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Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Was the Elder hard hard to get even when it first came out? Did the preorders sell out fast?

I don't think so. I went to the comic book store and bought it for $180. It was two months after the premiere. I did not pre-order it.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Was the Elder hard hard to get even when it first came out? Did the preorders sell out fast?
definitely not. it took a while to sell out anywhere. pre-ordered mine for about $150.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

It must have been out for some time by the time I ordered it from Forbidden planet back then. Never got it.

Did he come before or after the P2?
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

think it came out after P2 and before BD P2.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

I was able to get both of those from Forbidden planet. Maybe I delayed too long ordering Elder, I can't actually remember. Very early days in my HT collecting.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Nope, he definitely didn't sell out fast. I debated getting this guy for the longest time. I finally caved when I found him for $120.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

So in about a year P1 should at the same price range as the Elder or is it something different with the Elder?
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

So in about a year P1 should at the same price range as the Elder or is it something different with the Elder?
honestly, i have no ____ing clue what the deal with the Elder is. he's a secondary character with maybe one minute of screen time and the figure wasn't exclusive or limited at all. maybe the P1 will go higher, maybe not. that's why i pre-order everything so i don't have to worry about all the fickle aftermarket bull____.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Was the Elder hard hard to get even when it first came out? Did the preorders sell out fast?

I bought mine for $135 when he first came out. He was still in stock, after the figure was released for a couple months afterward. I was considering buying a couple more, but just didn't want to drop the money at the time. I suppose if someone's willing to wait 2-3 years, they could definitely get a pay-off.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

When I saw the pics of Elder online when he was first previewed and put up for order, I knew I had to have him. Back then I didn't have as much money as I do now and had to be much more selective with my purchases, but I made sure that I got him.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

I bought mine for $135 when he first came out. He was still in stock, after the figure was released for a couple months afterward. I was considering buying a couple more, but just didn't want to drop the money at the time. I suppose if someone's willing to wait 2-3 years, they could definitely get a pay-off.
it's a pay-off to make a few hundred bucks in 3 years?
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Im in the same boat with being alittle late but mine is coming in 3 days in the mail.Very excited and is the last of the predators i want.Falconer is on the list though....
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

it's a pay-off to make a few hundred bucks in 3 years?

Look at the return. You are making 300-400% return in 2-3 years. Give you 100% return yearly. What does that?! Yes it's absolutely a pay off. U got satisfaction owning it and then get to make money out of it.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Yeah me too I started 1 year ago. Good job I brought predator 1 paid around $150 ish worth $300 plus.

I started few months ago lol. I am broke now with no elder p2 yet haha.
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

I try not to look at the Elder at all, getting P1 was the most I ever dished out on a figure...and Elder is like 2 times the price...sigh
Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Hi got my elder today :yess: one problem is I can't get f__k head on Won't go in neck joint rubber too tight! Any tip? Once head on and I will post pics

Don't worry I done it :)
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Re: New HT Predator 2 Elder pics and spec

Hi got my elder today :yess: one problem is I can't get f__k head on Won't go in neck joint rubber too tight! Any tip? Once head on and I will post pics

Don't worry I done it :)

Dont force for sure.I had that problem with the leg of the dog alien.Use alittle mineral oil or so lube of some kind.Give it play left to right with alittle force.