Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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sorry i'm a little out of it today...i meant the v1 figure...since everyone is basically going to try and sell it for this one
More images from the ToyWorld forum!
Close-ups of the two new headsculpts.


^ Just letting you know, your avvy is fake - thats a photoshop poster I made for TDK :D

Thanks for thinking it's real though.

Hahaha! I know X) I just randomly searched it up on google and thought it looked cool since it was different to the other Dark Knight pictures that everyone has seen =D It's a nice picture by the way!
Maybe the light up base will feature mini stage lights that hang above the figure, and when turned on the purple coat becomes the correct color purple..:lol

Seriously hot toys, get it right:emperor
Hahaha! I know X) I just randomly searched it up on google and thought it looked cool since it was different to the other Dark Knight pictures that everyone has seen =D It's a nice picture by the way!

Thanks once again

More images from the ToyWorld forum!
Close-ups of the two new headsculpts.



It's weird - from some angles the Cop version looks great but some other angles are ehhh. It's funny because the only angle that looks good is the angle we see him in the movie....its not like they had any source material to go by..only 3 or 4 seconds of footage.
Wow that Cop Joker headsculpt is getting better and better EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT! [/Beetlejuice]
....its not like they had any source material to go by..only 3 or 4 seconds of footage.

Don't you think there would be a stack of source material? Surely they would have been a heap of stills taken, on location, so they could get the make-up right for the following days shooting. I don't know where people think that Hot Toys only sees the glimpses we see, or why people make this sort of excuse for the HT Joker V1. They have a licence and, with the studios co-operation, they get all the good material to study.

Hot Toys could have got it right first time, but they'd rather screw their own customers over, by duping them with the original release. You can't outlaw stupidity, the stupidity of consumers to put up with this crap, but that's people's prerogative. I would have thought in this economic climate they'd rethink their marketing strategy, but it looks like their going to play it out till the very end. Suffer in ya jocks.
I don't know where people think that Hot Toys only sees the glimpses we see, or why people make this sort of excuse for the HT Joker V1.
I don't think it is an excuse with the V1 Joker. I read an interview with the sculpter, who said that the reason it looks like that is that they didn't have any additional pics to work with.
Oh please. That's called spin. Additional to what exactly? The other thousand pics they had. It's not a lie, but it aint telling the truth neither.

Like yeah, we got ten pics of The Joker and our job is to make a figure of it. What professional company is going to do that? Now they have stacks of reference material and they still choose to use the old socks. Wise up.