes everything better.
Thanks for the update on the gun Paul!

sweeeeeeet!!! as for advanced reviews, i have a feeling that there will not be NEARLY as many people that will dislike this movie compared to Indy.

My pleasure Reiny. Anything for My Boys. :D

And Gruff, Invite ME!:lol Kidding, but I am SO jealous, my Friend. Enjoy! Maybe I can make a few calls.. hmm. :monkey3
Visually and musically, it obviously won't compare to BATMAN '89, but hopefully TDK will be a better overall movie than BATMAN BEGINS, which I thought was good, but lacked the sheer magic and energy found in the first Tim Burton film.

From the trailers, it already looks darker and more explosive than BEGINS, so I'll probably get what I want. And of course, Mr. J makes everything better.

I find it really hard to compare the older batman movies to begins.
They are so different. Burton's approach to them as always with any movie was very zany and unique whilst Nolan has took the much more serious movie approach.
I have to be honest and say when I watch Burton's movies I always feel like it should all be on stage. The music , the dancing of the joker for example.
Its great to watch but I have never really thought of this as Batman's story movie wise and always thought it should of been portrayed in a more serious way . I know it may sound stupid but for lack of words its too fun for my liking.
With Batman Begins and most likely TDK , I find them much easier to watch and can delve into the story more. I have been brought up in a completely different generation to most of you guys so thats probably a big part o the reason I feel this way towards them. Although I prefer most 70s and 80s movies to the remakes of them there making now ( alien & predator , rocky , rambo and so on ) Batman is a big exception.
Burton takes a strange approach with all his movies and I just cant seem to get into all the stuff he does. I watched Sweeny Todd last night and just as I was getting into it they started to sing again which I'm sorry to say I couldn't stand and I had heard so many good comments about this movie . :eek:

The one thing I seem to love though is his character designs and storys.
Burton always seems to make sure you feel for his character in a certain way , I feel he did this with all characters except batman himself. Because he was supposed to be a caped crusader though and very secretive I loved this.
Then when he realizes it was Joker who killed his parents it takes you to when he was younger and shows a little and again in a later flick. Little by little , its great like this.

Nolan I think decided not to do this and instead of starting with the Joker story started with the story of how Batman became the man he is and his reasons for doing so. This was basically the first movie in my eyes aso hence the name " batman begins ". As well as being entertaining it also gives you a great feeling for the character and as long as your familiar with the series in the next movies now were really gonna care about the character and that always makes it alot ore enjoyable.
I prefer this way of movie making. I have to admit as well I'm a sucker for the new way things are shot and just more modern movies in general ( except for some of my all time favorites and classics of course ) .

Its such a shame about Heath though , thats the big thing that has surprised me and I'm sure everyone around this movie. I wonder if he will die in the movie , if not I doubt anyone would be able to look the same and act as good as its looking he is.
I think batman wont put him behind bars in this flick , he did vow not to kill although I think the joker might just push him over the edge.

This figure is going to kick ass big time , really can't wait for it.
I have two of these on order but may still cancel one. I was going to try a custom to see how it came out but I might not be able to afford it yet. :(
Ahh well ...
as long as I actually have one it wont bother me too much. :cool:
Visually and musically, it obviously won't compare to BATMAN '89, but hopefully TDK will be a better overall movie than BATMAN BEGINS, which I thought was good, but lacked the sheer magic and energy found in the first Tim Burton film.

From the trailers, it already looks darker and more explosive than BEGINS, so I'll probably get what I want. And of course, Mr. J makes everything better.

Nolan isn't Burton.

Burton has a eye for wonderful style, but with most of his films, that is about it.

Nolan is giving us a story, and a story of the main character not being overshadowed by the bad guys.

You're not going to find anything close to Burton with The Dark Knight.

From the looks of it so far, it's Heat with superheroes.

And it will own.
Nolan isn't Burton.

Burton has a eye for wonderful style, but with most of his films, that is about it.

Nolan is giving us a story, and a story of the main character not being overshadowed by the bad guys.

In a few years we need a good director who can combine both.

To me, Batman '89 is a personal favorite, because it is by far the most faithful film to the original comics by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. You have a hardass, border-line psycopath Batman who's not willing to take ^^^^ from his enemies, and has no problem finishing them off. As much as I love Christian Bale (he's one of my favorite actors working today,) Keaton's intensity and introvertedness really defined the character for me. Bale's Batman on the other hand, is a spoiled boyscout who yells alot in a raspy voice. Still, he's probably the best current choice for the role.

I also love the timeless setting of the original film. The lighting, art deco architecture, and 1930's style gangsters really harken back to the Universal horror films, and Warner gangster pictures. Aside from the Prince music, the film's style won't seem as dated in 30 years as the bland contemporary visuals of Nolan's films.

However, Nolan is still a good director, and as far as script and characterization goes, I'm sure TDK is going to be a quality film that might be able to surpass B'89 in the drama department. While Keaton reigns supreme as Batsy, Ledger has the potential to blow Nicholson off the map. Nolan's world represents the modern, high-tech Batman of today's comics, which I respect; but I like my Batman crazy and pulpy.

However, I'll take B'89 over BEGINS (which is still good) anyday.
TDK on the other hand could just beat it out....
In a few years we need a good director who can combine both.

To me, Batman '89 is a personal favorite, because it is by far the most faithful film to the original comics by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. You have a hardass, border-line psycopath Batman who's not willing to take ^^^^ from his enemies, and has no problem finishing them off. As much as I love Christian Bale (he's one of my favorite actors working today,) Keaton's intensity and introvertedness really defined the character for me. Bale's Batman on the other hand, is a spoiled boyscout who yells alot in a raspy voice. Still, he's probably the best current choice for the role.

I also love the timeless setting of the original film. The lighting, art deco architecture, and 1930's style gangsters really harken back to the Universal horror films, and Warner gangster pictures. Aside from the Prince music, the film's style won't seem as dated in 30 years as the bland contemporary visuals of Nolan's films.

you forget hes 5 foot nothing and can't hold his own against a girl in a tight lycra suit..
Who cares about his height? Bruce Wayne is a self made hero. He's a trained fighter who, with exercise and dicipline, dons the suit, which adds to his height and makes him more intimidating.
To me, Batman '89 is a personal favorite, because it is by far the most faithful film to the original comics by Bob Kane and Bill Finger. You have a hardass, border-line psycopath Batman who's not willing to take ^^^^ from his enemies, and has no problem finishing them off.
Yeah, or you can say that a) isn't the definitive version of the character or b) say it takes a stronger and bigger bad ass to not cross the line into the selfish need to kill his enemies. I mean, when Batman has to resort to killing Ray Charles in the Cathedral cause he can't outfight a basic thug ... uhhh ... yeah, that isn't a hard ass ... that makes his actions almost as revolting as the Joker. Batman kills only if there is no way to escape a situation, and if its his life on the line and there is no other way out. It takes more fortitude to draw a moral line and not selfishly cross it at any time the going gets tough. Burton's Batman was a seperate creation. It doesn't stay true to the myth. Instead of making him a dark, intense, yet DETERMINED individual, he reduces him to a 2D character. A psycopath the same as the Joker. His Batman movies were absurd once you grow up and see them for what they are. Like Burton, he relies too much on visuals and tell NO story what so ever. No character depth, no growth or arc. Just a few pieces of eye candy. The cinematic equivelent to a one night stand. But Nolan's Batman? A well thought out story that leaves you STARVING for more.

As much as I love Christian Bale (he's one of my favorite actors working today,) Keaton's intensity and introvertedness really defined the character for me.
Yet didn't really represent the character at all. He's much more complex than that.

Bale's Batman on the other hand, is a spoiled boyscout who yells alot in a raspy voice.
If this doesn't show your asinine p.o.v. or idiotic analyzation of Bale and Nolan's superior Batman mythos ... IDK what would. Bale's performance and character has depths and range than Burton and Keaton's Batman couldn't touch with a 10ft pole. He goes from angry young man, to confused, to driven idealistic man who creates a legend, an urban myth ... a visceral beast that pushes the envelope with his methods and violence, only to have to be reminded to not slip into the darkness, by keeping a set of values established within him by his late great father to be someone who heals a city, thus the metaphor to his father being a doctor.

Still, he's probably the best current choice for the role.
He's the best actor to ever touch the role. And probably will be for quite some time. He's the perfect storm as it pertains to the potrayl of Bruce Wayne / Batman. You don't get better than Christian Bale. He has the intensity and precense of Keaton through subtle mannerisms and his eyes, he has the physicality that Bruce Wayne requires, he had depths to his performance that couldn't be reached if you combined every actor to don the cape and cowl together. He's just the best there is ... he inhabits the character the way Reeve did Superman and the way Downey Jr. did Ironman.

as the bland contemporary visuals of Nolan's films.
Wait, Nolan's visuals were bland, how? Because it wasn't a circle jerk of Gothic fantasia ... which Gotham has never really been rooted in the comics aesthetically, it makes them bland? Huh? Is the French Connection, Taxi Driver, etc. bland looking films? No, and neither is Batman Begins. It just isn't melodramatic and corny in its visuals, with over the top tongue in cheek settings. Its real, recognizable, gritty. In other words, bad ass.

However, Nolan is still a good director, and as far as script and characterization goes, I'm sure TDK is going to be a quality film that might be able to surpass B'89 in the drama department.
Wrong, Nolan is a GREAT director. And B89 didn't have drama. It was a cartoon. Superficial visual fluff. B89 was like popcorn, it smells better than it actually tastes. Batman Begins is like a five course dinner. It is virtually unanimously viewed as the cream of the crop for this genre of movie. And it's only to get better with The Dark Knight.

While Keaton reigns supreme as Batsy, Ledger has the potential to blow Nicholson off the map.
Well, Bale already torched Keaton ... Ledger might have Nicholson beat off his moments in the trailers ALONE.

The Batman movies deserved a BETTER CLASS of cinema ...

And Chris Nolan's giving it to us.
Chris Nolan, is that you?

Batman is Batman. The character has been around for nearly 70 years, and has had many different incarnations, which is why he's remained so popular. Your opinon is no more factual than mine. I am a huge fan of 1930's and 1940's comics and cinema and I love the 1989 film for capturing that spirit. Sue me for not busting a nut over BEGINS being the greatest comic book movie ever made.
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