1/6 Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

My take on the movie is pretty similar to this. I'm not sure I'd describe it as lacking soul, though. There is soul there, but it's all so rushed. It really feels like they just gave us the bare minimum of the story and what we needed to know and didn't really seem to build up to any of the key moments. They all just kind of happen. We're given enough to know why and how it happens, but not enough to necessarily feel like we saw a complete journey imo. I'd be very interested to see if Snyder does a director's cut at some point as I think it could help the movie a lot. Considering Snyder's history with director/extended cuts for his films it wouldn't surprise me if we do see one at some point. I've also heard Snyder at one point had a cut of the film that was over three hours so hopefully there's some worthwhile footage to add back in. Particularly footage for the flashback scenes/Clark's journey.

Exactly my feeling. Rushed and you don't really feel involved. And if we ever see a complete cut (3 hours would be awesome), it would certainly make up for what I think is the major mistake of that movie.

But as you said, we can keep our hopes up. Just imagine: an extended cut as complete as Watchmen! That would totally rock!

This for instance: if you forget the short talk between Clark and Jonathan, I never got the feeling Clark had grown up on a farm. And where the hell does this sudden interest in journalism come from? For all we know, the guy's never written a paper before!

All this is really rushed...

Oh, and to grade it as others have done, I guess I'd go for a solid 7.5/10, when, with all my heart, I wish it would have been a 9/10.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I would welcome an extended cut, but as it is, the movie is excellent imo.

I don't see how it is lacking in spirit or a human touch as a person from my work puts it. I think the word they're looking for is warmth (His opinion is invalid as he just likes movies for arbitrary reasons and his tastes are dubious). Either way, the movie isn't lacking in charm and heart imo. I feel the way they handle the characterisations and the story is more nuanced and mature than any other interpretation of the character on film and for me that is where the joy, excitement and sense of wonder of the movie come from. If anything, if they did things too over the top and hammy like other movies that would have killed the immersion for me, so I like how they fleshed things out rather than resorting to cheap thrills and humour.

I've seen the movie twice now and will see it for a third time tomorrow. Not afraid to admit that I tear up a couple of times in the opening scenes and love how Martha gets upset when she thinks Clark is going to leave her or be taken from her once he discovers his heritage, but he assures her he isn't going anywhere.

I grew up watching the first 2 superman movies everyday on VHS before I started going to school. From that I bought toys, table mats, bed sheets etc. The Donner movies are where my love for the character started, but Man of Steel is the Superman movie I've been waiting for and I can't wait to see where this goes next.

I came home from my 2nd viewing and watched Superman: Unbound...would be so awesome if they brought Brainiac and introduced Supergirl in the next one.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

And where the hell does this sudden interest in journalism come from? For all we know, the guy's never written a paper before!

He has zero interest in journalism.
There was a setup line earlier in the movie about Lois being in some dangerous warzone for an article(When she gets out of the chopper).
It was explained in the movie when his Mum asks him what is he going to do when he's not saving the world?
He states he's going to get a job where no-one bats an eyelid when he needs to head to somewhere dangerous.
In my mind it harks back to the WWII Superman animated serials where Clark Kent gets sent to do an editorial in Japan during the war. But as Superman, destroys the war machines of the "Japanazis".
Clark Kent, intrepid reporter, heading off to Afghanistan for a piece, etc.
No-one would bat an eyelid.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

He has zero interest in journalism.
There was a setup line earlier in the movie about Lois being in some dangerous warzone for an article(When she gets out of the chopper).
It was explained in the movie when his Mum asks him what is he going to do when he's not saving the world?
He states he's going to get a job where no-one bats an eyelid when he needs to head to somewhere dangerous.
In my mind it harks back to the WWII Superman animated serials where Clark Kent gets sent to do an editorial in Japan during the war. But as Superman, destroys the war machines of the "Japanazis".
Clark Kent, intrepid reporter, heading off to Afghanistan for a piece, etc.
No-one would bat an eyelid.

Yes, I remember that line, but come on, where in the real world are you going to hire a reporter who doesn't have a ton of diploma to justify it. And he's not even an intern, he goes straight up to full-fledge reporter! (Unless they dubbed it wrong in the French version)


Now I know that in this new version Perry and Lois know of his true identity and make it a rational explanation, but still, it's light...


But don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, and I'm pretty sure that now that they're rid of the origin story we'll get awesome sequels, hopefully as good as they did for Batman. It's just that I probably expected more. For me, the definitive Superman movie, one that will fully exploit the potential of the character, visually (done here), and emotionally (done in the Donner films), still remains to be done.:)
Lois knows but I don't think Perry does. Unless I missed something on my two viewings.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

No, you didn't,

Actually, Snyder did say it, in an interview. They asked him how he would handle the whole double identity thing in a realistic way.

I don't remember the exact reply but basically he said that they weren't sure yet but that to him, about a dozen person knew in smallville and that to him, Lois, Perry and maybe a couple others would know at the Daily Planet and would act in a very protective way towards Clark.

I had heard this before watching the movie and when you see how Perry glances at Clark at the end, I totally think he knows. But of course, it isn't said and its just my interpretation in the light of what Snyder said.:)
Ok. Gotcha. Hadn't heard that. As far as hiring, it's a movie for gods sake. Does everything have to be explained,quantified, and pontificated? We know he goes to work at the planet. 75 years of superman has engrained itself in our culture. Do we really need it ALL spelled out?

My view is no. They don't. I just want to see superman kicking some ***. I'm tired of watching 15 minutes of the cops following Otis into the subway. Or Lex Luthors several bumbling attempts to set his plan into motion because of the idiots he surrounds himself with. Give me a sinister Lex who gets **** done! A Joker to his batman. The perfect politician who has one face for the public and another for superman.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Oh, I'm with you there! I want a badass Luthor! And sure, you're right about not needing to have everything spelled out. But I still think that the movie can be divided into three parts and the second seriously lacks depth.

But I'm also pretty sure that most of what I miss was lost on the cutting floor. For example, the scene in the trailer, with the dog? Not in the final cut. I'm sure we'll get an extended cut and then that the movie will gain in balance.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Personally, I loved the movie. Superman is my favorite character, and I loved the way they developed his characterization through dialogue. One of my favorite pats was Jor-el's speech to Clark when he was giving him his suit. When he said "you can be a force for good, give them hope, an be the example." To me, that is exactly Superman, and I think that was the message of the film.

Like I said, I love it too! I just wanted more guidance from his Earth parents, but that's just a very minor personal preference.

Still 3.5 out of four stars for me, and far and the best and most definitive Superman movie for me!
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yes, I remember that line, but come on, where in the real world are you going to hire a reporter who doesn't have a ton of diploma to justify it. And he's not even an intern, he goes straight up to full-fledge reporter! (Unless they dubbed it wrong in the French version)


Now I know that in this new version Perry and Lois know of his true identity and make it a rational explanation, but still, it's light...


But don't get me wrong, I liked the movie, and I'm pretty sure that now that they're rid of the origin story we'll get awesome sequels, hopefully as good as they did for Batman. It's just that I probably expected more. For me, the definitive Superman movie, one that will fully exploit the potential of the character, visually (done here), and emotionally (done in the Donner films), still remains to be done.:)

if we are talking about the real world, why would a newspaper even be hiring people? Print media has been slowly shutting down the last 5-10 years as the internet and the use of mobile devices has expanded. Even in the comics, the Daily Planet is no longer a newspaper. It is a an entire media outlet, no different than CNN.

And it's a fitting reason. In the Earth One graphic Novel, Clark is painted as being beyond a genius. it shows how much at the same point this version is at, he could do anything with his life. Sports teams are ready to offer him Billions. Tech firms are the same. At one point he's talking to Ma and flat out says he has enough job offers allowing him to exploit his talents, that he could take care of her for 100 lifetime with any one. She encourages him to find his own path, and that the money really won't make him happy in the end. He chooses the Daily Planet because he sees the best in humanity in the staff during the alien invasion. And because as they state in this movie, it lets him be aware of major crisis around the world, in which he can help, and no one would think twice if Clark was sent to cover an impending tsunami.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Oh boy. Smh...
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

So is anyone still excited for this one? I am, but it seems the thread has died...
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

So is anyone still excited for this one? I am, but it seems the thread has died...

It's just that "Start of the hill climb stage on the Tour De France" feeling that we have a LONG way to go till it's released. I went for a check up at my dentist today and the "6 month check up" date they gave me when i left was for 2014... I actually thought about my advanced HT preorders when the girl on the desk told me the date of my check up...
I am still excited about the HT Man Of Steel.
But it's going to be a while before we see it.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Anybody think they'll have a better body in this figure for SS when it's displayed at Comic-Con?
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Still very exited. My most wanted figure for the months to come! Fortunately, I have a Moe custom to keep me waiting until it's released! :)

As for a new body, seems unlikely. It's too soon for that! :(
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

New suit and head sculpt



