Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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Here's more bad news. got this from a comment in their facebook page:

Got mine yesterday. To be honest, I'm quite disappointed with this Berserker .....both Knees could not be bent.....see it for yourself....this is just a huge plastic toy instead of HT 1:6 figures
Hot Toys didn't set the $200 price tag, some retailers did. How much will you end up paying in the end? I don't feel screwed by Hot Toys, I like the figure. I wouldn't buy it if I had the problems that you have with it. But I still think it's bigger than the comparison photo with the red line shows.

And, like I said, it's still should be priced lower than P1, given that the new height difference ISN'T substantial, has fewer accessories, and far less articulation. That means less raw materials off the bat.

Look at how Berserker compares to Wolfie other there. I got my Wolfie $190, and that was marked up already since I just got it a few months ago.

And again, HT screwed their customers over. Yes, the final product looks good, but it's not what we were promised.
Here's more bad news. got this from a comment in their facebook page:
That's just flat-out wrong.
the ab-crunch joint would've been handy in that pose.

:goodpost: I'm sure there is going to be a way to modify this guy to get him a tad taller the same way people have been correcting the height of the P1. maybe extending the neck joint or something.

i hope so too, man. i dont think the washer trick could save this one as he got sculpted neck....and a tiny head. :[
Screw is a bit exaggerated. That would be if HT received payment and didn't send the fig. Now THAT would be screwing their customers. While the proto pic clearly shows discrepancies between that and the final product, I wouldn't go as far as say that HT "screwed" their customers.
:goodpost: I'm sure there is going to be a way to modify this guy to get him a tad taller the same way people have been correcting the height of the P1. maybe extending the neck joint or something.
i'm sure there is going to be a way to make legs and neck of this giraffe shorter to return him to movie proportions as HT did to P1 and i did to all other HT preds.
Screw is a bit exaggerated. That would be if HT received payment and didn't send the fig. Now THAT would be screwing their customers. While the proto pic clearly shows discrepancies between that and the final product, I wouldn't go as far as say that HT "screwed" their customers.

False advertising and then disguising the malady as something that "just happens" also falls under the "screwing us over" category IMHO.

@ P:

how did you increase the height?

It's just so sad that we have to do that for ourselves, especially the the amount HT is asking us for the figure.
how did you increase the height?
i didn't.
i lowered them to P1 level to get fat bulky preds.
this one is fat already, but neck is too long and legs seem to be longer than the body, i hope to remake feet joints when i see them in my hands.
Can he look up?

I noticed there haven't been any photos showing the figure looking upward; is he incapable of titling his head back? This would be a big disappointment, as it would make it impossible to recreate the pose he makes several times in the film when letting out a roar. It's his most-used pose in the film.
Re: Can he look up?

I noticed there haven't been any photos showing the figure looking upward; is he incapable of titling his head back? This would be a big disappointment, as it would make it impossible to recreate the pose he makes several times in the film when letting out a roar. It's his most-used pose in the film.

That size comparison pic has the Berseck with his head tilted.
Personally, I'm glad I preordered 2 and may still pick up another one. The inaccuracies are very minor in my opinion. The height thing is just stupid. I mean everybody had to have seen the little disclaimer about it being a prototype and that the final version may be different right(regarding the Black next to the P1)? It looks to be less than an inch shorted, which means very little. He looks good next to the wolf and P2 Elder. So yeah, noobs if your thinking about canceling this because of all the static on here, I would highly discourage it. In hand, like all Hot Toys, this thing is gonna be awesome. And on top of that, it will rise in value, guaranteed. Everybody else making noise, relax. If you preordered and paid in full, frankly your a damn fool. Especially after only seeing a prototype. If you wanna cancel and can, go a head and do it. I can almost guarantee when these are sitting at $400 on ebay you'll regret it.
Just my two cents

is just me or the paint on the legs doesnt go with the rest of the body on the released product?
The height thing is just stupid. I mean everybody had to have seen the little disclaimer about it being a prototype and that the final version may be different right(regarding the Black next to the P1)? It looks to be less than an inch shorted, which means very little.

You're missing the point that the height was used specifically as a selling point - "look at how big it is! Buy this figure!" An inch shorter is significant, maybe not to you.

I'd agree with your point about the disclaimer if people were complaining that the headsculpt looks slightly different than the proto because changes to headsculpts happen all the time between proto and final figure. And generally for the better.
I think its probably the lighting. I work with photos everyday and the one thing that is absolute fact is color in pictures vary, sometimes in amazing degrees.
You're missing the point that the height was used specifically as a selling point - "look at how big it is! Buy this figure!" An inch shorter is significant, maybe not to you.

I'd agree with your point about the disclaimer if people were complaining that the headsculpt looks slightly different than the proto because changes to headsculpts happen all the time between proto and final figure. And generally for the better.

Its not an inch. Look at the comparison pic again. It seems a good number of people are confusing what Hot Toys said with speculation from inaccurate toy fair pics. I know HT never advertised it as more than 14 inches.