Hot Toys - MMS125 Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1/6 Scale T-1000 as Sarah Connor

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Some people just look for a way to make some extra cash with minimal effort. It takes no real work to order, receive and ship out a figure, so if you can buy it for $150 and sell it for $300+, you double your money with very little effort. I get the appeal of it, I wish it weren't so, but it is and better to just accept that it exists otherwise you'll tear yourself up wishing it weren't so. With place like eBay and Amazon, it's come to thrive, if such sites weren't around to reach mass ammounts of consumers, it might not be so bad, but places like eBay are huge and people know if they try to turn something for profit, odds are they will find someone willing to pay.
And this is why I'm cursing Hot Toys for making any of these T2 figures limited editions (i.e. more limited than anything else that purports to be 'limited')

For a big fan eager to obtain any and all figures from the film its more than a little annoying that HT would go this route. Especially on hair-down Sarah Connor. I know Sarah isn't as popular a character but for a huge fan (as opposed to a casual fan or middle of the road fan) thats like making the BD T-800 super-rare.
It's a gamble, I think HT's fan enough of T2 to want to see this alternate Sarah done, but I think they figure she wouldn't be very popular and sell much, so they're making her limited, and I'd wager even the regular Sarah is probably more limited than T-800 or T-1000, and to make sure she sells out they packed an item for a figure they know will be highly wanted in with her.

I think HT is estimating low demand for this figure, unfortunately, I think they underestimated demand for the donut head and that little item is going to make more people snag this Sarah then the Sarah figure istelf is going to.

They tried to put strategy together that would be best, they slipped up, it happens.

I'm just glad a hair down Sarah exists on any level, I figured after the first one debuted, we'd never see this.
I'm hoping that's a factor in dropping it as a Con Exclusive, that Sideshow perceived a greater demand and where they have a part in this license, maybe they negotiated a change in the release.
I'll just never understand it. Maybe Ashkanls is a big T2 fan and wouldn't plan to sell it, perhaps he just likes the idea of his figures being worth more than what he paid for that case, sure, fine.

I've got 2 Original suit TDK Batmans which I understand are much sought after but they're staying in my collection. I bought them because I wanted them :)

I bought the batmans for keeping and enjoying. Reason I waited on that is the 50-60 shipping people were asking for plus they seemed to make a better resvision very time on the batman. I am a terminator fan. Thing is with me there are very limited things I like/love that Id jump on because I have to have it. Deadpool, Id buy it right away no matter the cost. But the sarah connor is cool but I value money I work hard for over that only to lose 50 bucks in 2 months. If its limited I will get in on it because the price wont drop. Its overly produced then I will pick it up when I feel it hit the floor. Look at other Terminator figures. They sell for $130-$160 on ebay shipped. Retail some where 180, out the door $200 plus :slap
Sorry to zone in on you man I'm just tense about the possibility of missing this one. Really want a hair-down Sarah and of course the donut headsculpt for T-1000.
There's no specifics yet, all we know at the moment is that Sideshow announced her going up for order at the end of July, that's the only official word we have.

So this is no longer a SDCC exclusive?
I must have missed this news. Is it going to be available at SDCC for pre-order, or just during SDCC for anyone online?

Well, the only official word is late July in the newsletter that updated it wouldn't be a con exclusive, which leaves a few of us thinking it'll be one of the items up for preorder during the show, which means con goers get to just walk up to the booth and place orders while online non attendees will get a PPO for it. If it is done that way, hopefully they still reserve an ammount for non attendees because otherwise, I could see this being sold out before we even get a chance, if the ES is still around 500.

I would say maybe in a couple weeks we'll get more information hopefully on the specifics of this, but best bet is to keep up with this thread and Sideshow's site for information.
Thanks. In all honesty, given that this was intended to be an SDCC exclusive, it would seem more appropriate to give folks there first dibs. You guys should get little perks like that for all the money/time/hassle spent having to deal with SDCC.
Con pieces are an iffy thing with me. Thankfully, there hasn't been one I've wanted I couldn't get, and often, they're things that are really niche, but at the same time, I do dislike the idea of "rewarding" con goers with easy access at this stuff, the only reason I'm not going is because with tight money, it's buy collectibles or take a trip, I'm not there because I'm buying HT's figures and such.

However, I won't go on a tangent, but I do hope I can snag this figure, the T-1000 head is huge for me, and this is my ideal Sarah for my T2 collection so it'd be a double miss if I can't get it.
Well, I think the little incentives add up to make a con experience worthwhile, and the exclusives are a part of that. Personally, I've never been to one, and probably never will (for the reason you say--the money can always go to something more useful, IMO, but also because the time and hassle would be a real pain in the ass), but for those who do go, they are going there for a reason. For some, a large part of that is the exclusive toys. Companies benefit because it allows them to build some hype for existing or new lines, for Sideshow as well as Hasbro. Fans benefit because they get first dibs or get better stuff than others do. Given that this is part of the con protocol, I think it would be appropriate for Sideshow to do that.

However, I don't think it is "fair," as someone was arguing yesterday. :lol
I want to go and has nothing to do with the pieces, I'd rather not have to haul things back, I want to go just to be able to see things in person that the rest of the world will only see photos of for months until it ships, be one of the first to see new things, meet the people behind the products I love to buy, meet fellow collectors. I plan to try to go to next year, just a matter of balancing funds and being prepared with them on time, having never gone, I learn somethign new each year about the process of setting up the trip, I think finally, next year, I'll know everything I need to know.
I want to go and has nothing to do with the pieces, I'd rather not have to haul things back, I want to go just to be able to see things in person that the rest of the world will only see photos of for months until it ships, be one of the first to see new things, meet the people behind the products I love to buy, meet fellow collectors. I plan to try to go to next year, just a matter of balancing funds and being prepared with them on time, having never gone, I learn somethign new each year about the process of setting up the trip, I think finally, next year, I'll know everything I need to know.

I'm the same way. I really wouldn't mind if there weren't any con exclusives I didn't want. In fact, it would make the con more enjoyable not having to worry about them. Thats why I try to get as many of the ones I can during preview night. Nothing else is going on then so I might as well try and get all of the exclusives out of the way. I really wish they'd make EVERYONE with an exclusive do it the way Sideshow does. It would avoid lines, fights, stress, and wasted time. You've already bought and paid for the item, you just need to pick it up. Hasbro and Mattel in particular really need to switch to this method. Their lines are a nightmare every year. They must bring in $$$$ for comic-con to keep putting up with their crap year after year.

In essense, this would have been a perfect con exclusive with a few changes.

1) No T-1000 donut head. Lets all face it, it is a very low blow by HT to include such a requested and iconic head with this limited exclusive.

2) The standard Sarah Connor had a 'hair down' head, leaving this 'exorcist' version as the evil T-1000.

So really, its the heads that are pissing everyone off. Regular Sarah should have had a steel mill head and they shouldn't have included this T-1000 head. The healing head from the regular T-1000 would have been a better choice if they needed to include a T-1000 head. Its not a 'must have' like the donut or exploded head would be. I'm still convinced we'll see that fully exploded head somewhere else after how the donut head was handled.
I would have been fine with that too, if the original Sarah came with a hair down alternate head but with portrait similar to the ponytail head and clean look, more like Cyberdyne, I'd still want to get this con piece as the steel mill look, but I'd feel less pressure, but as it is, this is my only way to get a Sarah figure to my standards, and the donut head is my most desired of the T-1000 damages, so there's a lot of must have in this package for me.
Every time an exclusive edition is announced people here go crazy and start panicking. If you think HT is only going to make 1000 of these figures, you're free to think that, doesn't bother me, panic on... China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea and God knows what other toy fairs will have MMS125, and all the other exclusives on offer. It's not going to be as mass-produced as the standard editions, but it will be mass-produced none the less. I know for a fact that I'll be getting a couple of these, I'm not panicking. Relax! :slap
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Every time an exclusive edition is announced people here go crazy and start panicking. If you think HT is only going to make 1000 of these figures, you're free to think that, doesn't bother me, panic on... China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea and God knows what other toy fairs will have MMS125, and all the other exclusives on offer. It's not going to be as mass-produced as the standard editions, but it will be mass-produced none the less. I know for a fact that I'll be getting a couple of these, I'm not panicking. Relax! :slap

I hear you but the problem is the price... If it were a standard release we could pay 154$ for it or so... with the 'SDCC exclusive' tag on it resellers are jacking up the price. Its 350$ on ebay at the moment.
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Every time an exclusive edition is announced people here go crazy and start panicking. If you think HT is only going to make 1000 of these figures, you're free to think that, doesn't bother me, panic on... China, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea and God knows what other toy fairs will have MMS125, and all the other exclusives on offer. It's not going to be as mass-produced as the standard editions, but it will be mass-produced none the less. I know for a fact that I'll be getting a couple of these, I'm not panicking. Relax! :slap

You do of course realize this was supposed to be a Toy Fairs exclusive, right? Meaning that only 300 (not 500) would be given to each distributor or fair. And if there's only three toy fairs this summer, then do the math. Less than 1000 will be out, and if you think you can count on the leftovers in Asia (assuming there will be any), you'll probably end up paying inflated prices and ridiculous shipping. Not saying it's not possible. Just saying it's not cost-effective at all. The smart money says your only decent bet is to get it from SS at the very beginning. Your chances will slim considerably afterwards.

You're assuming that just because of a change of plans, HT will all of a sudden make more then it was originally going to for SS. That's... not the way it works. Trust me, we're getting the number we were supposed to all along. These are extremely limited, and it's even worse when they're con exclusives turned into regular SS exclusives. The reason being is that they are often sold out within much less than a day after they go on sale. Maybe even within the first few minutes.

Good for you that you're not panicking. But that might change once that big 3-0-0 pops up.
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