Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Wow, HT turning their marketing game up a notch. I’m guessing the interchangeable accessories will come from the soon to be revealed Endor release?

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What if it’s an Endor accessory pack?
Dean’s full review

Answers a lot of my questions

:clap thanks DK

Yeah... nice thorough review! I have not looked forward to a figure this much in a good while. Can't wait!

Some concerns though:
Instructions say "Avoid direct contact with the Jedi robe with head sculpt and hands for long periods of time: otherwise the color of the fabric may transfer onto the figure". - I am sure this Jabba throne room look will be a favorite pose for many, and disappointing that HT has a made a figure where it is risky to set up a figure in that pose and leave it like that.

I also noticed while watching DK's review that the "flap" that can fold down on the shirt doesn't look like it stays down. There is a magnet which keeps the flap up when you prefer that look, but I wonder if there should also be one that holds it down? If it is wired, I also wonder how fragile it might be?
No stain warning like with Anakin’s jedi robe ?

... never mind saw the review, same issue
Yeah... nice thorough review! I have not looked forward to a figure this much in a good while. Can't wait!

Some concerns though:
Instructions say "Avoid direct contact with the Jedi robe with head sculpt and hands for long periods of time: otherwise the color of the fabric may transfer onto the figure". - I am sure this Jabba throne room look will be a favorite pose for many, and disappointing that HT has a made a figure where it is risky to set up a figure in that pose and leave it like that.

I also noticed while watching DK's review that the "flap" that can fold down on the shirt doesn't look like it stays down. There is a magnet which keeps the flap up when you prefer that look, but I wonder if there should also be one that holds it down? If it is wired, I also wonder how fragile it might be?

That sucks, oh well about the robe staining, c’mon HT ..I never had issues of the robes staining for the old medicom and SSC first version Jedi Luke :slap
What if the interchangeable accessories also come with a DX Endor Leia alongside the release of the Endor Luke? That way you can get her to match and the parts needed?
What if it’s an Endor accessory pack?

I think there was supposed to be a deluxe edition, possibly with the Endor accessories, but in order to get it released before Sideshow they didn’t do it. So, we might for the first time get an accessory pack or just another Luke figure with another interchangeable face.
Great review. Throne room duel outfit looks fine in the video.

But wow - further neck staining occurring in just the minutes he's posing the fig for the video. Incredible. I reluctantly removed the plastic around the neck on Leia - on this fig it will stay on.

I wish the reviewer would have made clear what he used to remove the stains - he shows q-tips but doesn't say what else he used - rubbing alcohol or just water with the q-tip?
I think there was supposed to be a deluxe edition, possibly with the Endor accessories, but in order to get it released before Sideshow they didn’t do it. So, we might for the first time get an accessory pack or just another Luke figure with another interchangeable face.

I'd love HT to do an accessory pack. Plus it would be an interesting test for them to see how something like an accessory pack would sell.

As I mentioned earlier, a windswept hairpiece to enable that classic poster look on Jabba's sail barge (below) would be an easy accessory to simply swap out. Also a Rebel poncho and helmet hairpiece would also be good additions in an accessory pack.

Maybe they'll add a couple more gloved hands there too to "persuade" more buyers....

Will be interesting to see what they do here......

Great review. Throne room duel outfit looks fine in the video.

But wow - further neck staining occurring in just the minutes he's posing the fig for the video. Incredible. I reluctantly removed the plastic around the neck on Leia - on this fig it will stay on.

I wish the reviewer would have made clear what he used to remove the stains - he shows q-tips but doesn't say what else he used - rubbing alcohol or just water with the q-tip?

I thought Dean mentioned he used water. Considering how quickly the colour went from the fabric to the neck it would have been just on the surface. Therefore I can't imagine it would have taken much to remove. It would take a bit of time for ink to get through/into the clear protective coat they spray over the headsculpt paint.

I think I'll be washing my top jacket though. Firstly to shrink it a bit perhaps, and secondly to remove excess black.
The suit definitely looks fully removable looking at Dean’s video. From there, I’m sure it might look even better refitted on the body . Hopefully the fat suit can be futzed as well.

That’s my plan anyway. I think it will look a lot better. I wonder if you futz with the collar, maybe gorillla tape the inside corners and paste it closer to the shoulders the collar won’t move as much and then the collar won’t rub against the neck causing that neck paint rub issue
Been saying for sometime it would be great for HT ago produce accessory packs however, why would they when they can just chuff out another figure and make people buy that.


I’ve yet to see an accessory pack from HT unless you count TDK weapons set or IM HOA. I think HT is going to rake the money out of us and make it a complete Endor version figure :slap
The suit definitely looks fully removable looking at Dean’s video. From there, I’m sure it might look even better refitted on the body . Hopefully the fat suit can be futzed as well.

That’s my plan anyway. I think it will look a lot better. I wonder if you futz with the collar, maybe gorillla tape the inside corners and paste it closer to the shoulders the collar won’t move as much and then the collar won’t rub against the neck causing that neck paint rub issue

I'm sure even if the top black jacket is difficult to remove from the figure, the excess dye could be removed from the collar simply by wetting and removing water with a dry cloth a few times. It's no different to washing a new black T-shirt made in China. Wash it in a bucket and I guarantee the water is not clear when you're done.
I thought Dean mentioned he used water. Considering how quickly the colour went from the fabric to the neck it would have been just on the surface. Therefore I can't imagine it would have taken much to remove. It would take a bit of time for ink to get through/into the clear protective coat they spray over the headsculpt paint.

I think I'll be washing my top jacket though. Firstly to shrink it a bit perhaps, and secondly to remove excess black.

No, he just says cotton buds/q-tips but never mentions what liquid he used.

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