Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Makes perfect sense to me, that's how I would do it. We'll never know, but I would guess that the presales for this figure didn't do all that great (because it's so ugly, and all) otherwise this would be out by now. That said, I agree that once OMG's photos come out they'll sell a bunch more. Although now with ASM2 looming, there are probably a number of people who canceled this because they like the new suit better, which I can understand.

Personally I'm still patiently waiting for my ASM figure.....I love the ugly suit too. It's different.

My thought exactly, given the change of suits for the sequel this is the only chance to own this design (if it ever makes it out that is). I didn't really see a problem with this design and I hope it gets decent usage in ASM2 before the change or they at least have a good reason behind the costume change.
I've said this before, everyone agrees that HT is will to put figures out as "money grabs" and they "milk" lines like Iron Man and Batman. Since that is probably the case, why wouldn't HT have "miked" the X-Men lines? There are at lease 30 characters that could have been made from the 5 ( not counting the Wolverine ) X-Men movies. They clearly have no problem going deep into a license. I peronally think the answer to the question "Why doesn't HT make more figures from licenses other than Iron Man and Batman is simply.....they don't sell as well. Which means they are not as popular with HT fan base. And that means WE as collectors somewhat control what figures HT make.
To be fair they don't know if they'd sell well or not because they haven't made any X-Men (other than Wolverine) to see.

If they never made IM in the first place they'd never know the profitability of the line, they had to make figures to get the numbers. They took a calculated risk and it paid off.

Same applies to X-Men.

I like the very ugly design. A LOT.

Me too.
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No business ever knows if anything new will sell well. I'm sure they are using sales figures from either or both Wolverines to determine if they should make other characters. And clearly, those sales numbers don't warrant making other characters. Thats how I see it. I hate it too. I'd love to have a dozen or 2 X-Men. But thats probably never going to happen.
I don't buy the 'sales figure leads future figures or not' theory.

They've done both Tonto and Lone Ranger without waiting to see the sales figures of one of them first
3/4 G.I Joe figures, before the first one released.
The first figure from any line (without previous sales figures as they don't exist)
Avengers Captain America and Star Spangled Cap while the previous one is still in stock after a year since release.
Here we go again, the "He's not very popular garbage" yet again.

How many times does this need to be pointed out? HT has some huge sellers, they are IM/AVENGERS, BATMAN, SUPERMAN and SPIDERMAN.

They are huge sellers. But don't take my word for it, check for yourself. Cap:A, Widow, Thor, were all available for a fair amount of time even after the movie came and went on Bluray/DVD, but they still all sold out and have continued to do so. Spiderman will be no different.

Are some people holding of because of the unrevealed head sculpt? Probably, but that will change too as soon as it's shown officially on sites various. As I recall it got a majority thumbs up, with folks making up customs of Skateboarding Parker that just required the head.

That's all I am going to say on this. If you want to continue to believe this snoop, then that's your right to do so. But I think that you will be disappointed/surprised...take your pick.

I'm not talking about Avengers or Iron Man, because god knows that's popular and HT will make 400 figures from each one of those movies. :gah:
I'm talking about their Spider-man figures in general. Both of the HT Spider-man 3 figures were available LONG AFTER they started shipping. In fact you can still buy the black suit version on sideshow collectibles.

:lol And disappointed/ surprised about what? I don't give a s**t if this figure sells out immediately, or doesn't sell at all. It makes no difference to me, but the fact is, it hasn't sold out and it's still available from most major retailers.
I don't buy the 'sales figure leads future figures or not' theory.

They've done both Tonto and Lone Ranger without waiting to see the sales figures of one of them first
3/4 G.I Joe figures, before the first one released.
The first figure from any line (without previous sales figures as they don't exist)
Avengers Captain America and Star Spangled Cap while the previous one is still in stock after a year since release.

Hmmm.. I was rather surprised by the commercial enthusiasm for the Lone Ranger license.. I think it was the Depp aura what done it, guv.. and GI Joe, I couldn't quantify outside of the nostalgia market in the US.. apart from the fact it was military figures, which was HTs original launch pad as a company.

I think Prometheus was a good indication of how enthusiasm for a project can get the better of business sense.. even if a film does good box office, it often takes something more for the figures to really resonate commercially.. eg. I will not buy a Tonto figure with a large, stuffed bird on his head, unless the Lone Ranger is a comedy.. and by all accounts, its not.. I was also astounded by the 'artistic' decision to give Radagast a large dollop of bird droppings down the side of his hair/face in the Hobbit. :horror

I suspect with a lot of the Avengers figures, the initial sales were sufficient to suggest that the original figures will eventually sell (or can be cannibalised for the next one).. and that HT will find subsequent figure releases from those licenses, much easier to predict accurate production runs for (barring truly disastrous results at the box office, which currently seems unlikely).
As do I.
And I still can't figure out why some think it's ugly.

Different? Yes. Ugly? Not really. :dunno

In fact, I actually like this suit better than the Raimi ones.

I have always loved the classic look of the suit, so I was really pleased when the Raimi films came out and they had retained that iconic design.

Then when ASM photos began to circulate on the 'net and the new design was revealed, it shook me a little at first. To change something which did not need changing, I thought. But it did not take me long to see the classic elements in it which, along with the newer alterations, quickly made this rise to a bonafide Spidey suit status in, my opinion. I think it looks like, to coin a phrase, an 'amazing Spiderman' that will sit very happily in my albeit small Spidey collection (of 2 far)

There has already been a lot of back-and-forth regarding whether a return to the classic style suit was right for the series, so I am not going to trawl all that up again. Suffice to say that I love Spidey anyway, regardless of ASM-I or ASM-II suit, so any top marque 1:6 scale figures would be considered by me as top priority purchases.
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I have always loved the classic look of the suit, so I was really pleased when the Raimi films came out and they had retained that iconic design.

Then when ASM photos began to circulate on the 'net and the new design was revealed, it shook me a little at first. To change something which did not need changing, I thought. But it did not take me long to see the classic elements in it which, along with the newer alterations, quickly made this rise to a bonafide Spidey suit status in, my opinion.


I fully agree with you.

Of course there are some Spidey suit designs I prefer over others, but I feel that the suit in this last film was a nice take on the classic red and blue suit.

That said, I have certain preference for any red and blue Spidey suit over any of the black/symbiote suits. Not sure why.:dunno

I fully agree with you.

Of course there are some Spidey suit designs I prefer over others, but I feel that the suit in this last film was a nice take on the classic red and blue suit.

That said, I have certain preference for any red and blue Spidey suit over any of the black/symbiote suits. Not sure why.:dunno

Yep, I am with you on that too. I like the SM-III black suit because it is different, but I cannot see how other variations of the design will be any more appealing.
I'm not a conspiracy theroist but something occured to me that make certain dots connect.

Hot Toys have only made non Marvel Studio Marvel figures from mostly the worst of the line-up.

Spider-Man 3, Ghost Rider, Wolverine Origins & X-Men 3. Blade 2 and this are the only exceptions.

Makes me think that Marvel Studios could be interferring, think about it, this is eternally delayed, and XFC will be delayed by three years if it ever comes. No MS ones are delayed this long.

Not just with this but they're pushing an Avengers cartoon while producing the worst Spider-Man cartoon and not even making an X-Men cartoon.

Seems like they could be sabotaging those properties presence so as to diminish popularity :dunno

Or maybe i'm just so frustrated over these delays i'm going mad :lol
I'm not a conspiracy theroist but something occured to me that make certain dots connect.

Hot Toys have only made non Marvel Studio Marvel figures from mostly the worst of the line-up.

Spider-Man 3, Ghost Rider, Wolverine Origins & X-Men 3. Blade 2 and this are the only exceptions.

Makes me think that Marvel Studios could be interferring...

Hmmm.. It's possible I may be missing something about the way the Marvel empire works.. but why would Marvel 'sabotage' some of its own brands?.. I'm not following how this theory works... :huh
.. and I like X-Men 3
But as far as I know, Marvel receives a cut of the sales from merchandise and such. So they are still seeing money from the Sony films. Plus, keeping the character in the public eye increases opportunities for more sales of Spider-Man/Marvel sales (like comic books and such). To me, it doesn't make much sense for Marvel to try and bury its flagship character when there's still benefits to having him be popular.
But as far as I know, Marvel receives a cut of the sales from merchandise and such. So they are still seeing money from the Sony films. Plus, keeping the character in the public eye increases opportunities for more sales of Spider-Man/Marvel sales (like comic books and such). To me, it doesn't make much sense for Marvel to try and bury its flagship character when there's still benefits to having him be popular.

Getting it back to make their own versions of the films and integrating them into the cinematic universe would be more beneficial to Marvel though, wouldn't it?
To get the film properties back I'd imagine

Still not seeing how a supposed conspiracy between Marvel Studios and Hot Toys not to release collectible figures for certain licenses, will return those film licenses to Marvel.. cr*p scripts and poorly conceived realisations of the film licenses by Sony, will achieve that much quicker! :wink1:

That is the problem with conspiracy theories, a small kernel of fact.. ie. Marvel Studios would like to control all the Marvel licenses.. gets blown out of all proportion.
Since Ant Man has all the hallmarks of being Marvel Studios' very own Green Lantern style car crash, they should focus on avoiding catastrophe with their existing projects anyway.

Having a license, is not the same as it being a guaranteed, huge cinematic success (Ghost Rider, The Green Lantern, The Flash, Electra, The Green Hornet, etc.) and some need great care when being transferred to the screen.. eg. Ghost Rider.. the story is basically 'Faust on a chopper' but the destruction the demon motorcycle continually leaves in its wake in the first two films, leads to all sorts of suspension of disbelief issues.. as does Nicholas Cage's acting in the role... :lol
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