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I can bet my cat's 455 on the line that there is going to be an extra BD/ Toby head sculpt coming with the spidey figure. I'm sure it will, its gonna be a big blow to the A-list head sculptors if they don't.

I bet we don't... There's at least going to be a symbiote Spidey coming, which could have an Emo Toby head then there's the possibility of a full BD Spidey or even a Peter Parker at some point, especially if they delve into SM1 and 2.

It's the same rationale as with Cap, who isn't coming with a maskless Evans head. There's just too much potential for a second or third Spider-Man, so why give too much with the initial figure when it will sell like hotcakes as a bare bones release?
I'm sure there will be lots of folks who have Black Widow, Odin, War Machine, all 6 Marks, Tech Mech Tony and on and on, but I'm going for main heroes only at this point. Being a completest with the HT Marvel lines is going to get really expensive, really quick!

All the secondary characters will prevent me from displaying the main heroes together too. If you buy Odin then you have to display him with Thor, War Machine with Iron Man, etc. I want Cap, Thor and IM displayed together... And maybe one day a Hulk as well. :lecture

What about Hawkeye? would you get it if its released? He aint bigger than War Machine.
I didn't mean to offend some of you guys, but I don't see WM as being any more important than Falcon by any stretch. . .maybe Jubilee, but I don't consider him a B-level Marvel character. This is all subjective, but I reserve A-listers for a a very few top-tier guys like Cap, Spidey, Hulk, Wolvie, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, maybe Thor since the film. B-level guys are Cyclops and many other X-Men, Ant-Man/Giant Man, Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Punisher, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye--fairly iconic and well loved characters who have been around awhile and have a pretty notable fan-base for the characters. I would include Deadpool in the list due to sheer popularity, and Blade simply because he's had several movies for himself (he is one case where the non-comics media has affected the status of his comic counterpart IMO). Then there's largely supporting and derivative characters that belong on the C-list, IMO. Falcon, War Machine, New Mutants, lesser X-Men, lesser Avengers, Rick Jones, etc.

This has zip to do with how good the figure is, I'm just talking about characters.
I didn't mean to offend some of you guys, but I don't see WM as being any more important than Falcon by any stretch. . .maybe Jubilee, but I don't consider him a B-level Marvel character. This is all subjective, but I reserve A-listers for a a very few top-tier guys like Cap, Spidey, Hulk, Wolvie, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, maybe Thor since the film. B-level guys are Cyclops and many other X-Men, Ant-Man/Giant Man, Daredevil, Dr. Strange, Punisher, Ghost Rider, Hawkeye--fairly iconic and well loved characters who have been around awhile and have a pretty notable fan-base for the characters. I would include Deadpool in the list due to sheer popularity, and Blade simply because he's had several movies for himself (he is one case where the non-comics media has affected the status of his comic counterpart IMO). Then there's largely supporting and derivative characters that belong on the C-list, IMO. Falcon, War Machine, New Mutants, lesser X-Men, lesser Avengers, Rick Jones, etc.

This has zip to do with how good the figure is, I'm just talking about characters.

I dont get why someone would get offended by your comments. These are discussions forums this is what is about and thats what I like about it. Its always nice to share thoughts with fellow collectors. As long as you dont insult or use bad language I think its ok. There are some people who would feel offended if they disagree with you, but dont even pay attention to them.
Ghost Rider is really considered a lesser character. He didn't blow up until the 1990s but he had like an 82 issue run from the 70s to the early 80s. I remember being able to get these for like 50 cents a pop in 1987.
I can understand what you're saying Karamozov in the context that WM, Jubilee really didn't have much to do with the original characters created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko etc. Iron Man, Captain America, SpiderMan, Hulk, FF those are A list because they have a certain tradition associated with them. Kind of like the original six teams in hockey.
Still no Spidey pics on ToyWorld forum, which seems to be where early pics are usually found (or on eBay auctions). I figure we'll start seeing them in a few hours.

Ghost Rider is really considered a lesser character. He didn't blow up until the 1990s but he had like an 82 issue run from the 70s to the early 80s. I remember being able to get these for like 50 cents a pop in 1987.
Yeah, but he was extremely popular in the 90s and had his own film. I liken him to a single step below Punisher only because Punisher's had three movies and has been more consistently popular through the 2000s. If War Machine got his own film, that would probably bump him up in my eyes. Black Widow is a borderline B- and C-level player in my book.
What about Hawkeye? would you get it if its released? He aint bigger than War Machine.

Well, it depends how you look at it. If Hawkeye was going to look like he does in the comics then yes, I would. But since I'm assuming he's going to look like he does in that teaser poster I'd say no. I just find Jeremy Renner to be annoying so having his face on my shelf is no bueno.

But the way I see it is Hawkeye is as much an Avenger as any other character. Cap, Thor, Iron Man, Hank Pym, etc, and the Avengers as a team carries as much weight as any other Marvel title so I'd be willing to buy a good Hawkeye before WM.

Ghost Rider is really considered a lesser character. He didn't blow up until the 1990s but he had like an 82 issue run from the 70s to the early 80s. I remember being able to get these for like 50 cents a pop in 1987.

Ghost Rider is a lesser character in the overall scope of Marvel... A little lower than Daredevil and Punisher but a little higher than Moon Knight. Like Doctor Strange level. :lecture
I can understand what you're saying Karamozov in the context that WM, Jubilee really didn't have much to do with the original characters created by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko etc. Iron Man, Captain America, SpiderMan, Hulk, FF those are A list because they have a certain tradition associated with them. Kind of like the original six teams in hockey.

Yeah, anything Lee, Ditko, Kirby get's bumped up a level or two, for sure.
Dr. Druid was a Lee/Kirby creation :hi5:

I heard Liam Neeson is playing him in TDKR. :lecture

I'm not offended I just disagree that War Machine is not at worst a B level character. He's had his own comic a couple times and has a spin off movie in the works . If others don't feel the same thats cool but as Kara said its subjective, and I don't expect any of us to change position based on a someone elses feelings.
I fall more along the lines of the Macho Mod. A-Level: Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Fantastic Four as a team, Wolverine, Avengers as a team, X-Men as a team.

Then there's high B-Level. Daredevil, Silver Surfer, Punisher. Characters that have had long running titles, movies etc. You can also mix in Cyclops, Professor X and major villains like Dr Doom, Magneto, etc....

Then B-Level like Dr Strange, Namor, Hawkeye, War Machine, Ghost Rider, Storm, Jean Grey... Characters that are main characters of team books and key cogs within that group chemistry but not quite dynamic enough to have their own title or characters that have had successful runs at times but never for too long a period.

That's just a rough explanation of course... lots of grey area.