1/6 Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Very hard for me to pass on this and Anakin, but have to. But damn this likeness is spot on to me.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

View attachment 401785

Best shot I have to hand. As mentioned it isn't as good as the new Hot Toy but it doesn't look too out of place when put with my other Hot Toy / Sideshow figures. The original paint job did though (as most old SS stuff does). I completely swapped out the RFT and Endor soldier head / body, and it made a vast difference.
awesome job man! I have always planned to do the same.
Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

I've passed and still plan to pass on Anakin. Outside of Jabba the Hutt, my Star Wars collection is limited to a hero and villain per trilogy, with Obi-Wan and Maul for prequels, and Luke and Vader for OT, Emperor being one exception.

I wish I had your restraint! LOL I try to have no more than 4 to as little as two to represent each movie but my love for the OT supersedes my control. My current and future displays are:

-E1 Obi and Maul
-E1 Aurra and Sidious
-E2 Obi and Jango
-E2 Clone and Ventress (Dooku pending)
-E3 Anakin Obi
-E3 Sidious Yoda
-E4 Han Chewy
-E4 Leia Han ST Luke ST
-E4 3PO R2
-E4 Stormtrooper Stormtrooper
-E4 Obi Luke
-E4 Luke Yavin Luke Red 5
-E4 Sandtrooper Shadow Trooper
-E5 Taun Taun Hoth Luke Hoth Han
-E5 Weather bane and Luke Bespin
-E5 Vader(pending) Bespin Luke
-E5 Dagobah Luke Yoda
-E5 Dengar IG-88 Fett(pending HT)
-E5 Bossk 4-LOM Zuckuss
-E5 Bespin Han Hoth Leia
-E5 Snowtrooper STcommander(pend. HT)
-E6 Fett Jedi Luke
-E6 Emperor Red Guard Red Guard(pend)
-E6 Boushh Slave Leia
-E6 biker scout Endor Luke(pend HT)
-E7 Kylo Ren
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Not buying them, but they killed it on this and Anakin.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

awesome job man! I have always planned to do the same.

Thanks :)

Getting a repaint or in regards to the generic troopers, swapping the heads/bodies out, makes a vast improvement to the old SS offerings.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

I wish I had your restraint! LOL I try to have no more than 4 to as little as two to represent each movie but my love for the OT supersedes my control. My current and future displays are:

-E1 Obi and Maul
-E1 Aurra and Sidious
-E2 Obi and Jango
-E2 Clone and Ventress (Dooku pending)
-E3 Anakin Obi
-E3 Sidious Yoda
-E4 Han Chewy
-E4 Leia Han ST Luke ST
-E4 3PO R2
-E4 Stormtrooper Stormtrooper
-E4 Obi Luke
-E4 Luke Yavin Luke Red 5
-E4 Sandtrooper Shadow Trooper
-E5 Taun Taun Hoth Luke Hoth Han
-E5 Weather bane and Luke Bespin
-E5 Vader(pending) Bespin Luke
-E5 Dagobah Luke Yoda
-E5 Dengar IG-88 Fett(pending HT)
-E5 Bossk 4-LOM Zuckuss
-E5 Bespin Han Hoth Leia
-E5 Snowtrooper STcommander(pend. HT)
-E6 Fett Jedi Luke
-E6 Emperor Red Guard Red Guard(pend)
-E6 Boushh Slave Leia
-E6 biker scout Endor Luke(pend HT)
-E7 Kylo Ren

It’s restraint driven by a number of factors, space, money, interests. At one point I had a massive Star Wars collection because that’s all that was really made based on properties I enjoy, but my collection consists of Star Wars, Rambo, Godzilla, King Kong, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jaws, X-Files, Halloween, Hannibal Lecter, and more. I find myself in a place of really thinking about what defines a particular property for me and narrowing down to that.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Deluxe sold out at BBTS.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Mullet Obi-wan had lighter pants I think than ROTS
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

All this baby luke hate and I'm here like...i want that for a cool but entirely not canon pose with Obi-wan holding luke in one arm and his lightsaber out in the other, cloaked, and about to face off against vader (who I need to get too now for that to work XD )
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Slept on it, ended up getting the deluxe but thinking this will be my last deluxe. Prices are getting crazy, i do really want that hologram, otherwise i would’ve passed. I’m glad that soon I’ll have all the icons. Already had to slow down a bit on this hobby.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Slept on it, ended up getting the deluxe but thinking this will be my last deluxe. Prices are getting crazy, i do really want that hologram, otherwise i would’ve passed. I’m glad that soon I’ll have all the icons. Already had to slow down a bit on this hobby.

Well I'm sure you can sell the baby Luke if you don't want him to take the price down to regular levels. I haven't got there yet but it's coming where I'll do that to bring the price down on releases. Still can't believe the $400+ Iron Man.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

The HS is short and fat compared to Ewan, who actually has quite a narrow face. Not sure if it's because HT has trouble with beards or what, but pretty much everything below the eyes looks like he gained an extra 40 lbs. Even though it's a Ewan/Alec mix, the SS Mythos sculpt seems closer to the shape of their faces I think.. Kinda bummed as I was really hoping they would nail this.

View attachment 401769
remember... the lenses used for these photos of the toy means compression of fore and back, making things look wider than they actually are.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

All this baby luke hate and I'm here like...i want that for a cool but entirely not canon pose with Obi-wan holding luke in one arm and his lightsaber out in the other, cloaked, and about to face off against vader (who I need to get too now for that to work XD )

"KENOBI: A John Woo Film"

Make it so LFL! :lecture

Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

I hate sideshow for their markups on this. The secret base prices on hot toys aren’t nearly as bad as what sideshow is charging us on these figures. Really wish hot toys would find another US Distributor.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

Apparently people didn’t mind baby Luke because it’s sold out at BBTS
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

i settled for the standard the hologram table looks sweet but it will probably end up where my R2 one is and thats in the box
ive bought deluxe before for accessories but never really show most of them off
and your right prices are getting crazy but definitely not as crazy as ebay prices
i saw someone trying to sell a stormtrooper han for 2 grand on there a few days ago
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

As cool as the accessories are for the Deluxe, I know I'd never use them as a display option so I saved that extra $40, I just got the standard release. There aren't a lot of figures from the Prequel trilogy I'd get, but Obi-Wan from any of the films, a couple of villains and aliens and that's about it. This is easily my favorite look for Obi-Wan from the prequels. Can't wait for this. Wondering if it's possible to take armor pieces from SS Clone Troopers attach to this figure to build my own Clone Wars Obi-Wan...
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

remember... the lenses used for these photos of the toy means compression of fore and back, making things look wider than they actually are.

Agreed, plenty of shots look like Kenobi's face is sufficiently slender/elongated. I have rejected photos I've taken of figures at times because no matter how good things looked to my eyes, once I took the shot, I didn't feel it was a fair representation of the piece.

As for the Deluxe accessories, they're neat, and the table makes for good photo props, but neither is worth an extra $40 to me once photos are done. Hasbro released a Bale Organa and Obi-Wan with baby Luke and Leia, that's good enough to me if you want the twin babies.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS477 / MMS478 - Star Wars Episode III: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Std & Dlx)

As cool as the accessories are for the Deluxe, I know I'd never use them as a display option so I saved that extra $40, I just got the standard release. There aren't a lot of figures from the Prequel trilogy I'd get, but Obi-Wan from any of the films, a couple of villains and aliens and that's about it. This is easily my favorite look for Obi-Wan from the prequels. Can't wait for this. Wondering if it's possible to take armor pieces from SS Clone Troopers attach to this figure to build my own Clone Wars Obi-Wan...

Only one version of Padme I’d get. Qui Gon, Mace, Maul, Grevious, Dooku and Mullet Obi Wan. padwan Anakin would be a no way

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