I see a lot of folk yammering on about the Spidey re-boot like it's 100th time it's happened
Get real folk, it's the first re-boot, Batman had the exact same thing happen and i don't see anywhere near as much complaining
Now i know people will say that the original Bat-franchise was much longer ago, but i think it's also worth pointing out that it's a good example of how poor a franchise can get if it's allowed to continue with no re-invigoration. Forever and Batman and Robin were terrible
The second example would be Superman, number 3 n 4 and then Returns, jeez.
Spiderman 3 was terrible, some people seem to think that Hollywood and the Studio (!) are suckering folk into spending their money watching the origin again, yet those same people wanted a franchise to continue that had third film pressured by the Studio (!) to include characters that the director didn't even want. Which ultimately resulted in a convoluted mess of a movie
Ultimately, you have to accept that fact that these films aren't just made for fanboys, as shocking as it may be. It's a business that needs generate money and therefore attract new audiences, younger audiences, kids who will want all the toys
I mean, what kind of adult is gonna buy the toys, right?