Nice pictures!
I sure hope these guys aren't the "Phasmas" of Rogue One.
Agreed. All that build up for Phasma pre-release and all she did was look shiny.
Nice pictures!
I sure hope these guys aren't the "Phasmas" of Rogue One.
I really don't think they will get dumped on like Phasma. Unlike her, they weren't a last minute addition. The only reason she was in the film at all is because JJ saw a concept drawing and liked it, so he wrote her in. It's almost a given that the role is going to suck when you shoehorn it in like that. She did look cool, though.
It seems like these guys will actually serve a purpose in the film. Even if they don't, it won't affect my enjoyment of the figure. It is really nice and has great shelf presence.
Nice pictures!
I sure hope these guys aren't the "Phasmas" of Rogue One.
Agreed great pics, every time im in this thread i just keep thinking to myself in regards to the movie "please be awesome".
Agreed. All that build up for Phasma pre-release and all she did was look shiny.
Death Troopers are EXACTLY the kind of things that never live up to expectation in Star Wars.
Fett, Phasma... and now maybe Death Troopers -- nothing more than background bodyguards for Krennic. A few "searching" scenes and one "battle" scene.
Really, what are you guys expecting these trooper to do anyway...? These are like the Flametroopers. Read the comics for more.
Nice pictures!
I sure hope these guys aren't the "Phasmas" of Rogue One.
It's pretty funny that they have all of these elaborate armors and not one of them can survive a single shot from a blaster.
Yeah they might as well wear regular uniforms.
I have a feeling that'll be Vader himself.
Nice pictures!
I sure hope these guys aren't the "Phasmas" of Rogue One.
Got my Death Trooper from HK today. I really like it. A couple of quick observations:
The picture for the stand is actually a sticker, not just a slip on. It's a nice vinyl type material, but I'm not going to use it.
The little shelf thing under the name plate is a separate piece and just slides under. It is not attached to the base.
The batteries, as usual, suck. I put them in for some pictures and left it on for about an hour and they are dead already.
He is taller than a regular Stormtrooper, but shorter than Vader. (Comparison pics are below, I tried to get as head on as I could, but ended up with a slightly upward angle. You can get the idea, though)
These are just quick snapshots, but I hope you all enjoy them.
What is the undersuit made of? I cant tell if it's rubber, fabric, or a simulated ripple deal.
It's rubber.