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Took some new shots of this guy today, I find he seems to demand his own shelf, no one ever looks right standing next to him, I'll see if maybe Arkham Batman can hang when I get him

Awesome pics and perhaps a shelf by himself was the way to go. I got rid of him because he just looked too tall next to TDK Bats. I kinda regret it now as he was a beautiful figure, but I'm fine just waiting out the BvS version.

I never bothered to check the earlier discussions about his height "issue", what was the general consensus of it? Is Cavill really that tall?
Awesome pics and perhaps a shelf by himself was the way to go. I got rid of him because he just looked too tall next to TDK Bats. I kinda regret it now as he was a beautiful figure, but I'm fine just waiting out the BvS version.

I never bothered to check the earlier discussions about his height "issue", what was the general consensus of it? Is Cavill really that tall?

Yeah its a stunning figure, I'm thinking I may pose my Arkham Batman next to him as that seems to look pretty nice, as for the height yeah that's the one and only issue I have with the figure, he is too tall when stood next to other figures, that's why I went with the solo shelf so far. I'm sure the Vs superman will be a nice figure to, It may even top this one but as it stands this is a beautiful figure and will not be easy to top.
Dang... Seeing that 1960's Adam West Batman variant is pretty disappointing when I think about the fact that two variants from MOS make much more sense to make then that West figure. A black suit Superman or a Zod without armor. Both would have been just as simple to make as the West figure and would have actually been screen accurate to something, unlike the Batman figure which doesn't seem to be from anything. I guess the West figure gives me a little hope that they could do something with the MOS line again as both MOS and 60's Batman weren't big sellers, but it's still pretty annoying.
^There's a West Batman variant by HT?

EDIT: Nevermind, just saw pics of it posted in the 1966 West thread.

Yeah, that is an odd new release from HT. Only cool thing I really see from it is the red bat phone. Other than that, I prefer the normal/original colored suit.

And you're right, I'm not sure why HT hasn't released some MOS variant figures either. I'm no expert in the action figure producing business, but I'd imagine a black MOS and unarmored Zod would be easy and quick figures for HT to produce that a lot of people would be interested in.
I would tend to agree with what Remy stated earlier in the thread.

I completely agree that there are other characters and variations of characters in MoS that HT could easily produce, and wish they would. However, I think it's the fact that the film was a film that divided Superman fans in the sense that they either loved it or hated it, is why HT doesn't.

Typically, I'd imagine that the people who would be interested in any Supes figures to begin with would be fans of Supes themselves. From there, cut that group in half being that there were a lot of people who loved the new film, but there were also a lot of people who detested it because of the ballsy moves Snyder made.

If that deterred them from scooping up the Supes figure with him being the titular character, it's likely there wouldn't be a huge market nor clamoring for additional supporting characters or other variations of characters.
^ Even though I completely agree with what you're saying, I still have a hard time seeing how HT would/could lose money on a black MOS or unarmored Zod variant. Because like we've already both said, both of these figures would require essentially no new parts that HT hasn't already research and developed. A black MOS would just need black instead of blue fabric/paint and an unarmored Zod would actually require less parts, needing nothing new apart from boots/chest emblem, which should make him even cheaper to produce than the original.

We've all seen other companies, like NECA, that have capitalized on their licenses and maximized their profits by re-releasing and recycling the same figures and sculpts over and over again with only minor changes (repaints, added LEDs, retooled head sculpt etc). Even HT's has done this in the past (Evil Reeves Supes) and even now (West batman variant). So why not do it for a black MOS or unarmored Zod, both of which have generated interest from collectors and both of which would seem to be pretty safe financial bets for HT. But like I said, I'm no toy producing expert, so maybe there's something I'm missing. :dunno Maybe the MOS figures sold a lot worse than I realize?? Otherwise, it just seems like a lose-lose situation for both HT and MOS collectors if HT never makes those variants....