1/6 Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Well, I think now that sufficient time has passed, HT has lost me for Jor-el. I thought he was cool after the movie and I had a "why not" attitude but I think I'm over it. It's supes, Zod, and faora for me.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I always thought the Hulk vs. Superman fight would be interesting. If its the good old savage Hulk, the longer the fight, the more in Hulk's favor. The madder he gets, the stronger he gets!

However, this is where I think Superman always prevails.... Not only is he brawl, but he is also brain. If Superman senses the momentum of their battle turning, I'd think he'd use his brain to out smart the Hulk. Being able to use your power against your opponent and out think him too, its no doubt Supes would be the eventual winner.

Now, World War Hulk vs. Superman would be one hell of a fight! :rock
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Well, I think now that sufficient time has passed, HT has lost me for Jor-el. I thought he was cool after the movie and I had a "why not" attitude but I think I'm over it. It's supes, Zod, and faora for me.

But we know that Jor El is coming out surely? They teased the proto...
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But we know that Jor El is coming out surely? They teased the proto...

Yeah he is definitely coming but I would've definitely ordered a week ago. Now I doubt it. If he comes with battle armor then maybe, otherwise oh well. I can live without him. Especially since I'll never get my hands on Marlon Brando and I really like displaying the generation thing
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah he is definitely coming but I would've definitely ordered a week ago. Now I doubt it. If he comes with battle armor then maybe, otherwise oh well. I can live without him. Especially since I'll never get my hands on Marlon Brando and I really like displaying the generation thing

That's fair enough.
IF Faora comes out, my 1/6 funds will go to her and Zod.
I might get Jor-El.
We know they will make the matter of a few weeks worth the wait.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Well, I think now that sufficient time has passed, HT has lost me for Jor-el. I thought he was cool after the movie and I had a "why not" attitude but I think I'm over it. It's supes, Zod, and faora for me.

When you say "HT has lost me" are you actually blaming them for not previewing Jor-El? Because I certainly hope you weren't actually expecting to have him in hand two weeks after the movie opened....
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

one available at BBTS right now
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Saw the movie today, despite my objection over the changing of the costume, I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would. Cavill is worthy to take over from CR.

They absolutely need to change the body on this though, After seeing the movie, wow it looks horrible.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Funny, I watched the movie with a complete open mind yesterday, enjoyed it a lot, but still, I find that I share the opinion of another freak (can't remember who and too lazy to search) about the movie lacking "soul".

Somehow, I love almost everything, I even think the relationship between Lois and Clark was well portrayed, but I still think there is something missing, something that I can't really pinpoint...

Although the CG effects made e everything look so much better than the Donner flicks, I found MOS lacking that little spark of magic that left me with bewildered eyes when I was a kid. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but it felt like I was watching a whole lot of awesome effects, but all the time I kept wondering "where is the spirit"?

Maybe I was expecting too much, but in the end, I'm wondering if I didn't enjoy SR better than MOS.

HC was a great Superman, though, and once again, I liked it, but in the end, the story was pretty thin and I guess we'll have to wait the sequel to have real character development...
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Its called being desensitized. As a kid, it was amazing because you never saw it before. Now, there is little we haven't seen so nothing really makes us go, "Wow!"
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I think that is the case.
When i first walked out of the cinema i felt a little cold about it.
With it on my iPad, i have been watching snippets and here are there and the only segment i don't watch over and over is the Krypton scenes. All the stuff with Clark and his travels/jobs/flashbacks are very nicely done.
I think the feeling of coldness i felt was an echo of the fact that Clark is wandering what seemed like his home planet till his Dad revealed his origins, but now seems alien to him.
He is wandering around a planet of aliens trying to find his place, but when the TRUE aliens turn up, he realises that he's more human than kryptonian.
In my mind, it's the reason for the ending being so sweet. The heart was there as he had finally found his place and accepted his role.
At least that was my take on it.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Yeah, I agree!

Though the Krypton scenes were great, I really wasn't attracted to this world.

To be honest, the more I think about it and the more I think a longer version would benefit the movie. Krypton felt long, the battle felt long, and the growing up part looked cramped, with too little space between both parts. It didn't allow the character development the movie would have needed.

It's something I feel happens more and more in today's movies. They want to top over the rival movies (here, obviously the Avengers), and they end up putting so much in the movie that the characters look only like rough sketches.

In a way, they're going the opposite way of comics. A 1950 storyline for one comic would now be enough for a whole arc while this new superman, with a storyline not so different from the 78 movie when you come to think of it, took two movies back then to get to the same point!
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I would love an extended cut. There was an extended cut of Sucker Punch. Who knows, we may get an extended cut of this.
I'd love to have seen more than the three short scenes of Costner.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I'd love to have seen more than the three short scenes of Costner.

I love the movie, (I'd give it 3.5 out of four stars) but I wanted some more Costner too, and also a "message," as cheesy as it sounds. Begins had, "Why do we fall?" and "I'm no executioner." TDK had "I'm not a hero." Rises had "Batman could be anyone."

A scene where Costner delivers and explains said message, and boom!

Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I love the movie, (I'd give it 3.5 out of four stars) but I wanted some more Costner too, and also a "message," as cheesy as it sounds. Begins had, "Why do we fall?" and "I'm no executioner." TDK had "I'm not a hero." Rises had "Batman could be anyone."

A scene where Costner delivers and explains said message, and boom!


That scene *was* in the movie.
It's the one where Jonathan shows Clark the ship.
"All these changes that you're going through, one day you're going to think of them as a blessing and when that day comes, you're going to have to make a choice. A choice to stand proud in front of the Human race or not"

Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

That scene *was* in the movie.
It's the one where Jonathan shows Clark the ship.
"All these changes that you're going through, one day you're going to think of them as a blessing and when that day comes, you're going to have to make a choice. A choice to stand proud in front of the Human race or not"

I didn't see the decision to reveal himself as being an alien as what I was looking for in terms of that, because it doesn't speak to what Superman stands for really. I get that Costner said the "whoever...good or bad" quote, and my favorite scene in the movie is him looking at young Clark posing in a cape, but it just wasn't quite as specific as the Bat-messages, for me at least.

The good thing is there is so much awesome in this movie that I don't mind, and can't wait for the sequel. In summary: "needs a little more Costner" is one of my only complaints after seeing it twice.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Funny, I watched the movie with a complete open mind yesterday, enjoyed it a lot, but still, I find that I share the opinion of another freak (can't remember who and too lazy to search) about the movie lacking "soul".

Somehow, I love almost everything, I even think the relationship between Lois and Clark was well portrayed, but I still think there is something missing, something that I can't really pinpoint...

Although the CG effects made e everything look so much better than the Donner flicks, I found MOS lacking that little spark of magic that left me with bewildered eyes when I was a kid. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but it felt like I was watching a whole lot of awesome effects, but all the time I kept wondering "where is the spirit"?

Maybe I was expecting too much, but in the end, I'm wondering if I didn't enjoy SR better than MOS.

HC was a great Superman, though, and once again, I liked it, but in the end, the story was pretty thin and I guess we'll have to wait the sequel to have real character development...

My take on the movie is pretty similar to this. I'm not sure I'd describe it as lacking soul, though. There is soul there, but it's all so rushed. It really feels like they just gave us the bare minimum of the story and what we needed to know and didn't really seem to build up to any of the key moments. They all just kind of happen. We're given enough to know why and how it happens, but not enough to necessarily feel like we saw a complete journey imo. I'd be very interested to see if Snyder does a director's cut at some point as I think it could help the movie a lot. Considering Snyder's history with director/extended cuts for his films it wouldn't surprise me if we do see one at some point. I've also heard Snyder at one point had a cut of the film that was over three hours so hopefully there's some worthwhile footage to add back in. Particularly footage for the flashback scenes/Clark's journey.
Re: Hot Toys MMS200 - Man of Steel: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

I love the movie, (I'd give it 3.5 out of four stars) but I wanted some more Costner too, and also a "message," as cheesy as it sounds. Begins had, "Why do we fall?" and "I'm no executioner." TDK had "I'm not a hero." Rises had "Batman could be anyone."

A scene where Costner delivers and explains said message, and boom!


Personally, I loved the movie. Superman is my favorite character, and I loved the way they developed his characterization through dialogue. One of my favorite pats was Jor-el's speech to Clark when he was giving him his suit. When he said "you can be a force for good, give them hope, an be the example." To me, that is exactly Superman, and I think that was the message of the film.