Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and
Agreed, I think that Maglor's issues could, perhaps, be without merit. Could it be possible that the lighting is affecting the appearance of the plates by dulling the shadows and the contrast they produce, thereby, eliminating the illusion of layering, and causing the plates to appear as they're constructed(as one piece)?
You might be right.
I think I've pinpointed what's throwing the ab section for me.
Flosi, if you're in here, look away. No circles, but there are arrows below!
The red arrows point to a very prominent edge around the abs. The blue arrows point to the straps. As you can see they are at the exact same hight, and look very obviously like one continuous piece of plastic. In fact in some spots the straps almost appear to be
in front of the plates.
To my surprise, the actual suit is pretty much the same:
So it seems that the time has come for me to
eat crow.
I had assumed that the straps should be more
behind the plates, but it seems that they in fact simply
join the plates. So, I don't know what HT could do differently. Maybe that edge around the plates are a little too prominent for me (it is less noticeable on the real suit), creating an outline that emphasizes the "all in one sheet" look. Also the use of fabric behind the ab section creates a noticeable distance between the ab section and the under-suit, which draws the eye to the fact that it's all one piece, but again I don't know how Hot Toys could do that differently.
At any rate, I guess the only real "inaccuracy" with the torso is that the abs and the ribs come too close to meeting.