Well, there's lots of people here willing to take it off your hands for a fair price.
Congrats on getting one! Such a great figure.
I do feel my regular Mark VII is a bit redundant now depite being another super pimp figure.
Well, there's lots of people here willing to take it off your hands for a fair price.
Do not get me wrong I happen to think the regular MVII is the best Iron Man yet by quite some margin. All the gubbins you can interchange is just wicked and the finishing is just sweet.
But how many Avengers specific Iron Mans does one need? He wears the MVI for most of the movie and we see the clean MVII very little and the BD very much in the end and on the poster.
What I am going to do is weigh it all up when the Mark42 comes out.
With all the great new figures coming out, one has to be diciplined and economical.
The term 'one' is not use often enough I feel!
Agreed on the economical approach. Avengers 2 and 3 will likely have 2 costumes per film. Years down the line, how many Iron Men will you actually still want?
dude, i never told you this, but evrytime i see one of your post and i see your default pic, i can hear the simpsons jesus voice reading your comment.
Why'd they send you a free random figure?
Might have to order something......
Because they're using Angelica figures as fire wood.![]()