Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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I was expecting this to be on par with the amazing Tarkin and Hoth Leia figures. I know pictures and in-hand tell a different story, but this appears to leave some room for the Sideshow version--with all of the additional accessories--to steal some glory.

Time for a rant.:lol

As a veteran of so much hope for SO many Sideshow Luke or Han releases I bought over the past 5 or so years, anyone who believes the upcoming SSC Luke Jedi headsculpt is going to look in any way decent is deluding themselves - it's no put-down against SSC, it's just the truth. Well, maybe it is a put-down - they didn't do the work years ago (despite constantly jacking the prices) and it shows. DID and lesser 1/6 companies have way-superior sculpt detail and paint.

SSC have missed over and over and if you believe "this one will be different" - like I did so many times (I recall thinking the Luke Hoth was going to be the gamechanger for SSC headsculpts, then thinking SSC might actually match or surpass HT with the Luke X-Wing sculpt:slap) - I honestly wish you best of luck.

All that being said, HT is no picnic either. As I've posted many times - you end up with a choice of either an often superior likeness with SSC heads, but poor sculpt detail, consistently mediocre paint apps (and often a general "this looks creepy/off" vibe as a bonus - alternate Luke Snowpseeder head is a good example) or Ht's stunningly intricate/lifelike sculpt and unbelievably realistic paint apps but with only middling (to in some cases almost poor) likeness. Frankly, to me, HT's SW headsculpts miss that ideal 8.5-9.5 out of 10 mark over and over and over, though they are occasionally capable of a bullseye like Tarkin.

A special WTF callout for hair sculpts: SSC usually has a nice general shape that often nails the subtle look of (for example) Luke's distinctive styles, but the sculpt detail looks like I (with no sculpt talent) sculpted it with a toothpick in about 15 minutes. The sculpt often has a blocky look, big obvious sculpt lines, and has odd unconvincing paint mixtures of green and tan randomly sprayed.

And then there's HT - the fine sculpt detail is superb, but the hair often looks 50% too full , almost taking over the head, and the overall shape is off... and they then get out the metallic paint. Luke farmboy is the "gold standard" - in more ways than one - for HT's crappy, metallic, helmet-hair. Oh, and if they don't want to use the metallic paint, they ONLY use black - Han always has black hair, Leia always has black hair (despite both being brown.) And forget it on grey hair - both Ben and Tarkin had that go awry too.

This really wasn't the 1/6 SW world I thought we'd be in by 2018, but here we are. $220 a figure. Anyway... I ordered this figure after eye-rolling at what I know the SSC headsculpt will turn out to be. Yaaaay.
Disappointed with the piss poor tailoring. I expect this crap ssc sw figures, not from ht. Also as expected they didn't fix the hair or those boots, this thing looks super rushed out the door. Why couldn't they just take their time and get it right, such a shame. Not sure if if i will get this or not. I was planning on getting the RotJ vader and emperor to go with this someday to create the duel scene in RotJ. It seems like all the ht sw figures have been really subpar so far except for anakin and tarkin.
Don't panic everyone hot Toys will address all these issues with the figure when they release their Endor version of this…that way you'll end up buy two.😔
There is just no logical reason to give him a fat suit or baggy clothes given how slim MH was in the SW films. I could see it with like a snowspeeder luke or something.
I guess not many people saved there SS version We could use that suit and Fultz it together to make a perfect one without the fat suit.

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Going to PO SideShow version instead ?

I'm going to wait to see how it turns out. Right now I am leaning towards just passing on both. The sculpt on the Hot Toys is really good with the hair removed but goddamn is it ruined when the hair is on. I am more impressed with the S.H. Figuarts and Artfx Jedi Luke's honestly.
as I suspected, the hair is removable!

View attachment 408868

This was truly meant to be a DX, just as The Green Goblin was saying some posts before.

This probably means that this headsculpt can wear the Endor moon helmet, or the hairpiece that is included in that set too. Good news. The sculpt looks better without the hairpiece IMO.

If Endor moon Luke comes with an action style hair piece, that will be great.

Overall it is not a bad release, the biggest miss being the floppiness of the black jumpsuit.

View attachment 408867

I'm gonna go against the grain. I like the black suit being a little looser and puffier. Why? Because if his clothes were super tight, the lightsaber hand would be a son of a ***** to get off and on and I don't want that. This is the main reason I barely ever pose my Finn figure anymore, his lightsaber arm issues combined with his extremely tight shirt just made him annoying to mess with. Luke needs his lightsaber options even more and I can't have that being a chore. Also, I love the Velcro belt. Too many figures were belts are hard to mess with due to the tiny size of their little hooks and such.

I like this figure, warts and all and don't see any real downsides so far other than maybe the lack of some more gloved hand options.
What are the chances of this figure selling out? I want to get him now but I’m kinda thinking batch 2 will have the fat suit removed
What are the chances of this figure selling out? I want to get him now but I’m kinda thinking batch 2 will have the fat suit removed

I think this will sell out quicker than most other SW HT in years past. It appears HT recently has decreased overall production numbers because of previous stock in years past sitting around too long; as well they are debuting more figures than ever and need to make room on the production line for their release schedule.

All that said, it is Jedi Luke.

I can’t wait to have this figure in-hand. He’s going to look amazing with some futzing!

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By looking at the unboxing video look it has its short comings , I’m 3 payments in I can’t cancel without taking a huge loss. I”ll just put the old ssc suit on or wait for TA to have the New SS version and kitbash.

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