Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Maybe its nostalgia but there is yet to be a teaser/announcement of a HT fig that has excited me as much as that did back in the day

I didn't get into Hot Toys until I found this board (thanks a lot, figure equivalent of drug dealers), and didn't buy a Hot Toy until DX01.

But when I first saw that BRJ announcement with those shots, back on SHH, I just couldn't believe that was a figure.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Some people complain about reissues or rereleases because it drops the value of the earlier versions they already have. I for one love the chance at buying more to add my collections because I love collecting them. I do't do it because they will gain in value over time. It is a good feeling to know that they do hold some value but at the same time I know I will never sell them. I buy them and collect because I want them because they look great on display. To get a chance to add more from a series that I think is brilliant is just a benefit to me. I'm not saying that I don't understand why people get miffed about it, but from when I'm concerned I am far from finished collecting Hot Toys TDK line.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Terminator 2 gets no love. :(

I seriously do not understand the Terminator complaints. Not only did Hot Toys do a lot of figures of Terminator back in the day, but they revisited it with two versions of the T-800, two Sarah, and a T-1000. The T-1000 is arguably the best deal Hot Toys has given on a modern figure and many believe that the T-800 sculpts are the best Hot Toys has done. Then there is Salvation which had a ton of releases. How is this no love? The Terminator license has gotten more figure releases than probably Iron Man or at least somewhere close to that. It is probably the fourth or third biggest Hot Toys license as far as amount of figures go.

I can understand the frustration with the lack of a battle damaged T-800, but don't call it a lack of love or attention to the license.

Probably the silliest complaint I've heard is people getting mad that there isn't a DX T-800. What could possibly be in it? You already have a normal high end T-800. Do people just want the robot/battle damaged form? Then there's no point for it being a DX. It wouldn't make sense.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Now I wonder, I wonder if this could POSSIBLY be a joke on HT part. Tired of all the moaning from collectors on reissues/rereleases and they are just putting this up as a wind up.

Why so serious? etc.

Just throwing it out there.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Now I wonder, I wonder if this could POSSIBLYbe a joke in HT part. Tired of all the moaning from collectors on reissues/rereleases and they are just putting this up as a wind up.

Why so serious? etc.

Just throwing it out there.

It better not be!!!

Because I'm dead serious about buying this. :lol
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Ill love HT long time if this is all a big joke... IMO... Why so Serious people who got into buying HT figures late... LOL...
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Now I wonder, I wonder if this could POSSIBLY be a joke on HT part. Tired of all the moaning from collectors on reissues/rereleases and they are just putting this up as a wind up.

Why so serious? etc.

Just throwing it out there.

I really don't see Hot Toys doing something like this... they're not Mattel.

If its another purple suit with a new head and the nurse outfit thrown in, I'll probably get it. I am kind of glad a new one is being released so close to TDKR, as they'll probably be a bunch of new HT fans jumping on board with those figures, and it'll help bring the aftermarket costs of the Joker figures down.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

This may be a joke. Just like the words "Limited Edition" on their products.

Hot Toys knows the best thing to collect....our 1:1 scale money
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I don't mind this at all. I had to sell my DX01 Joker a while back and didn't want to. I'm stoked to be able to maybe get one similar at a decent price. I wasn't thrilled about the police outfit so if we get the purple suit with a nurse outfit then fantastic.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I don't mind this at all. I had to sell my DX01 Joker a while back and didn't want to. I'm stoked to be able to maybe get one similar at a decent price. I wasn't thrilled about the police outfit so if we get the purple suit with a nurse outfit then fantastic.

I never owned one and am ready for redemption. :yess: :lol
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

This may be a joke. Just like the words "Limited Edition" on their products.

Hot Toys knows the best thing to collect....our 1:1 scale money

Too true... Nothing better then a new Joker to trap some money... LOL... :lecture
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I think you should use bigger font next time you post.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

While I agree, I also can't disagree with the fact that producing another Joker is basically a license to print money. Especially considering every version is selling over retail and the DX ridiculously higher. HT is in the business of making money, as is every business, and ignoring that is bad business.

:exactly::goodpost: Ive always felt this way about HT when it comes to hearing everyone whine about a new Iron Man. Personally I dont and any HT Iron Man figs and it does get a little exhausting seeing a new one every 4 months or something but HT is a corporation. They are a company first hand and one that needs to make a profite, the bigger the profit the better. As long as everyone is buying them it will continue. Plus it really doesnt bother me anyway... go ahead make 20 Iron Man figs a yr, there is plenty of other cool stuff coming out

The v1 coat is still a great coat. Just far too many people were lazy to futz it. Hence the dissing. Yet they still diss it today like it's had the plague.


Yeah Im not crazy about the v1 coat but that pic above makes it look pretty nice. How did you get it to fit so nicely?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Wow. I knew we'd be getting another Ledger toy from HT but this soon? Works for me; I sold the DX last year, and that has been a huge regret for me. I'll be buying :rock
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Yeah if anything, I'm annoyed not by the rerelease, but the fact that they chose now to announce the rerelease. As if we didn't already have enough figures coming out, they decide to rerelease a previous one and just add another name to our list of figures.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Yeah if anything, I'm annoyed not by the rerelease, but the fact that they chose now to announce the rerelease. As if we didn't already have enough figures coming out, they decide to rerelease a previous one and just add another name to our list of figures.

This is still better release than half the other releases, and as such I am happy about this release, all needed to be done is right prioritization. (I am pretty sure this word is spelled wrong:monkey3)
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I don't feel sorry for anyone at this point. If you missed out on the v1 in 2008, then the Bank Robber a few months later and finally the DX in 2009, well, where the hell have you been? And that's disregarding the fact that each of those could be had for less than the MSRP for MONTHS. V1 could be had for $90 or less, Bank Robber $100, DX for $140. So if it was a financial thing, how could anyone STILL miss out.

Erm... maybe not everybody was collecting back then. :dunno

This may seem like exciting times, especially for Hot Toys, but I personally think they're digging their own grave.

I think they've bitten more than they can chew. Think about it, there are about 8-9 DX figures now? Joker, Batman, MJ, Bruce Lee, Indy, Jack Sparrow, Luke, Joker, Batman and now, another Joker.

9 figures, only 4 of which have been made, 1 with infamous quality control issues, 1 which is in development hell with an unknown status, another that has been hyped up but has yet to ship, and the remaining 4 have only had a presence at the conventions. 2 of those shown in person the other two on a simple piece of paper and a place card holder. And, wait a minute, isn't there another Jack Sparrow coming too? Hahaha, THE FIRST ONE HASN'T EVEN SHIPPED YET!

And that's just their DX line?

How about MMS? How about their new Star Wars LFL license? Avatar, Watchmen, Terminator, Predator, Batman, Bruce Lee, Superman, Iron Man, Spider-Man, X-Men, MGS, Sucker Punch, reboots, modern films, classic. Hell, I know I'm missing something.

Then there's also this new trend of rereleasing or completely remaking a character/figure. Batman, Predator, Joker and Iron Man are now on their thousandth figure. This is something that was always considered taboo and unheard of. Now, it's simply expected. Don't get me wrong, this just isn't about value and secondary market, it's about legitimate collectibility. IF they'll always make a better version, why should we buy the previous one? Why collect at all if it's only about upgrading?

I'm sure they have good intentions but in the next year or so, I sense broken promises and over-saturation. There's always a double edged sword.


:lol :1-1:
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Erm... maybe not everybody was collecting back then. :dunno

Then that was your fault. I don't expect companies to rerelease stuff just because " I wasn't collecting back then." You either were there and bought it or you weren't and you buy it now at its current price. :cuckoo:

This better just be a Nurse version. I don't want to see any purple outfits again. HT milked that cow to death and continued to milk zombie milk out of the cow. Enough is enough!
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