Super Freak
So is regular Harley shipping yet from Sideshow? Has anyone gotten there notice yet? I'm wondering about this and Wonder Woman. I got my notice for my SS Batman.
She looks like she got a tan
Looks like someone punched her in the mouth
Think its the nose.Gold dress Harley does not have a sexy expression. Missed the mark
Think its the nose.
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Not really sure. But I just share a screenshot.Is even referencing stuff like this allowed on this forum anymore lol?
Looks like trash
Not really sure. But I just share a screenshot.
Not sharing any link whatsoever..
Maybe that is OK?????
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Well, i guess we shouldn't be promoting KO products here in this forum...Who knows to be honest. It was all very vague.
This forum will not much fun if cant talk about any Knock offs WTF come on with this b.s. No one is in danger of lawsuit if we post pic of a flippin dolly in some thread on the net. I dont think courts have time for this type of bs clogging up courtroom hearings of copywright lawsuits. Not buying this knock off ban bs!