I was watching Jedi the other night and one thing I noticed is, I feel that Hot Toys really captured Hamill's likeness with this figure, but there's an aged quality to some of his features, his eyes, around his mouth, that I think HT elected to polish up, which is common for them, particularly on older portraits, like their Expendables Stallone sculpts, they cleaned up a lot of his age, even their Pirates 5 Jack Sparrow looks more like a mix of how Depp actually looked and his younger appearance. I think this choice ends up giving the positives of this sculpt a bit of a bad wrap as not being a good likeness, I think it's a great likeness just almost as if Luke at his age in A New Hope had the post accident features of Jedi.
I totally agree.
It's bizarre. When you see a pic of Hamill from ROTJ, this head can, at times, look *nothing like him*, but at the same time, perfectly capture Luke's likeness.
I cannot explain it myself.
Sometimes, in camera it seems different from what the eye sees and, other times, only an image captures that likeness.
Like most HT sculpts, there is some magic that has be distilled from initial sculpt, various paint apps, and posing the eventual figure, that perfectly looks just like the intended character.