Hot Toys MMS429 - Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker

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Yeah it's easier at 1/12. Luke's outfit in his final duel with Vader is the iconic Luke to me, but if I order Jabba then I'd kind of like to display him with his robe on as well.

Same here... I need two Luke Jedi for the same reason.
I have this on PO and I kind of want to order a second one, but I've never bought two of the same figure before. Seems kind of crazy at these prices.


I did!

(Back in the SS days I used to get three of each major character, but with the rising prices I've had to cut down to two)
I have this on PO and I kind of want to order a second one, but I've never bought two of the same figure before. Seems kind of crazy at these prices.

I’ve tried this a few times and always ended up selling off the second figure. I do keep a small collection though and it just doesn’t look right having duplicates in it.
rather than order a second one of the same HT version, I pre-ordered the Sideshow Luke. I justified it by knowing my HT will be posed with Vader and the emperor, so with SS I can do robe/vest Luke or Endor Luke. And since the faces are different sculpts, it's not the same figure posed and dressed twice in my display.
I ordered 2, one with the rode on the other for fighting Vader. I also have 2 of the HT ANH Lukes. They look good together on display. I’m sure these will too. I also have the SS Speeder bike on order for the HT Endor Luke whenever he gets released. I’m a bit of a Luke fan.
I wouldn’t mind having a second figure but if Hot Toys does an Endor fear version I don’t really want three Luke’s from the same film. I might hold out a while more.
Yeah, buying the Endor version and a second normal sculpt seems like the best way to go. And it’s more expensive. :lecture

I like having one as you get the incentive to change the look up once in a while. What I typically find is I really prefer a figure one specific way and end up sticking to that look. But if you’re buying Jabba and the Emperor then maybe it’s worth getting a couple.
I’d personally go this version with a parted out Endor version gritted teeth sculpt. The expression on that sculpt is ideal for that iconic sail barge pose with his tunic on, saber out.
I don’t remember the Endor helmet on Luke during those Barge scenes, but who knows if or what we’re actually getting with that figure.
To those whom have the space and cash to buy 2 HT figures of the same release...


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I was going to pop on the HasLabs Sail Barge but then it dawned on me how stupid 1/6 Luke battling 1/6 Boba Fett would look on a 1/18 Khetanna. A man can dream, though...
Multiples of the same figure is no different from getting multiple different figures, just a choice. One collector might want ROTJ and TLJ Luke while another wants Endor and Jabba’s Palace, same space used, probably same cost, two different uses of the same resources.