Hot Toys - MMS125 Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6 Scale T-1000 as Sarah Connor

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Well, I'm not going to SDCC, but I agree here. If the SDCC guys had the first shot, they should still get to keep the first shot. Fair is fair. I'm sure Harvey Dent would agree, too.

As for the figure itself. With the rumored second batch of T-800s shipping, I could see HT wanting to increase the quantity of this figure. I know it may seem like wishful thinking, but by now they have to realize that they're on to a good thing with T2. I expect big numbers with the "Disguise" T-1000 and the regular T-1000. So, maybe instead of them not being able to put out 300 by SDCC, they decided to hold off till they can churn out three of four times that.

Exactly! "Its not about what I want. Its about what's FAIR!" :lol

I would think that now she is no longer a con exclusive for Sideshow/north america, they'll make her in a large amount than originally planned. Their excuse was they weren't going to be able to make enough in time (apparently just enough for the 3 Asian cons :rolleyes: ) so they might as well up the numbers. They don't care if she rots on ebay forever without T-1000 heads as long as they sold all of them. Its those that don't want the Sarah figure's problem to get rid of her.

Trust me guys, I do see where you are all coming from. I'm normally a non-attendee for so many other cons so I hate con exclusives just as much as the next guy. But unless they up the numbers I still feel con-attendees should get first crack at her since they were originally going to be offered to them anyway. I frankly hope they just up the numbers so anyone that wants her (and/or the donut head) can get one. I've never been one to really care about an edition size, and neither has HT apparently since they are doing another run of the T-800. If I want the figure, I want the figure. I don't care if everyone in the world has one or if its just me.
With or without the T-1000 head or feet added, I'd still have much preferred this version of Sarah over the regular one and probably would have bought it...but seeing as its only availabe at cons nowhere near me and the price on eBay is so much, I'll pass. You lost out HT.
Have to disagree with you BM... only for the fact that this is going to be a very limited item and if you allow people to order at the con first then it will almost certainly sell out at the con and leave the non-attendees shafted.

Now, if they decided to keep the same attendee and non-attendee ratio and leave it as a first come, first serve for attendees and have a separate order for non-attendees that's fine.

Although I don't think that would work to well for any attendees not there on the first day.
Have to disagree with you BM... only for the fact that this is going to be a very limited item and if you allow people to order at the con first then it will almost certainly sell out at the con and leave the non-attendees shafted.

Now, if they decided to keep the same attendee and non-attendee ratio and leave it as a first come, first serve for attendees and have a separate order for non-attendees that's fine.

Although I don't think that would work to well for any attendees not there on the first day.

They grey Hulk PF didn't sell out at the con. They had plenty available afterwards, even before the glitch that up'd the edition size even more. I think you over estimate just how many con goers actually order stuff. Plus if these aren't entirely made yet, Sideshow can dictate the edition size after the con is over based on con orders.
A bit off topic, but if I was going to San Diego for a trip, I wouldn't hassle myself with buying all kinds of junk that I would have to somehow fit in my luggage bags to get back home, or mail. Seems easier to just pay after-con prices.
I wouldn't. I would figure that the savings in buying at the con are outweighed by the hassle of buying there. First, you have to wait in lines to get them (being familiar with Joes this is the case with Hasbro, anyway), then you have to lug them around the convention until you go to the hotel (though Sideshow may make accomodations to hold things), and then possibly the biggest hassle--you have to get them back to your home. You either have to package up and mail stuff during your trip, or try to fit it in your luggage. I would honestly rather pay the jacked up fees to avoid the inconvenience.
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They grey Hulk PF didn't sell out at the con. They had plenty available afterwards, even before the glitch that up'd the edition size even more. I think you over estimate just how many con goers actually order stuff. Plus if these aren't entirely made yet, Sideshow can dictate the edition size after the con is over based on con orders.

You don't think that had anything to do with attendees lugging around a 50lb box all day? :lol
All I want to know is why can't we pre-order this b-tch yet? I don't care that she won't be at SDCC. I just want to know that I'll have one. I keep thinking I've missed the pre-order day already since we've known about her so long, but already pre-ordered the T-1000 the day after it was revealed.
Its a worry. I'd really like to get my order in and out of the way. I have 2 possible obstacles to ordering this figure coming up in July - moving house, and possibly a temporary loss of internet access, and also a trip to switzerland I'm taking on the 16th of the month. My luck this thing goes up for order smack bam in the middle of one of those! This is why I keep whining about it, its so frustrating that HT have made this not just a normal exclusive but a genuinely limited one. I hate that they've done this. I hope by stressing that repeatedly it somehow gets back to HT and lets them know what an unpopular move this has been so that no other figure in this line will be such a limited release.
I still think she'll be a SDCC pre-order. Sideshow said she'd pre-order at the end of July. What big even is at the end of July? :dunno

If they weren't saving her for SDCC, they would have put her up for order already. We already got the T-1000 (like the day after he was revealed no less) so they have to be saving her for a reason. Most logical answer is SDCC, or just after the con for a PPO for non-attendees.
...or may be they are just tweaking/negotiating/working out/increasing the amount that they are making.

Putting it up for preorder without maximizing the sales after seeing how well the T800 sold and how well I am sure the T1000 will sell would be dumb.
Changing how many will be made has no bearing on the preorder date, it's the release date that matters how many you've got to make.

Unfortunately, I agree with munch, it's likely an SDCC preorder, which still retains some exclusivity to it.

Con attendees get to just walk up to the booth and place orders, non-attendees will have to do a PPO and remaining quantities could be really low by the time non attendees get to order, hopefully Sideshow will still reserve a decent ammount of NAs because otherwise, just a few hundred, this could be sold out at the show alone.
...or may be they are just tweaking/negotiating/working out/increasing the amount that they are making.

Putting it up for preorder without maximizing the sales after seeing how well the T800 sold and how well I am sure the T1000 will sell would be dumb.

Yup, that's my guess. The sculpt was more than underwhelming, it was pretty bad IMO. HT knows they can do better.