1/6 Hot Toys - MMS383 - Suicide Squad - Harley Quinn Collectible Figure

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gotcha... congratulations on your "cultural knowledge". Oh, and nice deflection by the way trying to categorize my reply as a "freak out". :rotfl
Sure seemed like it to me. Overly sensitive is overly sensitive.

That's what's wrong with the world today. We're too worried about offending someone over the slightest little thing, so we tiptoe around our own personalities like a bunch of closet psychopaths. Frankly, I don't have time for crap like that. If someone takes offense to a harmless joke, that's their problem. Not saying any more on the matter.

I bet he complains about the loss of the pervasive rapey vibe when riding Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland.
Right... because I was four when I rode that attraction, lol. Take the sjw crap out of the thread. Next level is harassment and I'll be reporting for it, since children typically want to make it personal.
It got a whole lot worse. :lol

I now have a very battle damaged Harley.

Grabbing her waist as recommended to pull the boots off, her knees decided to come out of their sockets instead taking the stockings with them.

One ripped down the seam in a couple of places, and the other separated completely below the knee.

To satisfy my OCD this gives me the excuse to buy another Harley. I always liked the idea of displaying one with the jacket on, and one off.

The one I have is the 'Special Edition', so a regular from Sideshow will do for me.


The thing was a ****y trap - I think you deserve a replacement, I don't know much about Hot Toys but I would contact them, maybe even through a quickie lawyer

I bought mine from HK too, I consider myself really really lucky

Holding the figure from the lower leg should be the way to do it tho, the fishnet isn't that weak, I also experienced knee issues like you mentioned, not as severe, but luckily mine survived by some miracle of the universe
Sure seemed like it to me. Overly sensitive is overly sensitive.

That's what's wrong with the world today. We're too worried about offending someone over the slightest little thing, so we tiptoe around our own personalities like a bunch of closet psychopaths. Frankly, I don't have time for crap like that. If someone takes offense to a harmless joke, that's their problem. Not saying any more on the matter.

...and look who is being oversensitive right now. :rotfl
Overly sensitive is overly sensitive.

In self defense you point out casually as "common cultural knowledge" that "we all know boys try to coerce sex after prom" as if this is just normal. No big deal right? But God forbid someone call you on a "joke" about raping your prom date, because "That's what's wrong with the world today". :slap

Really? You are getting mad for being called out on a joke while at the same time talking about rape culture at prom as no big deal and telling others they shouldn't be "sensitive" about it? Again, who is being more sensitive here? You over hurt feelings because someone didn't appreciate your joke? or those who don't think that the normalization of rape culture isn't something that we have to sit quietly by and accept as "normal"? But, hey, I'm sorry your sensitive feelings were hurt because you were criticized for a joke. The world sure can be cruel can't it?

The thing was a ****y trap - I think you deserve a replacement, I don't know much about Hot Toys but I would contact them, maybe even through a quickie lawyer

I bought mine from HK too, I consider myself really really lucky

Holding the figure from the lower leg should be the way to do it tho, the fishnet isn't that weak, I also experienced knee issues like you mentioned, not as severe, but luckily mine survived by some miracle of the universe

How are the boots on yours?

Are they "really soft" as Darkavatar described, or a harder plastic as on mine?

And I'm also thinking that you have to hold these below the knee to prevent the knees coming out. Because the ankle joint has much more friction than the knee peg.
It's between soft and hard, it's definitely a bendable plastic, the upper part is soft, it gets harder as you move lower

I agree, I also mentioned it on my suggestion post hoping someone could stumble onto it, but honestly I had no idea knees could also be removed that easily, my warning was regarding the knees getting bent while trying to push the boots, so it's best to hold below the knees, the fishnet isn't that weak

It's definitely a first world tragedy, such a perfect figure, ruined by f'in plastics, Hot Toys seems to find a way to screw things up at almost each figure, the worst part is, the fishnet seems robust, because of these issues, they might switch to something else later on

Is there a channel to send collective messages/suggestions to Hot Toys, let's make sure they know why they screwed this figure
It's between soft and hard, it's definitely a bendable plastic, the upper part is soft, it gets harder as you move lower

Sounds the same as mine.

The top section is soft, then as it gets to the ankle it's the harder plastic I expect from HT boots.

kaan said:
Is there a channel to send collective messages/suggestions to Hot Toys, let's make sure they know why they screwed this figure

I don't think HT listen . They'd probably respond with a stock reply.
Screen Shot 2017-09-16 at 18.20.41.jpg

Let's hope they at least read
Sounds the same as mine.

The top section is soft, then as it gets to the ankle it's the harder plastic I expect from HT boots.

I don't think HT listen . They'd probably respond with a stock reply.

Mine are like that to, sorry Kuat I misunderstood you, I thought you meant the entire boot from heel to top of edge of the boot was hard as a rock.

Screen Shot 2017-09-16 at 18.20.41.jpg

Let's hope they at least read

I doubt they will do anything, unless you are big time personality like Clipperking, I think you will just get the brush off. That being said, I really do wish Hot Toys would stop using plastic, I honestly don't get the point of it. All their figures should come in foam boxes like their DX line, which is way more protective than the plastic casing they are currently using.
Not apologizing for a pretty harmless joke. But thanks for the typical SJW freakout of a reaction. Besides, we all know boys try to coerce sex after prom. It's pretty common cultural knowledge.

Back on the actual topic, Hot Toys is starting to turn their "safeguard measures" of packing into collateral damage for some unsuspecting collectors. The Wonder Woman neck issue that a few here posted about comes to mind.

Sometimes what passes for American culture scares me. :horror

No prom's over here thankfully, well there wasn't in the 90's when I was at school. :lol
...and look who is being oversensitive right now. :rotfl
Overly sensitive is overly sensitive.

In self defense you point out casually as "common cultural knowledge" that "we all know boys try to coerce sex after prom" as if this is just normal. No big deal right? But God forbid someone call you on a "joke" about raping your prom date, because "That's what's wrong with the world today". :slap

Really? You are getting mad for being called out on a joke while at the same time talking about rape culture at prom as no big deal and telling others they shouldn't be "sensitive" about it? Again, who is being more sensitive here? You over hurt feelings because someone didn't appreciate your joke? or those who don't think that the normalization of rape culture isn't something that we have to sit quietly by and accept as "normal"? But, hey, I'm sorry your sensitive feelings were hurt because you were criticized for a joke. The world sure can be cruel can't it?
I'm sorry, but were you personally abused in the past? If my joke hit a nerve, then that's something you have to deal with on your own. The world isn't a pity party and people shouldn't be expected to bow to the whimsy of fanatical behaviorism.

I've actually relatively kept my cool. You overreacted to a harmless "joke" about instruction for a figure that's based on a character whose theme is literally "jokes." So, it's at this point that I'm going to simply tell you to get lost and drop the agenda. This isn't evenly remotely constructive to the topic and you've dragged it further into the ditch. I should be rightly offended that you're offended on such an inane level. However, since I know what kind of person you "seem" to be, I'm just going to save time and effort and block you from this point forward, to keep from having to read your drivel. Bye. :wave

Now, if we can get back to things in peace. On the subject of Hot Toys customer service, any time I've directly contacted them about an issue, they've been more of an inconvenience than actual help. I've settled for resolving QC issues myself, when possible. Either repainting or buying a parted out piece or whatever.

However, involving a case like this with the ripped stockings, I would think, seeing as there are fairly common issues with the garments already... well, you should be able to get a replacement. Certainly through Sideshow, at the very least.:cuckoo:
However, involving a case like this with the ripped stockings, I would think, seeing as there are fairly common issues with the garments already... well, you should be able to get a replacement. Certainly through Sideshow, at the very least.:cuckoo:

The stockings are glued to the legs, so that means a complete body swap, as per this photo from an Ebay seller:


It's less fuss to keep this as battle damaged with the jacket on, and get another to have with the jacket off.
I know, but is Sideshow willing to pay for the return? If so, I wouldn't even hesitate to dump the whole thing at the post office and have it sent back.

You'll feel a sigh of relief knowing you won't have spent the extra cash and no broken figure. Unless you just really want a battle-hardened Harley Quinn. :lol
I know, but is Sideshow willing to pay for the return? If so, I wouldn't even hesitate to dump the whole thing at the post office and have it sent back.

You'll feel a sigh of relief knowing you won't have spent the extra cash and no broken figure. Unless you just really want a battle-hardened Harley Quinn. :lol

It was from KG Hobby not Sideshow.

The stockings are actually quite tough. You can safely move them around and they don't damage further.

One leg's fine as it only has the little hole it shipped with, and the two splits on the inner leg seam.

The other leg had the complete separation below the knee, but the parts can be re-positioned with Pritt Stick tacky glue, which is the kind of glue that Hot Toys seems to have used on the legs - and the reason they say in the instructions you can re-position the stockings after posing.
Ah. Well then. I've never returned anything to them, but hey they're pretty awesome from my experience. I've ordered all kinds of random oddities from them and they seem like okay people. Maybe they'll process a return at minimal to no expense? Can't hurt to try.

I will say, that could be a lengthy return though, depending where you live. In the states, it takes a fair bit for their ebay shipments to arrive on my doorstep.
...Besides, we all know boys try to coerce sex after prom. It's pretty common cultural knowledge.

Sometimes what passes for American culture scares me. :horror

Yea, it's incredibly sad that there are people who embrace rape as just a part of "prom" culture people should just accept, yet will get on their soap box and cry a river about how not being able to joke about raping someone without being criticized is "what is wrong with America". Oh, the poor persecuted "joke" tellers of the world as they think to themselves, if only people would stop being so "sensitive" the world would be a better place. Because rape being normalized shouldn't be a big deal, the real big deal of the world is that people aren't free to joke about it without criticism. Oh... the injustice of it all. Good grief, give me a break. It's very sad what some fight so hard to hold on to as "normal".

I'm sorry, but were you personally abused in the past? If my joke hit a nerve, then that's something you have to deal with on your own. The world isn't a pity party and people shouldn't be expected to bow to the whimsy of fanatical behaviorism.

What an interesting little double standard you have for yourself.

I've actually relatively kept my cool.
:rotfl:keep telling yourself that! :rotfl

You overreacted to a harmless "joke" about instruction for a figure that's based on a character whose theme is literally "jokes." So, it's at this point that I'm going to simply tell you to get lost and drop the agenda.

The lack of intellectual honesty here is just sad, as you try deflect what the "joke" was "about" to "instructions", then you make a case the thread is somehow about "jokes" as if your "joke" was somehow on topic. The "funny" you made inferring that you raped your prom date, isn't part of an action figure topic. So of course you want to see this as "my agenda" as you prefer to live in a fantasy world where you pretend the that you were just innocently talking about action figures rather than making a joke about how you raped your prom date.

This isn't evenly remotely constructive to the topic and you've dragged it further into the ditch.

Yes, because your rape joke was oh so constructive and on topic. :cuckoo:

As far as my response goes, I think when someone derails a topic with a joke which normalizes rape, and then doubles down on it by saying "we all know boys try to coerce sex after prom" which normalizes rape out right, that the constrictive thing to do is to call out the fallacy of such ignorance. If you don't want the topic of the forum to go there then DON'T "joke" about how normal rape is and make statements defending rape as normal.

Also, take some responsibility for derailing the topic with a joke about rape, but no... instead we get a post from you about how you "will not apologize" for your joke normalizing rape because "what's wrong with the world" is that "jokes" on the internet can be criticized by others. Yea, I want nothing to do with the ditch you want to drag us into.

I should be rightly offended that you're offended on such an inane level.
I'm not offended, I simply remarked the joke which normalized rape isn't appropriate here on an action figure forum. Then after you defended it by doubling down on how normal it is for girls to get raped at a prom I called you on that fallacy too. And yes, you are the one who thinks they should be "offended", ironic, but not surprising, from a person who lambasts others for being "sensitive". It's really sad really that you seem to see yourself as a victim because your "joke" was criticized and yet your attitude to those who might be victims of rape is that they should "deal with on their own" and that the "world isn't a pity party". Yet, you hold up your "right" to be offended by my so called "insane" criticism of your joke on an internet forum. Again, poor you... how do you live with such injustice? Get some perspective man.

However, since I know what kind of person you "seem" to be, I'm just going to save time and effort and block you from this point forward, to keep from having to read your drivel. Bye. :wave

Very good. Knowing that you blocked me is nice. I hope you really did and it means you are not going to tipple down on how innocent is to speak of rape as if it's just a normal thing people shouldn't be "sensitive" about while simultaneously being super sensitive to any one who says that normalizing rape isn't appropriate here, or anywhere.

Now, if we can get back to things in peace...

Yup, I am sure this is nothing anyone came to read about when they clicked on this thread. And I am talking to others here, because I assume DarthBakura blocked me. But please everyone, while it's slightly inconvenient to the thread that the topic took this momentary turn, we can not let "jokes" or comments which normalize things like rape go by without calling it out. You might say, this forum isn't the place, and I would agree except when in the context of this forum someone engages in normalizing something like rape. To be clear I don't think DarthBakura is some sort of rapist. If you read my first comment I initially came to his defense when someone thought he actually was saying he raped his prom date and pointed out that it likely was just a poor and inappropriate "joke". But at the same time "jokes" about raping women should not be appropriate on this forum; nor should statements about how 'rape is just what happens at prom' be appropriate statements on this forum. An when this happens it should not be inappropriate to call others on such things. In fact I think we have a responsibility to call such things out, even if it disrupts our conversation about action figures for a short moment. Our silence just perpetuates the lie of rape culture. It's not okay, and those who feel like victims for being a little criticized for a "joke" should get some perspective and understand that the normalization of rape culture is a real problem.

Attention moderator: If you feel it is appropriate to delete this I can understand. But I hope, I really hope that the position of this forum isn't that "jokes" and statements which normalize rape are somehow equally inappropriate with posts which call such things out when they happen. I understand that moderators would prefer not to police such things, but I would hope that the normalization of rape falls below the appropriate standards of this forum and the spirit of promoting good healthy public discord about our love for our shared hobby. If you do chose to delete this and the related comments, please do so while assuring us that "jokes" and statements about how normal rape is are not appropriate on the forum.

Thank you, Please resume your regular 1/6 collecting conversations..
I was wondering how each Hot Toys thread was 300 pages long, now I know, lol