Hot Toys - MMS 68 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th scale The JOKER collectible figure

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Well... One thing's for sure, until now, I thought that the HT Clubber Lang - Exclusive Southside Slugger Edition was my best dressed 12" figure. He's about to be surpassed by the Joker I belive. If his outfit looks as good in hand as on the pictures... wow!
I believe the figure will be out in July, we did be seeing photo shots here. Lets hope its as good as what we see in the Ht released images.:wacky
Well... One thing's for sure, until now, I thought that the HT Clubber Lang - Exclusive Southside Slugger Edition was my best dressed 12" figure. He's about to be surpassed by the Joker I belive. If his outfit looks as good in hand as on the pictures... wow!

Ya, the outfit alone is going to make this an awesome figure, but the whole package is just really nice, it's my most anticipated figure right now.
I saw both the first Burton film and Batman Begins back to back, never having seen both (I know, how did I never see the original - oh well :lol). I was shocked by how clownish the original was; it was like a kid's movie. The Joker was more of a cartoon character than a real threat, Batman was way too stiff and boring, and the girl was obnoxious. Batman Begins, however, was more than just a better movie - it had a heart, some depth and meaning that the other lacked. I feel it gave Batman a real reason to be who he is, and it's not to fight crime, but to look for peace, both personal and societal. Visually it feels like Batman, and it captures the soul of the comics rather than the look, which I think is a much better choice. The other Batman films just wanted to show off the adventures of a caped avenger. The new one tells the story of a man's life.

I can see why people would like the original more, but for me at least, the newer Batman is much more exciting because he's much more understandable as a man. He's a man acting as a superhero, not a superhero posing as a man.
my thoughts exactly Faramir!!! I loved Burton's Batman (and Batman Returns), but thought the new one was much more realistic and thought provoking.
I hope not! :horror Still gotta save up!

Same here, could be close if it's that soon, but can't say I'll take the financial risk to have them that much faster, I can't tell ya how eager I am to have the Joker especially, the picture ideas are already running through my mind, the sculpt expression and the character's nature are already inspiration enough without even having seen the movie.
I really hope they don't start shipping until after SDCC! SDCC will hit me hard at least. But after that, I should be OK. Maybe I'll need to pick up some exclusives to flip and scrape together some extra cash for these.

BTW, I'm currenlty working on a Bank Robbery Joker headsculpt (hopfully with a removable mask!). I already made a Goon, which you can see in my custom thread. Looking into having it (or them?) casted.
I don't think T2 will be shipping these until later in July, maybe a month from now.
Well have the Asians even gotten these yet? We are usually at least a month behind them.

Theoretically, The Asian Market should be the only ones getting this as this ment to be distributed in Asian market only. So the the mid july release they are talking about probably reffers to that market. Depending on how fast your importer can deliver after that will determine how fast we will see them in the States or europe.
My supplier said I would be getting my stock around the same time as the film opens!

So around 21st July time
For those too lazy.


The hair coloring is much better, but there still needs to be more black around the eyes (looks grey).
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