Hot Toys : New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming

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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

This thread should probably be closed until were given more info from Hot Toys.

ATM everything is speculation, funny gifs, TDKR spoilers, more specualtion, complaints or putting down others theories.

I liked your old avy and sig better. :moon
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Personally I've NEVER wanted a figure of Nurse Joker. The get up disguise, idea and scene in the movie is great, but it's just not one of those things I'd want in my collection. I remember when those leaked pictures of the Joker in nurse and cop garb were revealed and how cool it was. At the time I didn't even fathom that the Joker would have such disguises.

Then the film came along and that scene was equally great. It's hilarious that he's dressed as a woman to infiltrate the hospital and it's also one of his best scenes (from washing his hands after feeling "contaminated" to his expression when the bombs don't detonate immediately).

However, I wouldn't feel comfortable owning that as a figure because out of context, it's down right strange. It's like having some weird, sexual anime doll practicing cosplay on display in the collection. A tranny Joker figure with a white and pink skirt, that just doesn't fly with me. It works in the film, but not on my shelf if that makes sense. I "get it" and think it's great in the movie, but translated in figure form, it's just weird.

I'm the type that buys variations/duplicates of characters unnecessarily, T-1000 being the most damaging. But I draw the line at naked appearances (like a naked T-800 Arnold) and Nurse Joker here.

That said, if it came with a unique head, gear, and even though I'm really against it, another "regular" purple suited look, I'd probably buy it. That nurse outfit would remain in the box though, I'd never put that out on display. Ever.

Classic moment but not a figure I want at all.


That scene is extremely memorable and without hesitation everyone that sees this on the shelf knows exactly what it is.





^^^^^ Doesn't look like a cosplay anime doll. Looks like Joker in a really epic scene from the Dark Knight. And this is just a crappy Nurse Joker bash. Imagine how cool an official HT version would be.

Just so you know, I respect your preference to leave a theoretical nurse outfit in the box, I'm just having a discussion/killing time until the Bruce Wayne PPO. :)
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

^^^^^ Doesn't look like a cosplay anime doll.

Absolutely right. It looks like a crack whore on Halloween dressed as a nurse who tried to apply her make-up while stoned out of her gord and put her husband's bozo make-up on instead.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I saw The Dark Knight a few weeks ago and fell in love with Heath Ledger’s version of The Joker. He was dark but funny, psychotic yet calculated, perverted yet… perverted. Watching him wreak havoc on the streets of Gothom City was confronting because, in many ways, he reminded me of myself. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same.

Why the Joker reminded me of myself?
Let me get this clear. The Joker didn’t remind me of myself because I take pleasure in killing people. I don’t. In fact, my friends will tell you that I am not even that fantastic watching overly violent movies. So it wasn’t the murderer part of him that did it. What about the guy who likes to cause chaos for no reason other than that he likes to see people suffer? Nope. Not that either.

So why did the Joker remind me of myself? When I was sitting in the cinema watching the Joker licking his lips and blowing up the District Attorney I couldn’t help but feel some connection. But why? Maybe it has something to do with this quote:

“Don’t talk like one of them, you’re not! Even if you’d like to be. To them, you’re just a freak–like me. They need you right now. When they don’t…they’ll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it’s a bad joke. They’re dropped at the first sign of trouble. They’re only as good as the world allows them to be. You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.”

And I think that’s where the connection came from. I felt a little bit guilty. This crazy madman was speaking words that made sense to me. And the fact that Heath Ledger delivered them in the most amazing piece of “acting” I have seen in a long time made it all the more powerful.

You see, I am a little bit like one of those people he is talking about. It is quite easy to be a nice and kind and compassionate person when it is sunny and warm outside. But when things start to look grey and aren’t going my way I seem to lose that sense of morality. I snap. I am impatient. I am selfish. And that was the Joker’s main ambition in life – to prove that when there is chaos people will “eat each other”.

But what about Batman?
Batman, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He believed in the good in people. He thought that, when under pressure, people would choose to do the right thing. Whatever you want to call it – divinity, buddha nature, inherent purity, etc. – Batman believed in it and he wanted to embody it. He wanted to be a physical manifestation of that inner goodness to show people that they could do the same.

And that is what I believe. Deep down I know that the basic nature of a human being is goodness. It is not evil.

But that is not what freaked me out about the Joker. As far as I can tell the Joker never said that the basic nature of humans was evil. No. What he said was that when the chips are down they would “eat each other”. And that concerns me.

I often wonder whether I would choose to do the right thing if the chips were down. Would I put other people before myself in a crisis or would I just work to save my own skin? I’d like to think that I would be a “Batman”. But as I sat in that cinema and watched Heath Ledger taunt Batman with these questions a little bit of fear crept in to my mind. I was afraid he was right.

So… the chips are down… are you Batman or are you the Joker?



Love it Ski. Every word. And I couldn't possibly agree more. You nailed exactly what I love about this movie. At the risk of being maudlin, we all have this internal battle to some extent. I too believe that it is human nature to be good, and I want to believe what Batman does about humans. But unfortunately human habit has become quite selfish. And as a result the world becomes more and more chaotic. The Joker would like us to believe that is a good thing, but we have to fight that. Again, it's an internal struggle that we all have. And in the end it's our actions that show where we stand in that struggle.



P.S. That wasn't the first time you had seen it was it?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

Absolutely right. It looks like a crack whore on Halloween dressed as a nurse who tried to apply her make-up while stoned out of her gord and put her husband's bozo make-up on instead.

That I will accept. :lecture
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

No, I'm saying the point was that people in both ships chose 'good' i.e. not to blow each other up when the chips were down. Batman wouldn't blow up anyone - that is his one rule - he doesn't take lives.

Exactly. Is that not clear in the film? :dunno

I'm pretty sure that the Joker rigged both boats opposite of each other. It's not said or implied in the film, but that just seems like something he'd do.

If the civilian boat decided to detonate the criminal boat, their own boat would blow up. If the criminal boat decided to detonate the criminal boat. Those that acted as the authority figure to decide which boat survived would be rewarded, with death.

In fact, that may have been a better ending. Batman's faith in people fails when he learns that the boats were rigged in reverse and that the civilians were the cause of their own demise.

Why would you like that? :confused:

The point is even the criminals respect life.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I would have to agree with DiFabio, love the Nurse Joker in the context of the movie, but not on my shelf will you ever find something like that :nono

I love my manly shelves just the way they are thank you very much:


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Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

All this talk about Joker is making me giddier than a kid on the night before Christmas. So I wanted to share my most favorite of all Joker quotes, do note it's based off a comic instead of the movie...

"In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and blew it out."

- Shadow Of The Bat #37

I believe the Joker to be the future of mankind. A desentsitized creature of survival & pleasure. A rather bleak outlook but not impossible.

As the book "Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On A Serious Earth" mentions:

- Joker isn't insane but more of a case of "super sanity", that's why sometimes he the playful clown & at times a mass murdering psychopath.

...pardon my ramblings.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

All this talk about Joker is making me giddier than a kid on the night before Christmas. So I wanted to share my most favorite of all Joker quotes, do note it's based off a comic instead of the movie...

"In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and blew it out."

- Shadow Of The Bat #37

I believe the Joker to be the future of mankind. A desentsitized creature of survival & pleasure. A rather bleak outlook but not impossible.

As the book "Arkham Asylum - A Serious House On A Serious Earth" mentions:

- Joker isn't insane but more of a case of "super sanity", that's why sometimes he the playful clown & at times a mass murdering psychopath.

...pardon my ramblings.

Morrison and McKean :rock Still one of my favourite GNs!
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I have never known a 2.0 of any product to not be an improvement.

First, "2.0" can easily refer to an edition. But even if we assume it's an "improvement"...

I never said there wouldn't be improvements, and even suggested the idea myself. I mentioned the PERS mechanism. Another possible improvement is the number of tails on his coat.

But these are small things - much like the "improvements" between the Rocketeer figure, the Rocketeer 2.0, and the Rocketeer 2.5 figures were small improvements. Nothing drastic or generally all that noticeable, except to the diehards.

And how exactly is a Nurse Joker an "improvement" over a Police Joker figure? It's not - it's something completely different. A brand new figure.

However, I wouldn't feel comfortable owning that as a figure because out of context, it's down right strange. It's like having some weird, sexual anime doll practicing cosplay on display in the collection. A tranny Joker figure with a white and pink skirt, that just doesn't fly with me.

Well on its own, sure.

But when you've got the Nurse Joker surrounded by the Bank Robber Joker, the Police Joker, and the clown Joker, it's just another outfit and variant, and doesn't look weird at all.

Beyond that, if you've got all the other Batman figures as well, it fits even better!

The context is the collection - a Nurse Joker isn't supposed to be on its own. I would suspect only collectors of Ledger's Joker specifically, or multiple Batman figures in general, would enjoy a Nurse Joker, just as only they might enjoy a Two-Face or multiple Batman outfits. But if you only collect one or two figures from each movie, and collect figures from all kinds of different movies, then I can totally see thinking a Nurse Joker might be weird.

I've had many guests compliment me on the Nurse Joker specifically - not because it's weird, but because it's cool see the visual of such a small, but very memorable, moment of the film. They "get" it, because it's surrounded by 30-odd figures of other characters from the movie.

But Nurse Joker rocks, was one of the best sequences, and I'm a little surprised Cop Joker was made before it.

I believe the DX Joker was intended as a bit of a "tribute" to Heath Ledger. So I suspect the Cop Joker was picked partly because it looks more like Heath, with the lack of makeup.

(Also, they had done 4 other makeup Joker sculpts by that point, and a Nurse Joker would've probably necessitated a fifth, which would be kind of boring when the unique flesh-toned look of the Cop Joker hadn't yet been done).

All it says to me is that The Joker is not only homicidal but also suicidal. Which is seen throughout the movie with all the stunts he pulls i.e. no big surprise. :lol

I'm not sure "suicidal" is the right word to use.

The Joker certainly was reckless with his life, and at times showed no regard for his safety. But I think "suicidal" implies the explicit desire to kill one's self or to die, which was not one of the Joker's issues. There's probably a better word for it (not caring one way or the other if one dies), but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

One very interesting way of looking at the "Dark Knight" (and the Joker) that I happened across recently can be found here:

The ordinariness of persuasion explains why it can be exploited by villains. Heath Ledger's Joker is scarier than Jack Nicholson's because, beneath a patina of crazy, he sounds reasonable. He persuades the bank robbers to kill one another so they can get a bigger cut, even though this means they all risk being done in by one another; he persuades the Mafiosi to employ him to eliminate Batman, even though this means they will all be in his pocket. He uses blackmail and violence, too, but these are complementary rhetorical strategies. He's not just a psychopath — he's a sophist. Witness the way he tips the unstable Dent — a man whose success as a lawyer depends on his ability to make convincing-sounding arguments — over the edge into mania.
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

^ Would "reckless abandon" describe what you're trying describe?
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

i really really hope that they will include in this dx 2.0 the nurse outfit AND the police one (other than the "normal" joker outfit imporved).
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

I saw The Dark Knight a few weeks ago and fell in love with Heath Ledger’s version of The Joker. He was dark but funny, psychotic yet calculated, perverted yet… perverted. Watching him wreak havoc on the streets of Gothom City was confronting because, in many ways, he reminded me of myself. I’m sure a lot of people felt the same.

Why the Joker reminded me of myself?
Let me get this clear. The Joker didn’t remind me of myself because I take pleasure in killing people. I don’t. In fact, my friends will tell you that I am not even that fantastic watching overly violent movies. So it wasn’t the murderer part of him that did it. What about the guy who likes to cause chaos for no reason other than that he likes to see people suffer? Nope. Not that either.

So why did the Joker remind me of myself? When I was sitting in the cinema watching the Joker licking his lips and blowing up the District Attorney I couldn’t help but feel some connection. But why? Maybe it has something to do with this quote:

And I think that’s where the connection came from. I felt a little bit guilty. This crazy madman was speaking words that made sense to me. And the fact that Heath Ledger delivered them in the most amazing piece of “acting” I have seen in a long time made it all the more powerful.

You see, I am a little bit like one of those people he is talking about. It is quite easy to be a nice and kind and compassionate person when it is sunny and warm outside. But when things start to look grey and aren’t going my way I seem to lose that sense of morality. I snap. I am impatient. I am selfish. And that was the Joker’s main ambition in life – to prove that when there is chaos people will “eat each other”.

But what about Batman?
Batman, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. He believed in the good in people. He thought that, when under pressure, people would choose to do the right thing. Whatever you want to call it – divinity, buddha nature, inherent purity, etc. – Batman believed in it and he wanted to embody it. He wanted to be a physical manifestation of that inner goodness to show people that they could do the same.

And that is what I believe. Deep down I know that the basic nature of a human being is goodness. It is not evil.

But that is not what freaked me out about the Joker. As far as I can tell the Joker never said that the basic nature of humans was evil. No. What he said was that when the chips are down they would “eat each other”. And that concerns me.

I often wonder whether I would choose to do the right thing if the chips were down. Would I put other people before myself in a crisis or would I just work to save my own skin? I’d like to think that I would be a “Batman”. But as I sat in that cinema and watched Heath Ledger taunt Batman with these questions a little bit of fear crept in to my mind. I was afraid he was right.

So… the chips are down… are you Batman or are you the Joker?


Great post. But remember, even Batman gave in to his own selfish desire. Not to save his own skin, but to save the person he most cared about when given the choice between saving Harvey or Rachel. He didn't even hesitate. He didn't even THINK (that it could be a trick)---he instantly decided to focus on saving Rachel even though he knew that Harvey was more important to the "soul" of Gotham. ("You're the symbol of hope I can never be.... first legitimate ray of light in Gotham in decades.")

He chose to do what is best for himself over what is best for Gotham, and he suffered for it.

The only good part is that he learned his lesson from it in the end. When Gordon wanted to storm the building with the clowns and the "hostages", Batman knew it wasn't that simple. "it never is with the Joker".
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

First, "2.0" can easily refer to an edition. But even if we assume it's an "improvement"...

I never said there wouldn't be improvements, and even suggested the idea myself. I mentioned the PERS mechanism. Another possible improvement is the number of tails on his coat.

And how exactly is a Nurse Joker an "improvement" over a Police Joker figure? It's not - it's something completely different. A brand new figure.


You said that other than fixing of PERs you expected it to be a straight re-release.

Fixing of the coat tails is not a straight re-release in my book. It addresses a significant inaccuracy.

I said i think they'll improve the DX purple outfit for accuracy (coat tails, better vest, for example) and I also said I expect a new head sculpt for the pruple suit joker, potentially with rooted hair (but i doubt it).

And I said I expect the 2nd outfit to be Nurse instead of Cop to address the fact that that is the only outfit they have not made - plus it will suck in owners of the DX01 even if they think any changes to the purple outfit are not worth the plunge
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

lol....SS's site already running slow

The clowns haven't updated me to priority pre-order status :gah::slap:impatient::cuckoo:

Will have to make an international call to them to see if I can sort it out to order the ******* Batman

And yes - i'm posting in this thread because the other one is locked:slap
Re: Hot Toys New DX TDK Joker 2.0 Coming?

The clowns haven't updated me to priority pre-order status :gah::slap:impatient::cuckoo:

Will have to make an international call to them to see if I can sort it out to order the ******* Batman

And yes - i'm posting in this thread because the other one is locked:slap

Disappointed that mods locked that thread. Would've made the best reading since CR Supes.
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