If you need to read a series of comics before you watch a film so that you can understand it properly, then that is one badly made film. If they do follow the "Extremis" story line then it will have to be written in such a way that it has to make a passable amount of sense to a person that has never seen any of the IRON MAN films, AVENGERS included....ie; the stranger on the street.
There in lies the dilemma for movie studios that want to make a superhero film...where do you start? You need to give a person, that may never have read a comic in his or her life, a good chance at understanding what is going on there-and-then...you have to write it in a way that will allow a total stranger to the genre an 'in' that will not require 4 days reading just to get up to speed.
Otherwise they will just pay their money to watch another film that they can just walk into, sit down and watch and leave again with no pre-reading of anything.