Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

But Mike, it'll be the THIRD time for this particular version and the FOURTH for this character.

I completely agree but given that they've done 5 Mark IIIs, two of which were stand differences, and they sold out no problem, I'm not completely puzzled by this. I am surprised they are redoing their own DX so soon but something had to have occurred to spur this announcement no matter how small.

So if it was a financial thing, how could anyone STILL miss out.

You'd be shocked how many people are posting that the DX 2.0 will be their first Joker....
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Here's hoping for a smiling HS with a Cell Dio. With the nurse outfit and an extra HS with removable red hair!:pray:
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Maybe its nostalgia but there is yet to be a teaser/announcement of a HT fig that has excited me as much as that did back in the day

Nah, it's not nostalgia. Well, maybe some of it because I'd like to go back to simpler times, especially in this hobby but that figure was legendary.

That figure was revolutionary, really. The first time I saw a work of art in 1/6 figure form. The V1 Joker head before that was ____, everyone knew it but then the "total package" came along and it was just new and refreshing.

That wonderful headsculpt, the tailoring on the clothes (which aren't as impressive and taken for granted now), the bag, that machine gun, everything about it was refreshing. Then you'd take that head, pop it on the V1 body, stood them side by side and it felt definitive. It was a great toy, a fantastic looking collectible and an awesome display piece.

It literally turned Hot Toys in the company it is today. That figure is the one that kicked it off. Everyone was blown away by the paint apps and headsculpt, which, again are also taken for granted by everyone today.

Then the DVD came out and everyone had access to scrutinize every detail. Then the DX . . .

Fast forward with all these great products and customs and collectors still don't seem as happy as they were when Bank Robber was first shown and shipping.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

there are new people that are getting into this gig every day not suprised that some dont have any of the past Jokers...
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Okay, so what about the people that will most likely miss this DX Joker 2.0? The wave of collectors that come in after it's long sold out?

Should Hot Toys make new versions to cater to them too?

I think we had this similar conversation for all those that missed out on the V1 and then the Bank Robber too when the DX was first announced. The Hot Toys Joker figures shouldn't be like Barbie dolls, constantly changed and revised each year with different outfits and anniversary styled clothing. Hell, TDK hasn't even had it's 5th anniversary yet.

Now I could see if they made a Nurse Joker with a new headsculpt and goodies, that hasn't been officially done by any company but to retread the purple suit version again AND have the nerve to make a duplicate "DX", it strikes me as ridiculous for an expensive collectible hobby as this.

We're really coming close to mass produced, Hasbro and Mattel variant/rerelease territory here. If people don't think so, look no further than all the exclusives.

How soon before these 1/6 figures are sold at Toys R Us?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

At the end of the day. These Facts remain:

1. Hot Toys has grown into a greedy empire.
2. They're moving way to fast for their own good, and their older customer support is fading.

3. Despite how many of us _____ about this joker. . .
1. Hot Toy's wont give a damn.
2. those who say they wont buy it now, either will when its previewed or it really wont hurt HT one bit cause there will be 10 newbs to take your place.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

But Mike, it'll be the THIRD time for this particular version and the FOURTH for this character.

And that's just Hot Toys we're talking about. There's also been a DCD version, a Medicom version and others I'm surely missing. Then we've had dozens of customizers with their unique takes on the character. Some great affordable headsculpts as well as expensive. Variations of each. Tailored clothes designed specifically for certain bodies, custom clothes, hand made items, special casts etc.

How much further can one go? There are still some highly anticipated films and characters that have yet to be made, and others are in the works that have taken decades to come to fruition. But here we have a billion incarnations of the same thing, pumped out in a mere 3 years? And most of those things are quality and fully realized pieces.

I don't feel sorry for anyone at this point. If you missed out on the v1 in 2008, then the Bank Robber a few months later and finally the DX in 2009, well, where the hell have you been? And that's disregarding the fact that each of those could be had for less than the MSRP for MONTHS. V1 could be had for $90 or less, Bank Robber $100, DX for $140. So if it was a financial thing, how could anyone STILL miss out.

Well, it's kind of an issue when you also revealed and made Figure A, Figure B, Figure C, Figure D, Figure E, Figure F, Figure G, Figure H, Figure I, Figure J, etc.

Ask the Platoon fans how their Elias (I believe they also had place cards") is doing or if Indy is even close to being finished or tweaked at all. A new Joker didn't need to happen. It's ridiculous. It's a money grab that could potentially turn and bite Hot Toys in the ass some day. Keep in mind that this "new" 2.0 Joker isn't the only collectible in development.

Also, you'd have to be crazy to think that quality control won't take a hit with all these releases, especially with complicated designs like Avatar Jake, Iron Monger, Iron Man and the Batmobile.

It's just too much and not consistent from line to line.

Yeah, they need to let TDK die down. They already made a ____ ton of money off selling these figures. Let it go and move on.

Okay, so what about the people that will most likely miss this DX Joker 2.0? The wave of collectors that come in after it's long sold out?

Should Hot Toys make new versions to cater to them too?.

:goodpost: :goodpost: :exactly: :exactly:

People need to listem to this, there are many licenses with character not being produced AT ALL, yet this is the 4th Joker, profit aside this is proving a dis-service to other licenses and catering only to tnos who missed out on the 3 previous Jokers, while making a few tweaks to sucker in tnose who already have 1 or more Jokers.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

At the end of the day. These Facts remain:

1. Hot Toys has grown into a greedy empire.
2. They're moving way to fast for their own good, and their older customer support is fading.

3. Despite how many of us _____ about this joker. . .
1. Hot Toy's wont give a damn.
2. those who say they wont buy it now, either will when its previewed or it really wont hurt HT one bit cause there will be 10 newbs to take your place.

:lol at Facts.

Only fact I know of is that HT is a company that makes collectibles for profit so they'll make what sells. If that means 3 or 4 versions of the same character no matter how small the changes then that's what they're going to do.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Okay, so what about the people that will most likely miss this DX Joker 2.0? The wave of collectors that come in after it's long sold out?

Should Hot Toys make new versions to cater to them too?

I think we had this similar conversation for all those that missed out on the V1 and then the Bank Robber too when the DX was first announced. The Hot Toys Joker figures shouldn't be like Barbie dolls, constantly changed and revised each year with different outfits and anniversary styled clothing. Hell, TDK hasn't even had it's 5th anniversary yet.

Now I could see if they made a Nurse Joker with a new headsculpt and goodies, that hasn't been officially done by any company but to retread the purple suit version again AND have the nerve to make a duplicate "DX", it strikes me as ridiculous for an expensive collectible hobby as this.

We're really coming close to mass produced, Hasbro and Mattel variant/rerelease territory here. If people don't think so, look no further than all the exclusives.

How soon before these 1/6 figures are sold at Toys R Us?

I don't know if you failed to realize this, but they will produce far more of the 2.0 than they did of the original 1.0. I wouldn't be surprised if more 2.0 will exist than the previous three Jokers combined. Rereleases do not work on an infinite loop system. They will rerelease DX01 this time and perhaps once more a long time in the future, but that is probably it. They want there to be a lot of them out there for people, but not so much that they shelf warm.

I still don't get it. Do you guys not understand the concept of rereleases? Are there really that few people on this site that collect ___anese figures? For example, Bandai is doing this exact same thing with their high end Macross toys. Those retail for about $200 and they are releasing them with much better engineering than before. Unlike the DX01 though, their original version had a lot of problems so it really feels like a kick in the groin when they announced the new versions.

Those of you who have been with Hot Toys a long time might not realize this, but DX01 is THE hot toys figure. It is what makes them famous or at least what really got them going. Having gotten into Hot Toys later on, it was the DX01 Joker that impressed me and it drew a lot of attention to the company. For a lot of us, we missed this legendary release. Now's the chance to finally get it.

Like I said, DX01 is THE Hot Toys figure. This 2.0 should not be surprising and should not be taken badly.

The anger I am reading in these posts pretty much confirms that Hot Toys fans will gladly complain about anything.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

:goodpost: :goodpost: :exactly: :exactly:

People need to listem to this, there are many licenses with character not being produced AT ALL, yet this is the 4th Joker, profit aside this is proving a dis-service to other licenses and catering only to tnos who missed out on the 3 previous Jokers, while making a few tweaks to sucker in tnose who already have 1 or more Jokers.

While I agree, I also can't disagree with the fact that producing another Joker is basically a license to print money. Especially considering every version is selling over retail and the DX ridiculously higher. HT is in the business of making money, as is every business, and ignoring that is bad business.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

While I agree, I also can't disagree with the fact that producing another Joker is basically a license to print money. Especially considering every version is selling over retail and the DX ridiculously higher. HT is in the business of making money, as is every business, and ignoring that is bad business.


And if they give us a Nurse I will be more than happy to get another one. :clap
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I would have been fine if Hot Toys ended the Joker here,



Those were the days.

Yeah, the better coats, vest snaps and suspenders are nice but had the DX never existed, I would have been more than content.

The v1 coat is still a great coat. Just far too many people were lazy to futz it. Hence the dissing. Yet they still diss it today like it's had the plague.

Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

The v1 coat is still a great coat. Just far too many people were lazy to futz it. Hence the dissing. Yet they still diss it today like it's had the plague.


Yup, with some futzing it look pretty good.


I have a DX so I display my v1 in "interrogation" mode. I just barely got my DX about 3 weeks ago. I'm not mad that another joker is coming out as long as we don't get a rehash and get something a little new.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

While I agree, I also can't disagree with the fact that producing another Joker is basically a license to print money. Especially considering every version is selling over retail and the DX ridiculously higher. HT is in the business of making money, as is every business, and ignoring that is bad business.


Hmm, a company in business to make money. Who'd a thunk it?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

We could argue all day long, but at the end of the day, if it looks good, I'll buy it. I will agree that they're moving too fast for their own good, though. When you have to forget about buying Hot Toys so that you can afford other Hot Toys, I think it's time to take a breather.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

People need to listem to this, there are many licenses with character not being produced AT ALL, yet this is the 4th Joker, profit aside this is proving a dis-service to other licenses and catering only to tnos who missed out on the 3 previous Jokers, while making a few tweaks to sucker in tnose who already have 1 or more Jokers.
the same could be said about Iron Man. Look at how many Mark III's there have been. I go into those threads every now and then and don't see anyone complaining there about another iron man as much as ppl here are complaining about another joker. Why not give Iron Man a rest and focus on other licenses as well?? :huh
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I don't mind as long as the new release has something the old one didn't and visa-versa. For example, the only way to get the paint-less face sculpt with police uniform is to have bought the DX01, while the only way to get the nurse outfit(?) is to purchase the DX02.

Sure, all these outfits could have been in one huge package, or released separately at cheaper prices...but hey HT is still a company that's out to make money. If they at least use the strategy I mentioned above, it would be "OK" for me.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I don't mind as long as the new release has something the old one didn't and visa-versa. For example, the only way to get the paint-less face sculpt with police uniform is to have bought the DX01, while the only way to get the nurse outfit(?) is to purchase the DX02.

Sure, all these outfits could have been in one huge package, or released separately at cheaper prices...but hey HT is still a company that's out to make money. If they at least use the strategy I mentioned above, it would be "OK" for me.

I'm hoping they go for this too. It helps me out as well because I honestly didn't care in the least for the police thing. Even before this was announced, I was trying to find auctions where they just had regular Joker DX for sale and the police wasn't included. Probably would have dropped the price decently and gave me exactly what I wanted.

It's the same with the Nurse thing. I don't care for it in the least so I'll probably get rid of that half of the package.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I'm hoping they go for this too. It helps me out as well because I honestly didn't care in the least for the police thing. Even before this was announced, I was trying to find auctions where they just had regular Joker DX for sale and the police wasn't included. Probably would have dropped the price decently and gave me exactly what I wanted.

It's the same with the Nurse thing. I don't care for it in the least so I'll probably get rid of that half of the package.

I definitely understand that. Just collect want you want and ignore/get rid of the stuff you don't.

When it comes to this character as portrayed in TDK, I want as many different versions as there were different looks/suits in the film. The reason why is because, to-date, this is my (2nd) favorite movie.
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