Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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I think the Death Star look is the real problem right now. That is where he looks stocky.
I hope in hand it is better.

This is a Palace Luke Jedi Figure. They should have included a Final Battle Hair piece and used more elastic fabric. So now, you have to buy an Endor hair piece and completely swap out the outfit. Is it enough to cancel? Unfortunately...

No. :lol
I just looked at AE, shipping option is $22 UPS ground minimum, and they're in Ohio, that seems expensive to MA. I'm riding out BBTS, I can't spend that much extra on principal, I know he's coming.
My hope was that the Tarkin tailoring was going to be the first step in a mini evolution for Hot Toys. The thinness of the fabric (it was like they took full-scale fabric and pressed it to actually become 1/6 of the thickness), and their use of adhesive in place of actual stitches in several areas, was absolutely brilliant. And the seamless folds and hems were done without adding much bulk. I think the ingenious Tarkin tailoring goes a long, long way to making that figure look like a mini human. I was hoping that HT would end up using similar techniques and methods for ROTJ Luke (and other figures whose characters had form-fitting costumes). Instead, this Luke got a more traditional tailoring approach. Maybe the problem would have been in limiting dynamic posing options (though using a slightly stretchier fabric might have eased that problem).

The padding on OT Luke figures will always be a mystery (and frustration) to me, but even so, a Tarkin-like tailoring job would have gone a long way to taking Jedi Luke to the next level, IMO. Just imagine how much closer the Tarkin-style approach would have been to simulating the seamless, form-fitting look we see here.


Would you all have been okay with a little less posing flexibility (like with the Tarkin figure)? Or, is the option of dynamic posing more important?
Considering the hairpiece is removable they could have thrown in a hair sculpt like this as well with not much effort to easily enable one of the more classic looks.....


My hope was that the Tarkin tailoring was going to be the first step in a mini evolution for Hot Toys. The thinness of the fabric (it was like they took full-scale fabric and pressed it to actually become 1/6 of the thickness), and their use of adhesive in place of actual stitches in several areas, was absolutely brilliant. And the seamless folds and hems were done without adding much bulk. I think the ingenious Tarkin tailoring goes a long, long way to making that figure look like a mini human. I was hoping that HT would end up using similar techniques and methods for ROTJ Luke (and other figures whose characters had form-fitting costumes). Instead, this Luke got a more traditional tailoring approach. Maybe the problem would have been in limiting dynamic posing options (though using a slightly stretchier fabric might have eased that problem).

The padding on OT Luke figures will always be a mystery (and frustration) to me, but even so, a Tarkin-like tailoring job would have gone a long way to taking Jedi Luke to the next level, IMO. Just imagine how much closer the Tarkin-style approach would have been to simulating the seamless, form-fitting look we see here.

View attachment 408907

Would you all have been okay with a little less posing flexibility (like with the Tarkin figure)? Or, is the option of dynamic posing more important?

I did a quick internet check on the outfit too. Your pic also shows the fabric I expected to see them use. Not what looks like a polar fleece material.

Screen Shot 2018-05-16 at 12.53.30.jpg

Not that I think the current padding looks good in the blogger shots, but I think that picture actually nicely shows why padding is necessary in this case. Having a skintight outfit on a poseable truetype is difficult to pull off. You need some space to allow for proper articulation, while at the same time you don't want it to be baggy. The padding, if executed well, is exactly what combines those two things since it's pliable.

Looking forward to some properly futzed shots of this.
It looks like the tailors made the outfit for a regular body -- then the factory put it on the proper short body and we ended up with bagginess and droopy shoulders.
Coming soon , the HT accessory pack!

3 gloves hand options
1 hair piece
1 diet pill RX
1 Rancor Bone

Ok that note...anyone interested in a Rancor bone sculpt? I could make one .....

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I'll need a rancor for the bone sculpt...
Not a home run but a solid figure. Gotta see what kind of futzing can be done once in hand. My favorite look is opening scene Luke so I'll probably have him cloaked most of the time anyways.
I guess I'm in the smallest minority of really happy with this figure. Is it perfect, or even almost perfect? No chance. But it's still a really cool figure. Looking forward to mine arriving after one last payment!

I was happy enough with this to cancel my SS Deluxe Luke and hope for the HT Endor to come out someday. I don't see Mark Hamil at all in that figure and I tried but I couldn't get past that personally. It looks like a really generic age appropriate face of....someone...I guess, but if you took the outfit off and asked someone who it was, I don't see how anyone could guess Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamil from that sculpt.
I guess I'm in the smallest minority of really happy with this figure. Is it perfect, or even almost perfect? No chance. But it's still a really cool figure. Looking forward to mine arriving after one last payment!

I was happy enough with this to cancel my SS Deluxe Luke and hope for the HT Endor to come out someday. I don't see Mark Hamil at all in that figure and I tried but I couldn't get past that personally. It looks like a really generic age appropriate face of....someone...I guess, but if you took the outfit off and asked someone who it was, I don't see how anyone could guess Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamil from that sculpt.
Normally the negative comments seem like the majority in many areas because when we have an issue with something we tend to be more vocal about it.

I really like the figure and I'm really excited. As you said, not perfect but what is?

Some photos may look off but personally I'm waiting until more is released.
i'd rather have this figure then miss out and risk my chances with the SS deluxe. I will however be purchasing the DX SS Luke once it gets parted out. I call dibs on the outfits.
I've always thought that there's a bit of a cycle with this board and HT figures:

1. Figure announced - "OMG it looks so amazing, that prototype is just spot on, well done HT, a true masterpiece! Day one preorder!"
2. Figure shown at cons close to release - "Something seems a little off. I can't put my finger on it, the blogger photos on release will ease my mind."
3. Figure released - "WTF is HT doing OMFG this company is a joke I hope they go out of business they're ruined my most anticipated figure of this year"
4. Figure shown in early photos/videos - "Well that looks a lot better than the blogger photos on release. Maybe it was the lighting in those photos. I guess I'll wait and see mine when it arrives."
5. Figure in hand - "I love this figure. I have loved it since it was announced and this will be a centerpiece of my collection, well done HT, a masterpiece!"

We go through this cycle with so many figures that come out. We should be shifting to phase step 4 shortly as more people get their figures and futz with them a bit.

Trust me, some of these photos make the figure look horrible, and some of these photos make the figure look pretty good. Lack of extra gloved hands aside, it's possible maybe the outfit just needs some work upon unboxing and all will be fine. I thought about cancelling mine and ordering ROTS Obi-Wan with those funds instead, but really, it's too soon to be freaking out. Let's wait a bit longer and see some more in hand photos before we reach the consensus that HT dropped the ball on this figure.

And to those who think SSC will be better than this...I have to assume this is your first rodeo with SSC vs. HT in terms of product quality. C'mon.

I was happy enough with this to cancel my SS Deluxe Luke and hope for the HT Endor to come out someday. I don't see Mark Hamil at all in that figure and I tried but I couldn't get past that personally. It looks like a really generic age appropriate face of....someone...I guess, but if you took the outfit off and asked someone who it was, I don't see how anyone could guess Luke Skywalker/Mark Hamil from that sculpt.

I don’t see Hamill in the SS figure either, but I struggled between the SS and HT because, while the SS version isn’t definitively Hamill, I like it as a Jedi Luke, if not necessarily Mark Hamill as Luke ... if that makes any sense. I’m still keeping my HT order as it’s one I’ve waited years for, but if the SS one ends up being good I may sell this one for that.

I just wish this was a grand slam rather than a “pretty good” effort.

Honestly a replacement hairpiece would go a long way. Interesting that they would make it removable like that without including an additional piece or accessory. Has Hot Toys ever done alternate parts for a figure after release?
Definitely going to go with the Palace look rather than the Death Star look. That shirt looks kind of bad on its own.

I'm probably still going to get the SS version too. I have some faith in them. Some of their figures come out fantastic. Who knows, maybe Luke will be one of them.