Hot Toys - MMS130 - Predators: Berserker Predator (Full Spec & Pics)

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Woo Chop-serker


The price on Berserker will rise once he's sold out at retail. Give it some time, even the P1 didn't climb in price much untill severall months after he sold out.
Good grief! Out of all the Hot Toys figures I own, the Berserker is my first one that had some serious quality issues.

First Berserker I received in December had a missing leather piece on the belt. :slap

I contacted HT customer service and 2 1/2 weeks later got a reply. Sent them my contact info they requested and still haven't received the replacement belt. Alter Ego ended up sending me a replacement Berserker after I returned that one.

The replacement Berserker I received from AE had additional quality issues. It looked like the skull paint hadn't dried before someone at the factory put it in the box as you can see from the photo some of the paint smeared off. There was even some tiny pieces of what looked like tissue paper where the paint rubbed off. Plus some weird white stuff on the spine as seen in the photo. Also the LED in the helmet didn't work, along with the battery cover that wouldn't tighten due to a stripped screw hole.

I returned the second Berserker to AE. To avoid further shipping back and forth, AE opened the third one they were going to send me and discovered bad paint apps on the torso that had rubbed off similar to the skull on the second one I returned. Since AE had no more in stock, they had Sideshow send me a replacement Berserker.

I received my replacement Berserker from Sideshow this week and I am happy to say there is not a single thing wrong with it. LED works, no paint issues, no missing parts, etc. :yess:

Shame on Hot Toys for letting quality control slip like that.

Kudos to Alter Ego for all their help and excellent customer service. :clap This just reaffirms why I continue to buy from them.
^ That is one thing that always pisses me off, it's their job to get the ____ right. The ones who don't do it right need to be shot out of a cannon into the sun.
You shouldn't have to go through FOUR of the same TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR figure just to get one that is decent.
I mean seriously, how do they screw up painting the scales? How do they not notice a leather strap from the leg is missing?

The human race needs to die out...
^ That is one thing that always pisses me off, it's their job to get the ____ right. The ones who don't do it right need to be shot out of a cannon into the sun.
You shouldn't have to go through FOUR of the same TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR figure just to get one that is decent.
I mean seriously, how do they screw up painting the scales? How do they not notice a leather strap from the leg is missing?

The human race needs to die out...


Yeah, for a $200 figure one shouldn't have to go through what I went through.
^ That is one thing that always pisses me off, it's their job to get the ____ right. The ones who don't do it right need to be shot out of a cannon into the sun.
You shouldn't have to go through FOUR of the same TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR figure just to get one that is decent.
I mean seriously, how do they screw up painting the scales? How do they not notice a leather strap from the leg is missing?

The human race needs to die out...
I 100,000% agree!!!
Good grief! Out of all the Hot Toys figures I own, the Berserker is my first one that had some serious quality issues.

First Berserker I received in December had a missing leather piece on the belt. :slap

I contacted HT customer service and 2 1/2 weeks later got a reply. Sent them my contact info they requested and still haven't received the replacement belt. Alter Ego ended up sending me a replacement Berserker after I returned that one.

The replacement Berserker I received from AE had additional quality issues. It looked like the skull paint hadn't dried before someone at the factory put it in the box as you can see from the photo some of the paint smeared off. There was even some tiny pieces of what looked like tissue paper where the paint rubbed off. Plus some weird white stuff on the spine as seen in the photo. Also the LED in the helmet didn't work, along with the battery cover that wouldn't tighten due to a stripped screw hole.

I returned the second Berserker to AE. To avoid further shipping back and forth, AE opened the third one they were going to send me and discovered bad paint apps on the torso that had rubbed off similar to the skull on the second one I returned. Since AE had no more in stock, they had Sideshow send me a replacement Berserker.

I received my replacement Berserker from Sideshow this week and I am happy to say there is not a single thing wrong with it. LED works, no paint issues, no missing parts, etc. :yess:

Shame on Hot Toys for letting quality control slip like that.

Kudos to Alter Ego for all their help and excellent customer service. :clap This just reaffirms why I continue to buy from them.

Wow! Totally unacceptable you had to go through all that just to get a good figure but glad you found one in the end. How anyone could have missed the missing piece of leather on the belt is baffling.
Apparently missing parts of HT figures are common. HT CS just sent the missing part to me without the need for shipping back and forth and risk additional defects.
Bandito, are you located in HK? I would assume HT would take forever to ship stuff to USA for example.

And glad to hear AlterEgo is so on top of their customer service.