Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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this has alot of differences from the proto......its a shame that Hot Toys has chosen not to announce earlier or more importantly resolved it......for me the proto was spot on cool, these updated pics are very disappointing :gah:
For me the flaws of this product are:

head too small
proportions of the head similar to the classic predator
hair too short

but above the inscription: "realistic and accurate 1/6th scale"

The advantages are:

excellent color
not seem like a doll...
The real Berserker is less hypertrophic, has the larger head

The ventral belts are placed too high as in NECA

This comparison makes the HT version look extremely inaccurate, from the cod piece up to the shoulder armor, and bio.
That's because NECA has a huge predator fan sculpting their predators! I think a fan's work compared to somebody who is "just doing their job" will turn out better most of the time.

Thats still no excuse though. I mean if they can pretty much nail the likenesses of Arnie, Stallone, Pitt and even Jessica Biel there's no reason for them not to be able to do the same with the Preds.

I still may get this though. Like I said if I get him and don't like him I can (hopefully) sell it in maybe a year or so and more than what I payed.
Thats still no excuse though. I mean if they can pretty much nail the likenesses of Arnie, Stallone, Pitt and even Jessica Biel there's no reason for them not to be able to do the same with the Preds.

I still may get this though. Like I said if I get him and don't like him I can (hopefully) sell it in maybe a year or so and more than what I payed.

Yup :exactly:
Thats still no excuse though. I mean if they can pretty much nail the likenesses of Arnie, Stallone, Pitt and even Jessica Biel there's no reason for them not to be able to do the same with the Preds.

I still may get this though. Like I said if I get him and don't like him I can (hopefully) sell it in maybe a year or so and more than what I payed.

I don't really know about their other characters (I'm only an aliens/predator/terminator person), but their arnold likenesses while being identifiable as arnold still are very off in some aspects.
Thats still no excuse though. I mean if they can pretty much nail the likenesses of Arnie, Stallone, Pitt and even Jessica Biel there's no reason for them not to be able to do the same with the Preds.

I still may get this though. Like I said if I get him and don't like him I can (hopefully) sell it in maybe a year or so and more than what I payed.

Different sculptor different take. The sculptor Joseph Tsang.... has does some phenomenal work but he is not know for accuracy... examples includes Alien-Big Chap and Ghost Rider skull.
i dont think you guys have anything to worry about as far as value with this. Look how inaccurate AVP preds are. I had that Ani com Scar, thought it was crap, and now look on ebay, ppl are paying 1500 plus for him. They all have their accuracy issues, but this one is still better than every other release and the Sideshow Berserker maquette prolly wont be as cool as this piece.
he may look cool on his own. but displaying him with the rest of the preds, he just blends in. this one supposed to stand out from the regular preds. movie hype and all, they were supposed to be BIGGER than the regular preds. the prototype made me believe that....but that was all BS.
I had Berserker on po, but when my wife found out the price she said no way! :gah: :monkey2 So I canceled my po with SSC, the price is insane for what you get. Hopefully the price drops, if not I may have to trade my HT OC Batman for a Berserker. :(

Get it off Alter Ego, Corner Store, or Razor's Edge for like $175-$180. At that price, it makes a little more sense.