Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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It just seems like forever ago that they did though, and they haven't even shown the Andrew HS yet, it's just weird.
They haven't? I thought they have already? The one with scratches and blood and stuff from a year ago? Or that wasn't HT's?
He means they've haven't officially showed it with any photoshoot product pics. that was at a Convention, it is the HT headsculpt

Ah right. I see. Thanks for clearing things up. Headsculpt definitely needs to be fixed, the one in those convention pics looks way too big. Why they made the unmasked head bigger than the masked one to the point where the head can't possibly fit in the mask is beyond me. Even if that was a prototype.
Its hard not to think that considering we've seen very little of the AG head sculpt, the delay is due to approval.
I think it's safe to say that any delays with Hot Toys releases generally do not indicate that fixes of any kind are being made.
That does not mean that changes haven't been made since the proto (I'm pretty sure they have been) but it has nothing to do with the delay on this. It has simply been de-prioritzied within HT, most likely because of Iron Man. Perhaps there is an approval issue, but I doubt even that could take this long. This wasn't a huge financial cash cow, Iron Man is, simple business really.

But this is one of the most ridiculous delays I've personally witnessed , this, the Tron Legacy bike and Prometheus.

I want my Spidey dammit.
That does not mean that changes haven't been made since the proto (I'm pretty sure they have been) but it has nothing to do with the delay on this. It has simply been de-prioritzied within HT, most likely because of Iron Man. Perhaps there is an approval issue, but I doubt even that could take this long. This wasn't a huge financial cash cow, Iron Man is, simple business really.

The irony is that the longer they draw out the release date for this figure, the less likely it is to sell, due to low buzz factor. The only thing I can fathom is that they want to release this figure in closer proximity to the next film or something to try to salvage interest. It seems the only people that care about this figure these days are the hardcore Spidey fans and especially those who really liked the last Spidey film.

That's my best guess now.:dunno