Hot Toys - MMS 768 - Solo: Range Trooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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Thank goodness it was 1 per person (if that means anything in this day of bots). I started out at #1,021 in the queue.
Tax and shipping made the figure over $320 for me. I like it, but right now all I can think of is that almost all my troopers are in the closet.
Other listings are $15-$17 above Sideshow's price, so it may be $295-297.
Yeah it'll probably be @$309 for me. OSK will likely bump up that $295 estimate to cover shipping so it probably would be a wash for me (that's usually the case before factoring in any rewards or coupons).
Still people paying in cart mode -- now says "almost sold out"

I wonder how many Sideshow actually got of the 2500? I'd seen that HK got 400... but did Sideshow really get 2100?

I gotta say, I love those real magnetic boots.
Yeah it'll probably be @$309 for me. OSK will likely bump up that $295 estimate to cover shipping so it probably would be a wash for me (that's usually the case before factoring in any rewards or coupons).

Kit's prices including shipping are $15-17 higher than Sideshow's excluding shipping.

E.g., Plo Koon is $280 plus shipping on Sideshow. Kit's price is $297 including shipping.

However, he may well be charging more for shipping since he said it's really high at the moment, but hoping it will reduce after Christmas.
Sideshow says:

Kit should have his stock today.

It's better for me to save my Sideshow rewards until there's something exclusive instead, like the next wave of Scum & Villainy. So Kit is the best option all round.
Yeah that's usually what I do but I don't anticipate having any coming in until probably April at the earliest (not counting whatever meager rewards they give us at events in the near future), so my $7 was going to be lonely until expiring in March anyway lol...
Yeah, if Kit's price is over $300 I think I'm out entirely.

Its an awesome trooper, but my display space just doesn't have room for as much Star Wars as it did at one time. Plus, it's Solo. If this was a TIE pilot or Death Star Trooper, it would be a different story.
Kit's prices including shipping are $15-17 higher than Sideshow's excluding shipping.

E.g., Plo Koon is $280 plus shipping on Sideshow. Kit's price is $297 including shipping.

However, he may well be charging more for shipping since he said it's really high at the moment, but hoping it will reduce after Christmas.
TBH I haven't compared them in a while because if it's a non-exclusive HT figure I never even consider Sideshow (or OSK) unless I have at least $70 in rewards/coupons to apply, as other U.S. sites are always cheaper for me (discounted prices, cheaper shipping and no state taxes).
Yeah, Disney has really diluted the thrill of troopers for me with so many trooper and Mandalorian variants -- zombie gold-masked troopers were the last straw, I think.
Sounds like a lot of people had that “someone has it in their cart ahead of you” problem. I did, but only for a couple of minutes.
Clicked the email link around 1:12 and was told there was a 12-minute wait. Got busy and forgot about it for a half-hour and by then it was effectively sold out. Guess I didn't really want it that bad :lol

I do still have the young SOLO deluxe with the fur coat too, would look good together, maybe I'll think about it again if kit gets stock
I am a sucker and ordered one. It looks really cool but I typically don't purchased unnamed characters.