Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

If we even get a Faora. I could kind of see Hot Toys just doing Superman, Jor-El, and Zod and that being all.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

That's what I'm afraid of. :(
A teaser soon would be nice :pray:

May take at least two weeks though, if they're doing it
the same way as the reveal for the Avengers figures.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

She's one of the bigger characters from the film though so who knows. I guess it just depends how deep Hot Toys wants to go with this line. I'm guessing if they do her though she'd probably be the last of the Man of Steel figures.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Yeahp, other than them, I don't see any other interesting character worthy of $200-$250.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

I hope we at least see Faora before they call it quits on the line.

I also wouldn't mind seeing...

Jor-El (in armor)
Zod (in whatever outfit/gear he's NOT featured in the upcoming figure - and with a more neutral facial expression)
....and either Zod or Faora in one of those cool space suits (with the four lights in the front)...

...probably won't happen, but I hope it does....
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Honestly even though armored Jor-El looks kind of cool it doesn't really seem necessary to make a figure of if you ask me. They're already doing the regular version and he didn't wear his armor that long. I could see a second Zod if the first figure does well enough to justify it. Truthfully I'd rather get the regular suited Zod than the armored.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Honestly even though armored Jor-El looks kind of cool it doesn't really seem necessary to make a figure of if you ask me. They're already doing the regular version and he didn't wear his armor that long. I could see a second Zod if the first figure does well enough to justify it. Truthfully I'd rather get the regular suited Zod than the armored.

this is HT we are talking about, the same ones who use repaints
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

I really hope we eventually get a non-amored Zod. To be honest the idea of Zod wearing armor has always seemed stupid and redundant to me. Its like giving Iron Man a car.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

of course we are all excited for the Zod figure. Or atleast most of us. But why is it so bad to discuss other aspects of the film? If you dont want to join in, you dont have to....

and this isnt anything new. These threads are meant to discuss things. They all go off track sometimes. Is it really killing you that people are discussing other things besides toys?

To me its more annoying when people chime in making fun of or complain that people are discussing other things.

Theres nothing about this figure at all except a teaser poster. thats all we have. Discussing possibilities or speculating about a figure not even made yet is no better or worse than discussing parts of a movie. Its not like we were even talking about something else. It was about the MoS film itself and even Zod.

Just would be nice if more people respected each others opinions & thoughts, even if you disagree, just no one respects each other. It would just be nice, just once...:(

sorry...rant done. no need to comment. just needed to get that off my chest. You can move along...

good night!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

of course we are all excited for the Zod figure. Or atleast most of us. But why is it so bad to discuss other aspeects of the film? If you dont want to join in, you dont have to...

Its not that discussions are wrong, its just that this one was about to get ugly. These things by definition are not quantifiable, and so arguing about them disrupts the unity collectors feel when they are excited about something. Like we are excited about this figure.

With that said, i dont see how we can NOT get Faora now. Zod by himself would be like getting Linus Van Pelt without Lucy. Come on HT you are committed to the line now.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Yeah, If HT doesn't release Faora it would be a big loss for them, I think she gets as much if not more love than Zod around these threads and with the overall audience.

I would go as far as to say that people want Faora more than Zod.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

of course we are all excited for the Zod figure. Or atleast most of us. But why is it so bad to discuss other aspects of the film? If you dont want to join in, you dont have to....

Quite right too, I mean let's face it, there's not much else to do in this thread ATM. And whilst I obviously disagree with the original thought, it was a good point, well raised by GasparZ in the beginning.

Its not that discussions are wrong, its just that this one was about to get ugly....

Really? Honestly, unless this line of comment has been edited by moderators whilst I have slept, I certainly did not get that vibe at all. :dunno In fact, I have found this a very stimulating, energetic and yet polite and erudite conversation on these boards for quite some time. Some like this have gone bad but this one stayed civil and on target, and everyone played nicely with all others. I agree it has sort of played itself out now and that we have covered all points required, but good grief it was a cracking 10 pages of thought provoking conversation!

:hi5: Thanks all, :duff

There should be more like it, not less. Though, curmudgeonly, perhaps in the actual appropriate movie discussion thread would be better I suppose. :pfft:

Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

in favor of HT doing Superman and Batman movie figures......
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Superman/Batman won't be coming for 2 years, and by then i'm pretty sure all MoS figures will be out by then.

gimme Zod and Faora. i want to make pa El vs zod and supes vs Faora dio.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

HT doesn't release figures in 2 years. More like 3 or 12.
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