so landa was 149.99 with one head and a cheaper film license and actor license but people think this one is over priced?? i dont get it...seems on par with everything else of the last 2 years
Do you think the price hike is because of the likeness rights? Could be the reason the Capt figure is cheaper and no helmetless head.
absolutely...people want more but dont want to pay for it...
cap was 169.99 with one head which was not a full reveal head...
this guy has 2 full reveal sculpts and is only 30 more
just imagine what the sculpts alone will sell for later lol
On SS site you get free shipping & handling FOR AMERICA ONLY, so $199.99 isn't to bad of a deal. A must preorder for me.
So all you'd need to display both versions is another pair of trousers and boots.
One with the grey uniform and HS and one with just the trousers, boots, Coat & other HS.
Think that'll work?
People can't claim likeness rights for everything, there have been tons and tons of Hot Toys with famous actor HS that weren't very high priced
so landa was 149.99 with one head and a cheaper film license and actor license but people think this one is over priced?? i dont get it...seems on par with everything else of the last 2 years
This type of technology and artistry HT's is using can't be cheap.
Also, since when was being selective a bad thing?
True, but Skull doesn't come with a beautiful metallic shield. So I'd call it a draw in that regard.To be fair, Cap didn't come with a 2nd head, which is more expensive to produce than a 2nd gun.
I find it strange he doesn't come with the gun he used in the final fight. It just seems like something fairly major to not include and Hot Toys is usually pretty decent at making sure to get all the essential accessories. You would think if they were smart enough to include the rose box that T-800 carried the shotgun in, then they would include the actual gun Red Skull used in half the final fight.
I find it strange he doesn't come with the gun he used in the final fight. It just seems like something fairly major to not include and Hot Toys is usually pretty decent at making sure to get all the essential accessories. You would think if they were smart enough to include the rose box that T-800 carried the shotgun in, then they would include the actual gun Red Skull used in half the final fight.
That might make sense if he came with the outfit he wore in the final fight![]()