Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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By looking at the unboxing video look it has its short comings , I’m 3 payments in I can’t cancel without taking a huge loss. I”ll just put the old ssc suit on or wait for TA to have the New SS version and kitbash.

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$20 deposit is a "huge loss"? You do realize that is the only thing Sideshow keeps, right? Everything else is refunded.

Edit: Sorry, it was actually $23. That really is a HUGE loss. :panic:
$20 deposit is a "huge loss"? You do realize that is the only thing Sideshow keeps, right? Everything else is refunded.

Edit: Sorry, it was actually $23. That really is a HUGE loss. :panic:

I’m on my 3rd payment !!!!!! 150 payed already

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Off topic, but I’d sell my soul for a HT Karen Gillan from Jumanji in all her eye candy glory.

Back to Luke though, anyone know if he’s in stock anywhere yet? Need him to go with ANH Han and Leia to finish the trio.
I’m on my 3rd payment !!!!!! 150 payed already

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Right. The only thing SSC keeps is the NRD. You get everything else (probably $127, assuming you included the $23 NRD in your $150) refunded back to you.
Next month is the final flex payment at SS for me, might be the same time SS recieve first batches from HongKong and start sending shipping notification ( I Poed August last year)

..something about this figure still bugging me though
Next month is the final flex payment at SS for me, might be the same time SS recieve first batches from HongKong and start sending shipping notification ( I Poed August last year)

..something about this figure still bugging me though

I’m in the same boat. I was thinking of switching my funds for the new SS version ,but that doesn’t come out until DEC =(

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The fat suit is the problem and those unfutzed blogger pics are horrible. They do not flatter the figure at all. It may be better in hand and once the fat suit is removed. The sculpt is fine. I don’t think we will ever get a perfect figure from ht. It is in their best interest to make them really good, but have imperfections. It forces us to buy 2.0 down the line. This had potential to be awesome. The prototype was really good. The problem is the torso right now. We will know better once a master futzer gets a hold of him. I ordered 2 for both the Jabba and Death Star looks, so I’m an idiot. After tarkin, anakin, and leia, I thought this was a slam dunk. We better get a Death Star trooper pre order tomorrow to ease the pain.
^^^ As someone else pointed out though, the clothing might be so baggy because it's made to adhere to the figure with the fatsuit. If you remove the fatsuit the clothing would probly just look terrible. Won't know till someone tries removing it i guess.
I'm optimistic. We all want the clothes to look like the Yunsil set, but I think everyone also knew that wasn't going to happen so..
I think the Death Star look is the real problem right now. That is where he looks stocky.
I hope in hand it is better.
I'm glad to see the back and forth between excitement and despair is still in full swing :lol

The figure looks pretty fantastic all around, maybe the suit's a bit baggy but in most of the shots I'm seeing it looks incredible. And if it's really an issue I'll just use the tabbards or go with the full robed look. But I think it'll be fine in person.

Sculpt looks solid as well... kind of wish they'd gone with a closed mouth; but that seems to be the curse of the Jedi Luke figures :lol

Yep. I did the exact same thing. I also had mine repainted by FigureMasterLes. Remember him? I wonder what he is up to. Talk about totally dropping off the radar.

How could I forget... he still owes me some money/work :lol

He got married a few years back and then went dark; I've tried searching for him but haven't had any luck. I'm not worried about the stuff he owed me at this point, I'd just like to know what he's up to. It seemed like he got completely out of customs and collecting from what I could tell.

I think the tailoring on the new Sideshow offering is far superior.
View attachment 408809

It does look good... but you've always got to worry if the final product will turn out as good. Sideshow has been much more consistent on tailoring though and the only concern I would have is whether or not the vest ends up using the same nice looking material or if it get's cheaped out on. Same with whether or not the cloak retains that same nice weight and hang.

I agree. I also think the sculpt under the Endor helmet is superior to the HT one, as crazy as it is to say.

I do like it in the helmet... but not so much with the hair. I fell like I may end up getting the Sideshow one just to have a 2nd Luke for Endor or Jabba's palace purposes. And since it comes with 2 sculpts maybe I could even reuse some of the OG sideshow figure to squeeze out a 3rd.

This figure is such a fail and a disappointment. I can’t wait and I am very excited to get mine.

Yup... that's about right :lol

And :clap for an old school multi-quote :rock :rock :rock
I was unbelievably excited for this figure but the fat suit and lack of alternate right hands killed it for me I just canceled mine at BBTS so a preorder might pop up there for someone looking for it. I’m just going to wait for a 2.0 and now I have funds to purchase a 2nd Anakin to customize so its a win.

Jesus. This looks like some Barbie-level effort on the clothes. It actually reminds me of a baby doll in this pic with a solid head and stuffed body. And the panel on the shirt ... yikes.

Sculpt looks a little thinner compared to the prototype which helps, but the derpy open mouth and hair aren’t blowing me away.

That being said, I’m hoping it’ll look better in hand, a lot of the other pics are pretty solid. If not we’ll see how the Sideshow version turns out.
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I have cut out 99% of my HT purchases due to prices however if I was to purchase Luke I would have on everything he came with (i.e.. Jabba Palace look). Death Star look is too skin tight for me makes the figure look awkward!! I’ll return back into the shadows and wait for my 1% (i.e. Emperor Palpatine)
I've always thought that there's a bit of a cycle with this board and HT figures:

1. Figure announced - "OMG it looks so amazing, that prototype is just spot on, well done HT, a true masterpiece! Day one preorder!"
2. Figure shown at cons close to release - "Something seems a little off. I can't put my finger on it, the blogger photos on release will ease my mind."
3. Figure released - "WTF is HT doing OMFG this company is a joke I hope they go out of business they're ruined my most anticipated figure of this year"
4. Figure shown in early photos/videos - "Well that looks a lot better than the blogger photos on release. Maybe it was the lighting in those photos. I guess I'll wait and see mine when it arrives."
5. Figure in hand - "I love this figure. I have loved it since it was announced and this will be a centerpiece of my collection, well done HT, a masterpiece!"

We go through this cycle with so many figures that come out. We should be shifting to phase step 4 shortly as more people get their figures and futz with them a bit.

Trust me, some of these photos make the figure look horrible, and some of these photos make the figure look pretty good. Lack of extra gloved hands aside, it's possible maybe the outfit just needs some work upon unboxing and all will be fine. I thought about cancelling mine and ordering ROTS Obi-Wan with those funds instead, but really, it's too soon to be freaking out. Let's wait a bit longer and see some more in hand photos before we reach the consensus that HT dropped the ball on this figure.

And to those who think SSC will be better than this...I have to assume this is your first rodeo with SSC vs. HT in terms of product quality. C'mon.
The other thing you have to worry about with the sideshow version is the fact that they have tailored to what body? Sideshow is very inconsistent with their body sizes for Luke. This could be a completely over sized body compared to the hot toys body, still be too baggy and we’re back in the same boat.
Coming soon , the HT accessory pack!

3 gloves hand options
1 hair piece
1 diet pill RX
1 Rancor Bone

Ok that note...anyone interested in a Rancor bone sculpt? I could make one .....

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