Power Pose?
That sucks.
It's not like the power pose figures are a lot cheaper.
What's the point i wonder?
Lower production costs... Higher profit.
I meant what's in it for us? A figure that stands in only one pose, and EVERYONE'S copy is in that pose...
For me, half the fun is the pose i put my figure in, and the poses others put theirs in that i would never have thought of.
I agree with you. But I think the selling point for the consumer is less visible joints and a better sculpt when the practical needs of an articulated figure places demands on the sculpt.
I dont see RDJ in that sculpt at all. However, I dont care. I only care if it looks like the character, not the actor. To me, this looks like a perfect Stark sculpt.
The sculpt looks very nice. I'm just happy that we get a sculpt of him smirking. We have like 10 sculpts of him being all angry and moody.
can't wait to see pics of custom tony stark from u guys using that hs with the black sabbath shirt on..definitely a great tony stark hs