the costume is just lacking.
That's a polite way of putting it.
the costume is just lacking.
I think the Garfield body type is much more comic accurate.
My main problem with the "new" costume is just the fact that Spidey has one of the greatest set of threads in the entire comic-verse. Don't piss with something that is that great.
I don't get the hate for this costume, it's not THAT different from his iconic classic look. Hawkeye's costume is almost unrecognizable from his comic counterpart and that doesn't get any complaints, nethier does Wolverine or to a lesser extent Cap
Ah, the aroma of both, on a hot day, in NYC. Memories....
Easy pass on this figure.
This is a easy pass. The movie just felt like Batman Begins for Spiderman and the costume is just lacking. Hot Toys does capture this costume well though.
explain to me how that's a bad thing?
the costume is just lacking.
explain to me how that's a bad thing?
It is a bad thing, because it feels like every. single. movie. we have to rehash the origin, YET AGAIN!
When they start making Batman movies again, the first thing we see will be: that. origin. story. all. over. again.
I have not seen the mew spider-man movie over this very issue. I am origin'ed out; the next time I see one, I want it to be for a character I haven't already seen ten initerations of their origins.
Like Dr. Strange. I am down to see his origin, even if I already know what it is.... it better be something good like that.
The next Spider-man film will be dealing with his origins too. Wait for it.
It is a bad thing, because it feels like every. single. movie. we have to rehash the origin, YET AGAIN!
When they start making Batman movies again, the first thing we see will be: that. origin. story. all. over. again.
I have not seen the mew spider-man movie over this very issue. I am origin'ed out; the next time I see one, I want it to be for a character I haven't already seen ten initerations of their origins.
Like Dr. Strange. I am down to see his origin, even if I already know what it is.... it better be something good like that.
The next Spider-man film will be dealing with his origins too. Wait for it.
ASM did everything the raimi attempts did and did them better as well as being different enough to paint a different picture of Peter Parker and his life
Good for you holding back on it. You aren't missing a damn thing really. I mainly went so I could get excited over someone other than numbnuts Maguire but in all honesty that didn't happen. When you mention it, will be funny to see someone post all the Peter Parkers, Uncle Bens and Mary Janes and such, there will plenty over the years. I really feel that Marvel is so guilty at cookie cutter movies. The original Iron Man and Avengers were something unique and look how they did. They kicked ass.
Doing an origin again is for two reasons.
1. To remove itself from the pre-existing canon
2. Directors like to interpret and adapt the source material and tell a different story without constraints of previous canon.
Batman Begins created a new canon for Batman, ASM created a new Canon for Spider-Man and Man of Steel will create a new canon for Superman. We all know how these heroes became heroes and who they are, but rebooting them definatley re-invigorates the stale interperations that these all inevitably become.
If they were to reboot ASM again right now to another origin film then that would be bad, but it's been years since SM3 and the series needed a fresh take.
Yea but Jack Sparrow had the same canon through all of do you explain his success?
Nothing was broke with Hawkeyes or Wolverines costumes and they changed near enough everything about them, Unlkine them Spidey's costume still identifies him as Spidey imho