Kinda considering picking this up, as well as the Black version. What's the consensus on the figure? Any QC issues to look out for?
Old but not obsolete.What's the consensus on the figure?
I sold off the red and blue one after picking up the ASM 2 version. Much better representation of how i envision Spider-Man. I kept the Symbiote one since it is the only representation. Plus, it came with a cool Sandman base.
That's the reason why I never bought the red version, I have the black one, it's one of my favorite figuresI'd also like to point out, another thing that bugged me was the chin. The cartoons often showed the side of Spidey's face, and the mask conformed to his jaw line. However, on this particular version, the mask ends up rounding of into the costume, giving him a bit of a fat chin look. On the black version, because of the interchangeable head, the mask and the suit are not connected, so it wasn't a problem.
This picture shows what I'm talking about:
It's a bit of a nitpick, but it did bother me enough to not buy this.
I love this figure. After buying this, I never felt the need to buy any of the other versions. This IS Spidey to me.
I think it boils down to whether you like a more muscular Spidey or a more agile one. For me, the one from ASM2 is closer to how I picture Spidey.
Old but not obsolete.
In my opinion the only bad part is head.
Other than that I'm quite happy, even bought the second one.
I don't have black version but as I remember the head on that one is all plastic.