Hot Toys - MMS143 - Spider-Man 3 official specs and pics

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OMG, is this the camera you use to take your photos?

I think Doctor Octopus has the potential of being the most impressive Spider-Man villain figure. I'd love to see what Hot Toys would do with him.
With this being the Spiderman 3 license, I don't see this happening, but I would love to be proven wrong.

Bring on Symbiote Spidey at tleast.

Alls that could be needed is a flashback or a voice. Like how they pulled the Jor-el out of the SR license.
Any of that happen in SM3 with GG/Norman OR Doc?

Damn. This was one of those figures I saw announced and thought ' well my wallet will be pleased.' Now its released and I want it. Possibly more so than any other figure at the mo. This has probably been asked before but is the webbing sticky? No jizz puns please. LOL.
Doc oc would awesome so would GG. I'd grab them for sure.

I can't wait to get my spidey he looks awesome
Sorry dudes. You're both pretty cool in my book.

:lol no need for apologies. The Irish never say sorry and Australians are basically Irishmen but without the culture.

I'm not into GG as some here are - but if they somehow managed to wrangle a Doc out of the S3 license I'd be on it like a seagull onto a hot chip. It'd be an epic release :pray:
:lol no need for apologies. The Irish never say sorry and Australians are basically Irishmen but without the culture.

I'm not into GG as some here are - but if they somehow managed to wrangle a Doc out of the S3 license I'd be on it like a seagull onto a hot chip. It'd be an epic release :pray:

I'd love if they'd made all of the villains. Doc Ock is on the top of my list though. I might even buy an emo Parker if they make their version of him. :lol
With this being the Spiderman 3 license, I don't see this happening, but I would love to be proven wrong.

Bring on Symbiote Spidey at tleast.

If memory serves, They ( Hot toys) Announced a marvel movie master license, and stated it specifically included ALL the x-men movies, the blade Trilogy, AND the spider-man Trilogy.

IE they've already got the license for spider-man 1 and 2, they just chose to start with Spider-man 3.

Also, amazing pics. i'm guessing that puts to rest all the "his costume is restricting the articulation" crap :lol