None of us knows the details of how these agreements work and decisions are made, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least is, as a contractual requirement, SSC were required to report sales information back to HT in terms of what is sold where to what extent. If Europe, Australia, Latin America, or wherever were really important enough to HT's bottom line for them to warrant exclusives potentially targeting them, then my suspicion is that they would get exclusives specifically targeting them. If Europe was important enough, wouldn't you figure a European company would be able to take on primary distribution for that region itself instead of relying on a U.S. based company to do so (Hydeous's post confirms someone in Europe is distributing in some capacity. . .why aren't they getting the perks that Indonesia is?)? Recall that SSC closed down its European warehouse a couple years back. I think that speaks to the fact that the collecting habits of that region just aren't as significant as some here might wish they were.
It does suck for you guys. I feel for you all not just for this, but for all the crap customs charges and other taxes you have to pay, the difficulty you have with returns, etc. So I'm not trying to anger people about this, but I really do think the U.S. is the hub of western collecting activity, which is why we get certain perks others don't.